Fairy Winner

Chapter 1382: Xuanhu's visit

Looking at the two of them, Zhou Shu's eyes were bright, "Are you sure it's her?"

Ding Sanwu was a little bit dumbfounded, and said quickly, "It must be! The body, demeanor and temperament are all different."

Xia Houying stared at the portrait, seemingly thoughtful, and turned to Zhou Shudao, "Seeing fellow Taoist paintings, it seems that the palace lord is right in front of you, lifelike. Would you like to come to the Taoist fellow to know the palace lord very well?"

Zhou Shu didn't answer, and waved his sleeves, and the portrait disappeared with the breeze.

The two were puzzled, Zhou Shu already folded his hands and smiled, "Thank you for telling me, I understand, if the two are fine, I am going to cultivate."

Xia Houying had doubts, but immediately raised her hands and smiled and said, "Don't disturb the daoists' cultivation, I'll wait to say goodbye."

Ding Sanwu also stood up quickly, although he was still a little reluctant to bear the original aura.

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, warmly said, "By the way, two fellow Taoists, please don't publicize the portrait."

"Understand, I am not a troubled person."

Xia Houying agreed, and soon left with Ding Sanwu and disappeared.

After flying far away, Ding Sanwu spoke and complained, "This is the order of eviction. It took more than an hour and no more points for the old man. Besides, how could he draw the palace lord’s , Don’t they know each other a long time ago? Interesting..."

Xia Houying frowned when she heard it, "Looking at your faceless and skinless look, I really don't know how you became a Great Sword Master."

"Who knows, good luck."

Ding Sanwu smiled, his eyes suddenly burst into light, the sword intent, biting, and even Xia Houying couldn't help but pause.

The sword intent quickly recovered, Ding Sanwu was already a lot more serious, and said slowly, "The old man is still very strange, this Zhou Shu is too abnormal...The first time others succeeded in crossing the Tribulation, they were overjoyed. After all, they reached the crossing state. It's like living a new life, but he doesn't seem to react at all. It's too calm. The old man has never seen anyone like this. What is his origin."

"When you say that, I feel the same way."

Xia Houying seemed thoughtful, "It's not the first time that he has crossed the Tribulation, but it seems that he hasn't paid attention to the Crossing Tribulation at all, and he is confident that he will be able to survive.

Ding Sanwu snorted, "If you don't fear the way of heaven, you will suffer from it in the future."

The two of them kept talking and went all the way.

And Zhou Shu on the isolated island is still thinking.

It is indeed a calm thing to cross the catastrophe to him, because if you have done enough preparations before, you will naturally have the confidence to survive, but it is strange to encounter danger.

He was thinking of something else.

The portrait painted before is Zhao Yueru.

Zhou Shu had thought that Zhao Yueru would go to the Dragon Palace, but she did not expect that she would actually be the lord of the Dragon Palace. This...in the secret realm before, Zhao Yueru was unwilling to accept the inheritance of Zhao Linghuan, that is, she did not intend to become a dragon at all, but Why did you become the lord of the dragon palace again?

Is it because of the blood in the body that was coerced by the Dragon Sea tribe? Or maybe she could not bear the pain and changed her mind?

The possibility of the latter is really small. He understands what kind of person Zhao Yue is, how strong she is, she would rather die than succumb, especially succumbing to the Sea Clan. In the Lengwu Mountain secret realm, she and the Sea Clan’s Enmity is really not small, and the possibility of the former is even smaller. If she is coerced, how can she gain the rights and hold a sword meeting to invite sword repairs?

Also, how did Na Mingkui go to the Dragon Palace?

There are many doubts, and Zhou Shu has always been concerned about Zhao Yueru a lot, and feels it is necessary to figure this out.

He has already crossed the catastrophe and needs to travel everywhere to find opportunities. Going to the East China Sea will meet the needs, but it will not be too rushed. Since Zhao Yue can hold a sword meeting, there is no life-threatening. He will wait until the work at hand is finished. Not later, he still has too much to do right now.

The Heyin School is fine for the time being, but Caiying and Xiaogun are waiting for the catastrophe, and it is urgent.

After a few hours, the source of Qi had fallen, and the heaven and earth returned to peace.

When the rainbow was taken away, the familiar face still appeared in the sky, but the expression was different this time. The previous disdain was completely gone, with a hint of anger in surprise, as if he had already regarded Zhou Shu as Tricky opponent.

Zhou Shu glanced, not caring.

After crossing the robbery, he didn't worry much about the threat of heaven.

Putting away Xiao Gun who was still asleep, Zhou Shu left the isolated island and sent back to Heyin.

Soaring into the sky, straight into the first day, Zhongtian.

The gang wind is extremely fast and violent, if it is a cultivator below the tribulation realm, it will be rolled into **** in a flash.

I am already a body of tribulation, naturally not afraid of the wind, perceiving the wind around it, and after a little calculation, we can get the detailed information of the wind, and then enter the state of deduction. It seems complicated to figure out how to use the wind to fly. , But it is not difficult, but with a hundred breaths, everything will be clear.

In the gang wind, clever use of the wind speed to advance, almost effortlessly, reached a speed that was unimaginable when the gods were transformed.

Right now it’s just a simple flight acceleration. If more deduction is added, other ways of using it can be derived. For example, if you have good materials, you can even set up formations in the wind and absorb the energy from the wind for cultivation, or Punish other monks and so on.

The fierce wind in ten days can be regarded as a special benefit given by heaven and earth to the cultivators of the Tribulation Realm, but it can be imagined that there are not many people who know how to use it.

It is worth mentioning that after the breakthrough, Zhou Shu's talent has been strengthened most obviously, and the speed of deduction calculation has doubled. The calculation in the previous quarter of an hour can be solved by dozens of breaths. Given time, one breath for a hundred years is not difficult.

Ten days later, Zhou Shu appeared in Lingyu City~www.ltnovel.com~ It can be calm on the isolated island, but not here. The Dutch School and Lingyu City came out the first monk who crossed the Tribulation Realm. That must be greatly increased. Preached.

It doesn't take Zhou Shu to spend any thoughts on how to promote it. Someone has already taken the initiative to do it.

Inviting guests to a grand event for nine consecutive months, rebuilding the main hall, expanding the sect, and so on. Everyone had a lot of ideas, but Zhou Shule was comfortable and allowed them to do it. The framework has been set up, and the rules have been set. How to do it He couldn't change the direction he determined, and it was meaningless.

Very happy for a few days, until Xuanhu arrived.

He was much younger than expected. He looked like a young man in his twenties. He had a very special costume, with red lips and white teeth, long slender eyes, a straight nose, and a compelling aura.

The old-fashioned image in Wushuang City is just a cover up.

Zhou Shu stared at it for a long time, and couldn't help sighing, "It turns out that you are a mysterious tiger like this, do they know about it?"

Xuanhu's face was a little red, and he lowered his head unconsciously, "They know it, it's the first time you saw it, and didn't deliberately hide it from you...in Wushuang City, it is always better to be older."

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "Xuanhu, your outfit, could it be..."

ps: Thank you for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~...

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