Fairy Winner

Chapter 1356: 1 entry

The situation is not good, and if this continues, even if the high priest can block the attack of the formation, the barbarians will be disintegrated and defeated.

The Whirlwind High Priest's complexion sank, his hands suddenly loosened, and the whole person sank to the ground.

Suddenly countless mounds appeared on the ground. The mounds were not large, but the scattered barbarians were enclosed to avoid being attacked by sword repairs. At the same time, dozens of soil pillars rose from the ground and surrounded the sword repairs in mid-air.

The soil pillar is thick, but extremely dexterous, like a long whip, it advances and retreats suddenly, and within a few breaths, it forces the sword repair to the left and the right.

Standing on the side, Zhou Shu was slightly surprised when he perceives it carefully.

The Cyclone High Priest’s ability to manipulate earth and rocks has reached the realm. Different from the power of the immortal cultivator to drive the five elements, the high priest focuses more on driving the essence of earth and rocks, incorporating divine power into them, as if giving life to earth and rocks, turning them into living creatures. Zhou Shu's surprise was that he did not find where the high priest was. It looked like the high priest had incorporated himself into the earth and rocks.

Divine power, really amazing.

The sword repair was gradually pushed away, and Xiuli's face was piled up with solemnity, she suddenly gritted her teeth, as if she had made some decision.

The light of the blue sword in his hand skyrocketed, and it suddenly transformed into a giant snake, fearing that it would not be hundreds of feet long, the snake head was raised high, glanced around, swung its tail, and suddenly rushed towards the ground.

The giant snake is almost indistinguishable from the real alien beast, and its momentum grows stronger.

The barbarians surrounding the mound could not perceive it, but the Cyclone High Priest hiding in the soil pillar had a tight face. He knew that the snake was not only an ancient beast, but also an extremely powerful sword intent. , Even if it is him, he must resist with all his strength, and I don't know if it can be stopped.

Before I had time to think about it, dozens of soil pillars gathered together and quickly unfolded, forming a big umbrella, protecting the barbarians in it.

Above the big umbrella, there is no half light, and it is as dark as a stone, indicating that the divine power is completely contained in it, and there is no one out.

But the giant snake fell down, seeing that it was about to fall onto the big umbrella, but suddenly turned a corner and hit the solid wall ahead.

"not good!"

The high priest cursed secretly in his heart, but at this time it was too late to protect the strong wall. He could only watch the giant snake hit the wall.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A large amount of divine strength gathered, and without resisting it a few times, many cracks appeared and dispersed.

Almost at the same time that the strong wall fell, the giant snake disappeared, replaced by a sword repairer with a green sword.

Jianxiu's face turned pale, showing a lot of fatigue, and her hair was scattered, her eyes were bright, and the corners of her mouth were smiling. She turned around and took a look. She quickly flew into the formation. The goal was reached, and she didn't stay there anymore. significance.

The Whirlwind High Priest appeared from the big umbrella and looked at the formation coldly, his expression extremely dark.

That strong wall, but condensed his efforts for several months, not only has divine power, but also has many auxiliary blood and savage beast materials. It is his most important weapon to resist the all-inclusive array. Now once it is destroyed, Since I can't continue.


After a cry, the high priest took the barbarians back and withdrew from the formation.

Not far away, in the ten directions, Jian Xiu watched the barbarian retreat, and he sighed softly, muttering to himself, "Huh, there is no problem here, I don’t know how other places are, I hope it’s okay. Right."

A gentle voice rang around her, "It will be fine, rest assured."


Jian Xiu lightly his head, his expression is quite satisfied, but soon he will feel relieved, his face instantly pales, "Who, who is talking to me?"

There was a shock of mind.

How could it be possible that someone came to her without her knowing it?

She hurriedly turned her head and looked around. She also let go of her consciousness to the maximum, but found nothing.

Her heart is even colder, the other party's cultivation base is so, her own life cannot be saved, and the big formation is found to be more deadly.

The speaker was naturally Zhou Shu. At the moment Jianxiu left, he clung to her back and followed her into the formation. Because the two were too tightly attached, they were almost the same as one person. The formation was unable to detect it, and did not attack him.

"Don't worry, it's me, Zhou Shu."

Zhou Shu smiled and patted her shoulder gently, "I'm behind you."

"Ah, Zhou Shu?!"

Jian Xiu exclaimed, with a hint of joy in his astonishment, he turned around in a hurry, and couldn't help but said, "Why did you come, why can't I see you? Are you really there?"

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "It's not good to be seen by you, if I feel it by the formation, I can't guarantee that I can resist it."


Jian Xiu seemed thoughtful, "So you leaned on me, avoided the formation, and sneaked in, but how you did it is really hard to imagine..." As she thought about it, she became more and more pleased, "But you can do it. The people here, the people who can come to Shushan at this time, I think it may only be you."

Zhou Shu said, "I'll take a look."

Jian Xiu said in a low voice, "Come out, I still have a talisman on me, just give it to you."


Zhou Shu quietly backed away a few steps~www.ltnovel.com~ Blue light flashed on his body, smoke rose, and several domains began to work at the same time.

At the same time as it retreated, the Shi Fang Ju Mie Grand Formation was launched, and countless Yuan Li, like a tide, rushed towards Zhou Shu.

Jian Xiu sensed the difference and confirmed that the person was really Zhou Shu, completely relaxed in his heart.

"Give you."

The talisman that was tightly held in his hand was immediately thrown over.

If not, the talisman will be crushed immediately, not just that one, even the talisman on her body will also be broken at the same time. If she cannot get rid of it, she will never bring people into the formation. I would rather be attacked by a large array of all directions with that person.

At the same time Zhou Shu took the formation talisman, the Yuan Li that had rushed to his side instantly retreated and disappeared without a trace.

Turning around, standing in front of Jian Xiu, Zhou Shu smiled slightly, bowing his hands and saying, "Friend Mo, meet again."

Jian Xiu is naturally Mo Lianxing, one of Shushan's most core disciples. She admires Zhou Shu very much and regards Zhou Shu as a goal to catch up. Zhou Shu also has a little appreciation for her and always has the heart to support her.

Mo Lianxing glanced at Zhou Shu, a hint of unknown joy flashed in his eyes, and he gave a salute, "Zhou Shu, it is really a blessing for me to see fellow Daoist again, a blessing for Shushan."

Zhou Shu laughed unconsciously, "You are serious, there are countless seniors in Shushan, I am nothing at all."


Mo Lianxing sighed lightly, a trace of sadness appeared on his face, and he wanted to say, "Zhou Shu, let me take you to Zhinan Peak first. Elder Miao is there. You can talk to her if you have anything."

"it is good."

Zhou Shu head, followed behind Mo Lianxing, and flew towards Zhinan Peak.

He is a little strange, is there really something wrong with Shushan?

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