Fairy Winner

Chapter 1377: Fearless

Over the East China Sea.

The two monks walked on the clouds, floating like a fairy.

An old man with white beard and a yellow-mouthed child, carved and jade.

The old man turned to the child and said politely, "Brother Xiahou, this matter is still a bit weird to me, why did the palace lord invite us?"

"I want to do so much."

The child glanced at him, slightly bored, "It is her business that she is willing to invite us. For us, enough rewards are enough."

"The remuneration is a lot, even we have to be tempted," the old man said doubtfully, "but Brother Ding doesn't think it's strange that a sea clan sees swordsmanship compared to swords?"

"This is not something we should consider."

The child frowned, "I said Brother Liu, the reason why you appear to be old is because you think about too many things. When you are in our state, just take care of yourself. If you think about so many things, do nothing but worry. She is willing to watch. We compare swords, let her go, it has nothing to do with me."

"Brother Xiahou is right, but the old man just likes to think too much, he can't turn around," the old man sighed unconsciously, pondered for a while, and couldn't help but said, "Brother Xiahou, do you think she will be Jian Xiu, not the Sea Clan but our immortal cultivator?"

The child sneered, "Funny."

He glanced at the old man, and he whispered, "It is clear at a glance who the palace lord is, the absolute true dragon bloodline, the 100% sea clan, but the transformation is exceptional, the cultivator? The cultivator will be the East China Sea Dragon Palace. Palace Master?"

The old man was slightly startled, and said blushing, "It's the old man who is so worried."

"Think less about other things, think more about how to overcome the catastrophe, you and I are not far away from the disaster."

The child reprimanded, turned to the front, only glanced at it, and was a little surprised, "Huh?"

The old man also noticed, "Ah, what is that?"

Thousands of miles ahead, the sky was densely covered with clouds, and the sky was dark at once. Compared with the place where the two of them were, it was like a dark night. In the clouds, there were more purple and black electric lights flashing like ten thousand snakes dancing wildly.

In an instant, the clouds continued to rotate, causing many large and small vortices to appear in the sea. The sea surface was violently fluctuating, and huge waves hit the sky, beating the sea level, sending a deafening sound. sound.

The child whispered, "Do you still have to ask, someone or a monster must be crossing the robbery."

The old man nodded repeatedly, "This kind of power, most of the realm is very high, if it is a monster..."

"That's my blessing," the child nodded, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, "Unfortunately no, judging from the clouds and the sea, it should be the fourth calamity of the cultivator, and you and I will meet It's the same as God."

"In other words, there is a Tribulation Realm Three-tier Monk just like us below."

The old man's eyes flashed and excitedly said, "That's also a chance, you and I can watch the monks of the same rank cross the catastrophe, you can learn from it, and prepare yourself for the catastrophe, good thing, really good!"

"That's what I said," the child seemed to be thoughtful, nodding, "Although it is a taboo to watch people cross the catastrophe, but they don't care about it. Who knows if he can succeed, hehe."

The old man nodded and said with a smile, "If you succeed, you will make friends, and if you fail, you will help him inform the world."

The two urged the cloud and flew to the dark cloud.

When it didn't fly long, the sea below became more and more violent, and large and small vortices continued to appear. The vortex turned out to be purple.

The two noticed, and they couldn't help but feel a little panic.

The old man's face was startled, "What, there are purple lightning in the sea, which means that the tribulation of heaven will also come from the ground, is it the tribulation of the union of heaven and earth?"

The child's expression is also serious, "It is said that this kind of calamity is only possible after crossing the sixth stage of the robbery, and attacking together, the power is more than doubled. Could it be that I missed it? The monk below is Senior?"

Among the many vortices, there is also a huge vortex. I am afraid that there will be no more than a hundred miles in the radius. Other vortices surround it, which is a vision.

The maelstrom was several miles above the sea level, and the huge waves were really monstrous. The turbid waves emptied, layered on top of each other, and the sound was like thunder.

At the very center of the whirlpool, there is a small island several miles in radius, almost completely blocked by the towering whirlpool, making it invisible.

"That man is on the island!"

The old man pointed to the center of the whirlpool and couldn't help shouting.

The child stared, his face suddenly changed, pale, and he was shocked to the extreme, "What?!"

The old man's eyes were also a little blurred, and he murmured, "That's right, he is a cultivator in the God Realm, in other words, is this his first catastrophe?"

"This is impossible!"

The child shook his head and wiped his eyes again, "How is it possible that a God Transformation Realm can attract such a big catastrophe?"


Suddenly the wind rose, and their complexions changed again.

They apparently noticed that the clouds under their feet were slowly turning yellow and black at a visible speed. That was because they were affected by the wind of the tribulation. It was a Tier 7 flying magic weapon, and it couldn’t sustain a tribulation. wind?

They glanced at each other, no longer caring about anything, quickly erected the protective shield.

Backed dozens of miles.

In the wind of the tribulation, the fire of the tribulation is still being carried, and the huge amount, like raindrops, falls in the sea and immediately burns.

With a little bit of perception, you can find that the fire of that day is no less than the seventh-order different fire.

The surface of the sea was quickly covered with the fire of heaven, thousands of miles of sea surface suddenly turned into a sea of ​​fire, and those whirlpools and water columns became fire dragons, with their mouths wide open, swallowing everything around, especially the largest whirlpool. It is like a hundred-mile fire dragon, connected end to end~www.ltnovel.com~ The huge mouth hangs above the isolated island in the middle, and it will fall down at any time.

The two had left in surprise.

The old man shivered, "This...this kind of catastrophe, the old man thinks he can't afford it, even if it's useless to use all the belongings, can it be said that the future catastrophe will be so powerful?"

"of course not!"

The child rebuked loudly, his expression calm but unable to conceal the panic in his heart, his pupils were so widened, "It's just that he is special, and I don't know who it is. It must be a wicked person who has provoked God, or is angry and angry, or else Evil cultivating the tribulation will lead to such a tribulation."

"It makes sense. Most of that person is evil cultivator, and Heaven will be angry."

The old man stared at the people on the island and nodded repeatedly, looking for an excuse he could understand.

The small island in the whirlpool, like a lone boat in the ocean, seems to be swaying with the whirlpool, and will capsize at any time, but the person sitting on the island is still calm, and there is no panic in his eyes. Even with a slight smile of contempt.

"Is it just like this?"

The voice in my heart seemed to spread out, manifested in the whole body, from the inside to the outside, it was a word, fearless.

ps: Thank you nul8888 for your continuous support, thank you for your support and rewards, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted.

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