Fairy Winner

Chapter 1353: Miasma, eggs

When there were still 100,000 miles away from the mountain of Shu, Zhou Shu disguised as a sixth-class priest of the barbarian and mixed into a barbarian army. Zero reading

The language is not very familiar, but after a few hours, it is no longer a problem.

The status of the sixth-class priests is not high or low, but it is enough to ask about some of the barbarians. Zhou Shu also has a deeper understanding of the battle between Shushan and the barbarians.

After dozens of days, the army arrived at Shushan.

The once bright and beautiful Shu Mountain was surrounded by a thick layer of black smoke at this time, and there was no day in sight, as if it were in the eternal night.

That's a dark miasma.

From a barbarian high priest who specializes in miasma, Jiagu of the Black Mountain tribe, Jiagu has obtained the power of the ancient barbarian **** Miasma. The black miasma cast is far from comparable to ordinary priests. The range is larger, thicker, and more terrifying, even if it is It is also difficult for the monk to fly in the tribulation realm, and there are more miasma in contact with the body, which causes a lot of damage to the monk.

The barbarians were able to encircle Shushan, and the dark miasma of Jiagu played a huge role.

If you look closely, you will find that there are countless tiny worm eggs in the miasma.

These worm eggs are not Gu worms, and their individual effects are naturally far inferior to Gu worms, but when the number is large to a certain extent, they are no worse than Gu worms, perhaps stronger!

Within these thousands of miles of miasma, the number of hidden worm eggs is difficult to count. I am afraid that there will not be tens of billions. Any immortal cultivator who does not take adequate defensive measures will be contaminated with worm eggs if he enters. If it is cleared, the result will be disastrous.

There are many kinds of eggs, and the most are blood-sucking worms.

This kind of tiny needle-pointed insect can change from an egg to a small insect within a few hundred breaths, and then continue to swallow the blood of the cultivator to grow. If it goes well, it will take a short time to mature, about twelve. It can be fully mature and begin to lay eggs within an hour, and lay no less than a thousand eggs, and so on.

A monk at the Nascent Infant realm, after being touched by a blood-sucking worm, will find it difficult to use his vitality and fall into a period of exhaustion for a long time. At least a few months can not fight to get rid of the endless worm eggs. Monk, basically just waiting to die.

Blood-sucking worms are just one of them, the most terrifying is the bone eaters.

If the blood-sucking worm is the nightmare of the low-level immortal cultivator, then the bone eater is the nightmare of the high-level immortal cultivator.

This completely invisible bug is pervasive, and the vitality shield cannot stop it. Once it enters the body, it will live in the bones of the cultivator, paralyzing the cultivator and completely lose the ability to move, even in the state of transformation. The monk is also easy to follow the way, and it is attached to the bone marrow, which is extremely difficult to get rid of. It often takes several years of hard training, but even after getting rid of it, the cultivation level will drop a lot.

Bone worms are the poisonous worms that immortal cultivators worry about the most, and their color changes.

When Zhou Shu learned about this, he couldn't help but give birth to some worries. With such a combination of miasma and worm eggs, even Shu Mountain would inevitably suffer.

Could it be that Shushan is really under siege?

However, he also has a lot of doubts.

As far as Zhou Shu knows, blood-sucking worms are fine, but the bone-eaten worms are extremely rare. It takes more than a little bit of resources to cultivate such rare poisonous worms. Moreover, he has never heard of the barbarians that cultivate so many bone-eaten worms. The ability of insects, it seems that poisonous man can only extract insect poison, and living insects, poisonous man cannot cultivate, is it Gu man?

Yes, this kind of thing can only be done by Gu Man, who is most afraid of the immortal cultivation world.

Gu Man, isn't it extinct?

Zhou Shu seemed to understand something, as if he understood something.

Outside of the miasma, the barbarian camps are next to each other, barbaric soldiers and beast mounts are everywhere, shouting one after another, shaking the sky, every few hundred miles, there is a large camp, let out a little Divine consciousness knew that there was a barbarian high priest guarding one side.

Shushan is really surrounded by iron buckets, and water can't leak.

Zhou Shu followed the barbarian army through several levels and walked into the camp. He dragged his mount, walked slowly, and listened to the situation.

After walking out for hundreds of miles, he was slightly stagnant, with a hint of glamour at the corner of his mouth, and walked quickly towards a camp.

Compared with other camps made of bones and stones, this one made of bamboo leaves and plants is obviously much more delicate, and there is no sacrificial blood outside, nor the noise of the Chiguo barbarians. It is very quiet and has a feeling. The strong medicinal smell came out from it, making people feel uncomfortable.

Around the camp, there are many hidden or hidden guardians of the barbarians, but for Zhou Shu, it is not a problem.

"Get out! Don't disturb me!"

Zhou Shu just opened the camp door, he heard a big curse, and what followed was a broken barnacle.

Zhou Shu stretched his hand away, looked at the barbarian who was busy refining medicine, smiled and said hello, "Long time no see."

"Get out! Didn't you see that I'm busy, don't you get out?!"

After the barbarian cursed loudly, and saw that the person was still not leaving, he raised his head and stared at Zhou Shu with a dissatisfaction, but after only one glance, he was a little dumbfounded, "It's you? How could it be you?"

"Why can't it be me?"

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, and put down the tent~www.ltnovel.com~Luo Baima, long time no see. "

Entering the camp, the divine consciousness quickly covered it, and no matter what happened inside, no one could notice it outside.

Looking at Zhou Shu, Luo Baima's face was earthy, "You... how did you get in, are you... here to kill me?"

"I'm going to kill you early."

Zhou Shushi approached Shiran and looked at Luo Baima and shook his head slightly, "Well, at least ten priests are guarding your camp, including the high priest. It seems that this time the barbarian attacked Shushan, your contribution is not Little, did you do a lot of effort?"

Luo Baima didn't speak, and his body couldn't help shaking, very frightened.

Indeed, this time the barbarian siege of Shushan, he made a great contribution. Most of the bone-eaten insect eggs were his credit. It is not that he cultivated it completely, but he developed a large-scale reproduction of bone-eaten insects. The way of spawning was then taught to other barbarians, and because of this, he now has a very high position in the barbarian army, and he is usually protected by many barbarians.

He thought that from then on, the Luojia tribe and him would be infinitely beautiful, but he never expected that the person who frightened him the most suddenly appeared in front of him.

how can that be?

Zhou Shu, who was walking in the camp, looked left and right, looked at the worm pots and barnacles everywhere, and said thoughtfully, "It seems that you did it. I wonder how the barbarians There will be so many methods, it turned out that Gu Man who once disappeared is back again, ha ha."

"Come on!"

Luo Baima was stunned for a while, then suddenly shouted hoarsely.

"It's useless, no one cares about you if you break your throat."

Zhou Shu stared at him and shook his head slightly, "It was also unexpected that you were left behind and you did such a big thing, ha ha."

"what are you going to do?"

Luo Baima turned pale and trembling. rw

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