Fairy Winner

Chapter 1407: Teach you again

"What are you in a daze?"

Caiying shook a few times, and said eagerly, "Is it something wrong?"

"It's okay, I think it's gone."

Zhou Shu smiled and picked up the snowflake, unconsciously surprised.

It looked icy, but it was very warm when it was picked up. A warm current followed, and there was no discomfort on the whole body.

He seemed to realize something, "It's an ice core, at least tens of thousands of years old."

Ice core is an extremely rare material that can only be found in the Wannian Glacier. It has no ranks, but it contains a lot of original energy, which is extremely helpful to the cultivator, especially in terms of recovery. It is even more outstanding. It can be regarded as a natural auxiliary magic weapon, which can be called priceless. In the big family sect, if anyone has an ice core, it is extremely eye-catching and coveted.

That Snow Girl was born from this ice core, and the ice core is also her body.

This ice core can undoubtedly help Zhou Shu recover, and Zhou Shu can't help but pack it close.

Feeling the Dao Seed in it, Zhou Shu seemed to think. The ice core has not been destroyed, and Dao Seed is so persistent. Maybe that Xue Girl still has a trace of thought in it, not completely dissipated, but she can't feel it yet, but wait In the future, if her realm is high, it might help her to recover.

Caiying was quite excited, "Sure enough, it's a good thing, hehe, my vision can't be wrong."

"It's a good thing."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, glanced around, and quickly showed a dignified look, "These days, you just stay here, don't run around, I feel a little dangerous aura nearby."

He is in a dark cave and Caiying moved him over.


Caiying was puzzled, "There are no people around here, and there are no monsters, where is the danger."

"I'm not sure, but the Eighth Sense will not lie to me," Zhou Shupo said solemnly, "The danger, I'm afraid it is not inferior to the catastrophe."


Caiying couldn't help but tremble, "The palace won't go out, so don't go out."

"Well, I will recover first."

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, and said thoughtfully, "Caiying, how do you feel after you have survived the catastrophe?"

"Call me Lord Palace Master!"

Caiying knocked Zhou Shu, and said very loudly and excitedly, "That's pretty good! If the sword can be better, then even better."

Zhou Shu nodded with satisfaction, "That's fine, I will try you again when I recover."


In a flash, dozens of days passed.

Zhou Shu has recovered a lot, such as his physique, which has basically returned to normal.

It seems that the most injured place is the best recovery. It depends on Kunlun’s holy medicine and ice core. Of course, his own physique is more important. He has three special physiques and the vitality of Wu Qin Xi. It's so strange.

The tree of gods and souls is also withered in spring, with new leaves growing, and gradually spreading out, you can also explore the spirit to observe the surroundings.

But the vitality is still not used at all. On the one hand, when self-defense, all the vitality is consumed without any trace. On the other hand, the will of Dao also destroyed his foundation of vitality, Qi Hai Qi. They were all scattered and broken, in a mess, worse than when they first started to cultivate immortals.

The power of the will of heaven is not something that a cultivator can contend, and the current realm, no matter how perfect it is, cannot withstand a single blow.

However, Zhou Shu is not what it used to be. Restoring the Qi Channel and Qi Sea does not have to be so troublesome, and there is no need for a panacea. You can rebuild the Qi Channel and Qi Sea on your own, but it will take longer.

"Let’s go out and have a look."

Zhou Shu stood up with a slight smile.

Caiying was startled, "Didn't it mean that there is danger outside, and you can't even use your vitality."

Zhou Shu jokingly said, "What are you afraid of, isn't there a palace lord you protect me?"

"Of course this palace will protect you!"

Caiying vowed to point the sword and flew out first, "Well, let you see what the palace is capable of after the catastrophe."

Zhou Shu smiled, followed behind her and walked out of the cave.

With the restoration of his divine consciousness, his perception became clearer. The danger did exist, and it became clearer and clearer. It seemed to come from an ancient alien beast, at least an eighth rank, which was hidden deep in the sea of ​​the North Ming. It should be to avoid the catastrophe, but he also felt that as long as they didn't anger it, danger would not come to them, as long as they were careful, there would be no problem.

He has been bored for too long, and he needs to go for a walk, and there are many good things outside, not to be missed.

"Go to the place where you crossed the robbery before."

Zhou Shu whispered, and immediately gave birth to a few sword lights on the sea-treading sword, encumbering Zhou Shu and flying forward.

The speed is surprisingly fast, even faster than Zhou Shu's own flight. It is not surprising that Jian Dun was originally one of the fastest magic arts, and it was used by the sword spirit who had survived the tribulation, so it was naturally much faster.

Not long after, I came to the previous location.

The vicissitudes of life, but within a few months, it was completely different there.

The glacier almost completely disappeared, and the ground completely sank in, and a deep lake with a radius of thousands of miles appeared, sparkling and clear.

"Weird, my palace is also weird, it's been a few days."

The sea-treading sword hovered over the big lake, "What's even more strange is that the lake is not frozen, it is clearly frozen to the bone."

Zhou Shu felt it a little bit, and also knew that the temperature of the lake was extremely low, almost as little as the thousand-year-old profound ice. There was no ice. Perhaps it was the evil result of the will of heaven. The lower realm of heaven violated the rules and caused this piece of land that does not conform to the rules of heaven and earth. Great Lakes.

In the future, this place will also be a spectacle, and perhaps many weird things in the world have also come from it.

At the bottom of the lake, there are many bones ~www.ltnovel.com~, and some unknown things. They were all enclosed in the glacier before. After thousands of years, they haven't changed much. Now the glacier has completely melted. All revealed.

After watching it for a while, Zhou Shulang said, "Caiying, go get that up, do you see it? It looks like a tortoise, but it's big."

"Call me Lord Palace, okay."

Caiying agreed with dissatisfaction, a flash of light and shadow on the tip of the sword, a figure suddenly floated out and jumped toward the bottom of the lake.

"Huh, have you learned how to clone?"

Zhou Shu was not surprised. He saw clearly that the figure was a woman, her appearance was somewhat similar to that of Liu Xiazong's ancestor Lan Caiying, except that she was much younger, but she was seven or eight years old when she was a young man. .

"I don't know, it suddenly happened after the catastrophe."

Tahaijian was a little dazed, "Anyway, he is very obedient. Come out whenever you want, and you can do a lot of things."

"It should be some traces from the original memory."

Zhou Shu thought for a while, smiled and said, "It's a sword intent clone, but the sword spirit can split into a clone. It should be possible after the triple catastrophe, and you are also considered a wizard of heaven."

Caiying smiled, "Hey! Of course, this palace is not an ordinary sword spirit."

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, "Don't be proud, you don't know how to use it, I will teach you later."


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