Fairy Winner

Chapter 1413: Biluoshan

Xia Houying glanced at Zhou Shu, shook her head and said, "Patriarch is right, this is impossible."

"The idea of ​​fellow Daoist is really weird..."

Xia Houxuan smiled slightly, and a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, "The swords in the sword pavilion are without a master, and everyone knows that the sword without a master can not give birth to sword spirits. One, the other, even if it is like Tao. As you wished, the sword spirit really gave birth to the sword spirit, it is impossible for the sword spirit to leave the sword pavilion through the sword formation of Xiahou's family, let alone leave with three swords..."

Xia Hou Zhaode whispered, "Xuan'er, don't talk too much, Zhou Xiaoyou hasn't given a reason yet, don't make any comments."

"I thought I was capable, but it was ridiculous to say such ignorant words," Xia Houxuan turned his head and murmured, "What kind of towers can there be a sword repairer like this? In my opinion, his cultivation level may not be as the fifth brother said. A year ago, he was still transforming into the gods. Could it be that he came with the fifth brother..."

Xia Houying frowned, "Second brother, pay attention to what I said. Don't make use of it."

Xia Houxuan snorted coldly, "What do you want to use to make use of the topic? If you want to connect with outsiders to lie to our sword, it's a pity that God doesn't want it, the sword itself..."

"Still talking nonsense, shut me up!"

Xia Hou Zhaode's face was horrified, and his momentum came out, shaking the hall for a while, Xia Houxuan quickly closed his mouth, Xia Houying gave him a cold look, and didn't say any more.

Xia Hou Zhaode turned to Zhou Shu and sighed slightly, "Xiaoyou Zhou, I'm really sorry, they are not very sensible, please don't mind, the old man will definitely find out about this matter, and the baby promised to give you the Blue Nightmare Sword. , The Xiahou family will never break their promise."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "Duke Zhaode doesn't need to apologize, it's nothing."

The dispute over the status of the aristocratic family has never ceased, and the Xiahou family is no exception. Moreover, Zhou Shu has heard that the eldest son of the Xiahou family has been missing for nearly three hundred years. So far, no candidate for the next head of the family has been determined. Xia Houying and Brother Xiahou are both powerful contenders, so open and secret fights are naturally indispensable.

It seems that Xia Houxuan regards him as a helper recruited by Xia Houying, who will continue to speak out to fight for the position of Patriarch.

Of course, he didn't care, all he needed was the sword.

He arched his hand to Xiahou Zhaode, and said slowly, "Duke Zhaode, can you let me go down and take a look at the sword pavilion, maybe you can see some clues."

"Our Patriarch can't see it, what can you see, and Jiange is the home of Xiahou, you are an outsider..."

Xia Houxuan wanted to continue talking, but Xia Hou Zhaode glared back, and quickly stopped.

"It's not difficult for a little friend to see it."

Xiahou Zhaode nodded slightly and said with a smile, "This is a lot of weird things, and there are so many extraordinary friends. Maybe we can see things we can't see. That's a great help to Xiahou's family, please."

A few people stood up together, and Xiahou Zhaode turned around and took a look, "Xuan'er, you don't want to use it."


Xia Houxuan nodded, and walked out with a sad look.

Out of the main hall, around a few low-rise buildings, came to a small hill.

"Is this Biluoshan?"

Zhou Shu was puzzled. The ancients said that the Xiahou family was located in Biluoshan, which was a rare and beautiful place in Beiluzhou. The three seventh-order spiritual veins were connected together, and there was a top-quality cultivation site like Biluodongtian in the middle. Ranked in the fifth of the thirty-six big caves in the Xuanhuang world, but at the moment, it seems to be unremarkable, and Xiahou Villa is also the same, and there is hardly any power that can be felt, and the aura is about fourth-order.

As if he had noticed Zhou Shu's surprise, Xia Hou Zhaode smiled slightly, "Little friend, this is the entrance to Biluoshan."

Zhou Shu was slightly surprised, "Entrance?"

"Further down, the little friend will understand."

Xia Hou Zhaode waved his sleeves, his sword intent was like the wind, and a gloomy hole was blown in front of the hill, not too big or too small, just enough to allow several people to pass by.

As the entrance appeared, Zhou Shu was slightly stagnant, and he could vaguely feel that the hill and its surroundings were being surrounded by powerful formations. That formation was probably no less than that of Shushan Emei's mountain protection formation. Could it be said, this Under the hill, is the real Xiahou family?

"Little friend, please."

Xia Hou Zhaode pointed at the entrance of the cave, looked at Zhou Shu, his eyes were a bit solemn.

That look is quite strange, is there any conspiracy?

Although the Xiahou family is very strong, Zhou Shu is not half afraid at this time, and there is nowhere to go in the world. If there is no such mentality after the Tribulation, I am afraid that cultivation is not good.

"it is good."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, and walked directly into the cave without hesitation.

Watching Zhou Shu go in, Xia Hou Zhaode glanced at Xia Houying, nodded lightly, and the two followed in.

The passage in the cave is not long, and after a few breaths, it comes to an end.

Looking at it, it was Zhou Shu, and he was taken aback.

I was on a high platform of a thousand feet, and a vast mountain range below, I was afraid that it would not be tens of thousands of miles.

The forest is luxuriant, and the sounds of birds and beasts are constantly resounding ~www.ltnovel.com~ Between the mountains and forests, there are many large and small pavilions, all luxurious and exquisite, even the mountain of Shu is afraid of hard to reach, and the deepest feeling is that seen everywhere Lingquan Lingshan, I am afraid that there will not be nearly a thousand, surrounded by three extremely large peaks.

Those three mountain peaks flowed out a lot of spiritual energy, and the ranks were at least seven, and most of them were the three-linked spirit veins recorded in the classics.

Zhou Shu's expression was slightly condensed, and he saw something special.

Unlike most sects, where many formations of separation and gathering are arranged, such as Cihang, it separates the spiritual veins into many parts. According to the different levels of the disciples and elders, the spiritual vitality obtained is different, and the lotus school is also In this way, all the spiritual veins here are uncovered, and every cultivator in the mountains can get the best resources.

This is the difference between the family.

Zhou Shu shook his head slightly and turned to Xiahou Zhaode, "This is Biluoshan, I was really rude just now."

"It's normal for a little friend to come here for the first time and not understand."

Xia Hou Zhaode smiled while stroking his beard, quite self-satisfied, "If a little friend likes Biluoshan, it's okay to stay here every day from now on, haha."

"Thank you Zhaode for your kindness, it turns out that Biluoshan is underground..."

Zhou Shu arched his hands, showing a trace of doubt, "It seems that it is not said in the ancient books I have read. It seems that the ancient books often make mistakes."

Xia Houying smiled and said, "Friends of Taoism don't know. In fact, Biluoshan was actually on the ground, but then it was underground. It is also a matter of the last few hundred years. It is not surprising that there is no record in the ancient books."

"Moved down?"

Zhou Shu turned his head and glanced again, feeling even more surprised. The wonder of the blue mountains in front of him was not created by the heavens and the earth, but transformed by the day after tomorrow.

The bottom line of the four great families is really unfathomable.

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