Fairy Winner

Chapter 1365: Wanghai City

Stepping on the solid ground, Zhou Shu turned around and looked at the sea as calm as before.

I could only see it faintly, and there seemed to be a familiar but undesirable face on the sea, that expression was very angry.

Zhou Shu smiled disdainfully, turned and left.

There is no doubt that Tian Dao will attack him, but Zhou Shu will also be more cautious and will not leave Tian Dao too many opportunities to take advantage of. However, some opportunities are inevitable, such as crossing the catastrophe, or completely recovering. Refining demon pot and so on.

Because of the eagerness, the return journey was quick.

He chose to go back from the Daqin Mountains because he wanted to go to Ci Hangzong to see Yan Yue and Bian Xue.

A little disappointed, neither of them saw it, both of them were in retreat.

The last time Master Miaodi’s calculations made Yan Yue see some future. Zhou Shu felt that the future must not be so good. Otherwise, Yan Yue would not be so urgent. Yan Yue is a very independent person and decided something. She would do it, she chose to do this, Zhou Shu would not influence her to change her, just let the flow take place, no matter what outcome she would face in the future.

Ci Hangzong and Tianjianmen lived next to each other, and Zhou Shu inevitably passed through Tianjianmen.

The Heavenly Sword Gate was a little different from the past. The closed mountain gate was opened again, and there were many more disciples entering and leaving. From their words, Zhou Shu learned that the Heavenly Sword Gate will have many actions recently, annexing the sect, uniting the family, and Kaidong Shengjian Club and so on.

After stinging for decades, is that ambition ready to move again?

It’s no wonder that large sects like the Heavenly Sword Gate will never rest for too long, especially at the moment when they know that major changes are about to happen, they will definitely take more and more actions to strengthen their influence and stabilize their position. .

Zhou Shu didn't care, they did theirs, but if it provokes the Dutch school, Zhou Shu would not let it go.

After dozens of days, Zhou Shu came to Wanghai City.

One of the five anti-sea cities, now it is the territory of the Dutch school.

Divine consciousness swept through the inside and outside of the city, Zhou Shu nodded slightly. It was good in all aspects. It was flourishing, just like Lingyu City decades ago, but Wanghai City was much larger than Lingyu City.

He deliberately released some breath, and soon two monks flew out from the city gate to welcome Zhou Shu.

"This fellow Taoist...ah!"

The headed female correction was about to hand over, suddenly stagnated, and said in surprise, "Sect Master Zhou, how did you come here and when did you come back?"

Said and quickly saluted.

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded and lifted her up, "Elder Lu, why be courteous, I just came back, passing by."

The sister was Lv Xiaoxian, the elder of the Liuxia Sect. Later, she received the fire spirit bestowed by Zhou Shu and devoted herself to working for the Heyin School. She made a breakthrough ten years ago and reached the state of transforming the gods. She was then appointed by Zhou Shu to manage Wanghai. The city is also the master of a city.

Lu Xiaoxian nodded lightly, and continued to say, "Sect Master is rare to come, but you can leave without a look. Xiaoxian will order people to prepare to meet the Sect Master."

"If you don't know how to leave, I will stay for a few days, but I don't need to prepare anymore, haha."

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, looking at the city, and said with emotion, "Elder Lu, your Wanghai City is really good, and it develops faster than the original Lingyu City. It's incredible and amazing."

"Xiaoxian didn't do too much. It was all the rules set by the Sovereign. I won’t be wrong if I follow the rules. What's more, our Heyin Sect is so famous now that everything goes smoothly. Just start from scratch, that's completely different."

Lu Xiaoxian shook her head and looked at Zhou Shu with admiration in her eyes.

After she came out, she understood Zhou Shu's greatness even more. According to the management experience passed down by Zhou Shu, it is better not to develop a city of cultivators too quickly.

Zhou Shu smiled, looked at the monk beside him, and said in a strange way, "Hey, why are you here?"

The monk bowed and saluted and said respectfully, "Sovereign, the younger generation came by the order of his mother. The mother said that when he was young, he must travel more and do practical things, so that he can have better achievements in the future and inherit his father's legacy."

Lu Xiaoxian nodded and said to Zhou Shu, "This child is very good, regardless of his young age, he is cautious and responsible to the extreme, and he has never made any mistakes. It is really rare. Moreover, look at the Sovereign, the runes in this city are all He did it."

On Wanghai City, there is a row of rune formation bunkers lined up, obviously newly made, and its power is still above the rune formation bunker on Paradise Island.

The military family really deserves its reputation.

"The city lord is absurdly praised, the younger generation just took a little more time, it's nothing."

The monk bowed to Lu Xiaoxian, his complexion was calm, his eyes were calm, and there was no arrogance.

Zhou Shu glanced at him, and nodded with satisfaction, "You really are a famous family, Fu Yan, you are very good."

The monk was Zhuge Fuyan, the son of Zhuge Yan and Wang Yingyue, the young master of the Zhuge family. After Zhuge Yan died, Wang Yingyue left with her young son. After experiencing a lot of hardships, she was taken in by the Heyin Sect and lived a peaceful life ever since.

Zhuge Fuyan looked at Zhou Shu with an inexplicable brilliance in his eyes, "Thank you for your praise, but the younger generation still has many shortcomings about the military. My mother said that she can find the lord for anything. I wonder if I can ask the lord?"

"Your mother is smart, and you are smart."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly and nodded, "Military is the specialty of your Zhuge family. I don't know much about it, but if you want to study together, I naturally welcome it."

Last time Wang Yingyue wanted to teach Zhuge's military tactics to Zhou Shu, but Zhou Shu refused. Now she tells her son to teach Zhou Shu through his son~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhou Shu will not refuse again. , Because he understood the truth, the last time he refused was to let Wang Yingyue see clearly, and to give her some time, but after all these years, she had clearly seen it completely.

If she wants to help Zhuge Fuyan and Yan again regain the position of the head of the Zhuge family, she must rely on Zhou Shu, and she also knows that the Dutch school will never be inferior to the Zhuge family and can unite with the Dutch family. This is also a great benefit to the Zhuge family. It is worthwhile to sacrifice some family inheritance for this, and it is also a price that must be paid.

"The juniors have been in the city to congratulate the lord over the past few days."

Zhuge Fuyan seemed to be relieved, bowed, and stepped aside.

Zhou Shu nodded lightly, without saying anything.

Wang Yingyue's willingness to let Zhuge Fuyan out for practice shows that Zhuge Fuyan has a good ability. Zhou Shu can also see that although he is only in the Yuanying stage, he is quite strong, not weaker than Yuanying. Stage monk, and he also carried two top-quality magic weapons on his body. One of them was a Tier 6 top-grade defense magic weapon that there are not many in the entire world of cultivation. With such a magic weapon, there should be no danger in Dongsheng Prefecture. Now, this is the protection on the bright side.

As for those in the secret ground, it goes without saying that Zhou Shu has been arranging for a secret repair to follow him by his side.


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