Fairy Winner

Chapter 1373: leave

After chatting for a long time, Ning Xuanqing paused and came to the topic.

"Zhou Shu, are you going to cross the robbery?"

Zhou Shu was slightly calm, "Well, I will leave tomorrow. If you come back late, I'm afraid you won't see me."

"Don't say such a thing."

Ning Xuanqing couldn't help frowning, and whispered, "I believe that others can't come back through the robbery, but I don't believe you can't come back."

Zhou Shu questioned, "So confident in me?"

Glancing at him, Ning Xuanqing nodded, showing a little seriousness, "That's for sure."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, replaced the wine with tea, and toasted a cup, "Thank you."

"But..." After hesitating for a while, Ning Xuan said slowly, "There seems to be a pill that can help immortal cultivators overcome the catastrophe in Wushuang City. You should know, are you ready?"

"Help crossing the robbery..."

Zhou Shu stagnated, as if thinking of something, he couldn't help but wonder, "Are you talking about the Pill of Heaven? How do you know this?"

"Yes, it is the Pill of Destiny."

Ning Xuanqing showed a bit of joy, "The city lord showed up with me that day, and I saw it, and I couldn't think of it. Wushuang City has even this kind of treasure..." She shook her head and said disappointedly, "It's a pity. There are so many points that I can’t get, but you should be fine, right?"

"This city lord, haha," Zhou Shu smiled unconsciously, "Don't worry, I have a destiny pill, but I shouldn't need it."

Ning Xuanqing said anxiously, "Ah, why not use it, if you can add a little bit, it can be a little bit."

"Destiny, destiny."

A trace of disdain appeared at the corner of Zhou Shu's mouth, "I'm about to overcome the catastrophe, and I still believe in the destiny, let alone this day, it won't kill me."

He had the Destiny Pill a long time ago, but he never felt that he needed it, and this name did not fit his current idea of ​​heaven.

"Heaven is not giving orders..."

Ning Xuanqing was stunned, muttering, seemingly unclear.

Zhou Shu gently shook his head, "Don't think too much, I am different from you."

"I know, you have always been different," she said unconsciously, she glanced at Zhou Shu, and said thoughtfully, "You don't have to be sure that you have your reason, I won't say much. ...I believe you will be able to come back."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "Of course, I want to come back to drink your tea."

Ning Xuanqing nodded seriously, "Waiting for you."


Zhou Shu stood up, arched his hands, and disappeared in an instant, while Ning Xuanqing sat there, sluggish for a long time, thinking about her own thoughts.

Soon, Zhou Shu left Lingyu City and flew to the East China Sea.

The boundless and unmanned sea has always been a favorite place for cultivators to cross the catastrophe. On the lonely island of the sea, one person should cater for the catastrophe. There are three advantages:

First, show your attitude to the Dao of Heaven. You don’t need other people’s help or affect other people. This way, the catastrophe will be smaller, and in a crowded place, the catastrophe will feel that you use other people to rob, and the corresponding power will be Increase.

Second, avoid interruptions, make it easier to arrange various formations, and make the most complete preparations.

Third, even if they die, not many people know this. This is very important. Some sects often have only one monk who can overcome the calamity. Once they know that the monk is dead, other sects will take advantage of it.

Zhou Shu also intends to survive the catastrophe in the sea, not for these reasons.

He had determined long ago that he would find a place where water, fire and earth merged to overcome the catastrophe. Such a place is most likely to be found only in the sea.

The reason must start a long time ago.

Soon after finding the Jin Yin Jue, Zhou Shu completely practiced the Five Elements Ancient Jue to perfection, and began to deduce the Five Elements General Outline.

The Five Elements General Outline says that to complete the practice of the Five Elements Law Jue, you can also try to unite the five elements and transform each other into one, forming the body of the five elements like a dragon. The body of the five elements is no less than the body of the catastrophe, and even stronger.

To this end, the Five Elements General Program has made a plan to introduce the power of the five elements into the body to generate five different five element seeds in the body, and then cultivate them one by one, let them gradually grow, and finally merge them.

Zhou Shu tried to do it. He gave birth to the seed of wood and fire, and he also got the power of wood and fire in his body. It circulated in the energy veins like a vitality, but he deduced and tried countless times. , Can not fully adapt to the two five element powers, balance without offsetting, and have no harm to the body, and can merge and decompose at any time. It is not only difficult, but also an impossible task for the cultivator.

The cultivator is not a chi beast, let alone a chi dragon.

He gave up, he overturned this idea and looked for other ways to integrate the five elements.

After a long time of deduction, he finally came up with a feasible method, that is, to find a place where the five elements are combined, to obtain the power of the five elements and then merge, merge into the power of the five elements and then blend into the body, using The power of the five elements comes to wash the body, thereby obtaining the body of the five elements.

Some tricks, but the chance of success is definitely much greater than the integration of the five elements in the body.

Once done, the body will be able to surpass the current state of Consummation, and be more resilient, like a dragon, reach or even exceed the level of transitional calamity, and will be able to survive the catastrophe more safely.

The body is as strong as a dragon before crossing the catastrophe, so what is the catastrophe?

The land of the five elements is hard to find in the Xuanhuang world. Whether in ancient times or now, there are only two kinds of five elements in the hidden dragon valley that Zhou Shu has visited. According to ancient records, there are in the earliest ancient Kunlun secret cave, but now It is definitely not realistic to go.

However, for Zhou Shu, it is almost enough to find three, because he has brought enough wood and gold materials, and then he can use the perfect five elements to enlarge and strengthen it. Of course, if he has been sleeping all the time Xiaogun can wake up in time, it is more perfect, but it can be without Xiaogun.

The East China Sea is so big that you won’t even be able to find such a place~www.ltnovel.com~ Besides, he has a map of the East China Sea given by Jiao Ling. After a careful scan, he already has many goals, about seven or eight islands. The conditions may be met.

Just look for them one by one.

The land of the five elements is prepared for the body, but in terms of the primordial spirit, there are not many requirements for the location, just enough vitality and aura, this is not a problem.

What I want to say is that one month after returning to the Heyin Sect, he merged the second soul with the main soul.

His main body soul is much stronger than the second soul, and it is not a magnitude at all. Unity is like a river flowing into the sea, and it has almost no impact on Zhou Shu's soul. Of course, there are minor changes. Yes, that second soul has been cultivating alone for more than ten years, and he has a trace of self-consciousness. It is unavoidable that he has a little bit of self-consciousness. It was completely swallowed by Zhou Shu.

What Zhou Shu wanted was complete control, he didn't need any other consciousness in the body.

For other cultivators, this is very troublesome, but for Zhou Shu, it is not a big deal at all.

Without the side of the second soul, what Zhou Shu has to do now is to find a suitable place to fit together, unite the body, unite the soul and the body, welcome the catastrophe, and survive the catastrophe.



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