Fairy Winner

Chapter 1415: Hunting for the Sword Mountain

Walking into the pagoda is like entering another world.

It looks very small on the outside, but the space inside is huge, a big mountain with a radius of several miles.

The mountains are lush and lush, and there are lush vegetation everywhere, but at a glance, you can see that all the vegetation is the meaning of the sword, and the root of the vegetation is a flying sword with a handle, the number of which exceeds 10,000.

Those flying swords are of different ranks, but they are basically top-grade, and there are many top-grade ones.

"Little friend, this is Jianshan."

Xia Hou Zhaode raised his hand slightly and said slowly, "You can check it out and look for the traces of the Blue Nightmare Sword."

As he said, he stepped back a few steps, his expression was condensed, as if he didn't want to explain more, nor did he want to clarify the location of the missing sword, planning to let Zhou Shu find it by himself.

"Okay, you're welcome."

Zhou Shu nodded thoughtfully, and walked slowly up the mountain.

The following Xia Houying showed a trace of concern and said loudly, "Friend Zhou, all swords here have no owner, but all sword intents have the instinct to protect the sword. If you don’t know the intent of swords, you can easily get hurt by them. Be careful."

Zhou Shu turned around, smiled and thanked, "I understand, thank you Yingxiong for your advice."

Watching Zhou Shu go up the mountain, Xia Houying gently shook her head, turned around and looked at Xiahou Zhaode, with a bit of confusion in her eyes, and the sound transmission said, "Duke Zhaode, let him go up alone like this? Jianshan is too dangerous. Now, especially those swords, the sword intents on them are all left by the ancestors. If you don’t avoid them in advance, if you encounter death or injury, even the children of the Xiahou family will not dare to go up rashly..."

"It's very dangerous, but since he is coming, let him go."

Xia Hou Zhaode's expression was indifferent, "If he can't even walk up Jianshan, how can I trust his ability, then what can he see when he comes here to check? If he dies, then he is dead, but I believe one People who have been plundered twice a year will not be so vulnerable."


Xia Houying was slightly stagnant, and did not continue.

The sword intent on Sword Mountain has more than a thousand types, and many of them are high-level sword intents. They just sting and won’t be activated, but if they accidentally get angry, the consequences will be unpredictable. In his opinion, Xiahou Zhaode should have brought it. Zhou Shu went up to find and pointed the way, but there was no, but Zhou Shu was allowed to go up, probably to see if Zhou Shu's strength was the same as Xia Houying said.

The Patriarch's mind is so much, although he reprimanded Xia Houxuan, those few words still existed in his heart.

Zhou Shu also understood this and only smiled faintly, without paying much attention.

No matter how much sword intent is here, is it more than the sword art he has learned? What's more, he had been to places more dangerous than here, and he said that the sword formation in the secret realm would not be worse than here.

Walking slowly in the sword mountain, Zhou Shu pulled up a sword from time to time to check, relaxed and natural, but the two below, one was surprised and the other solemn.

Xia Houying stared at Zhou Shu and couldn't help shaking her head, "Duke Zhaode, he has already picked up at least fifty swords. Being able to pick up a sword means that he doesn't care about the sword intent on that sword at all."

Xia Hou Zhaode said slowly, "Five-seven."

Xia Houying nodded her head with more surprise on her face, "Look, Duke Zhaode, the eighth-order flying sword is the sword that was used by the ancestors? Although it is not the best, the sword intent on it is eighth. Moreover, it is an extremely killing army sword intent. Even if it is accidentally encountered, he will have to cut his fingers and arms, but he picked it up directly, and there is no damage..."

Xia Hou Zhaode said calmly, "There are only three possibilities. Either he can easily resist Pojun Sword Intent, or he is familiar with Pojun Sword Intent, or he has a relationship with Pojun Sword Intent.

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line--

Novel netizens please remind: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Baby, which one do you think it is? "

"It's weird to say that it is easy to resist, that is, it is impossible for Zhaode to resist without a sword. If there is a fate, it is impossible for him to have a fate with every kind of sword intent. In other words, he is Military sword intent is very understanding, knows how to avoid and how to avoid."

"Not bad."

Xia Hou Zhaode showed a trace of relief, "A very good analysis, worthy of my child."

"Baby dare not," Xia Houying nodded quickly, "It's just that, how can he understand Pojun's sword intent? Although Pojun's sword intent is not exclusive to Xiahou's family, it was lost a long time ago. Only in our sword pavilion, There is sword intent, and no one has realized it yet. Could he?"

Xia Hou Zhaode shook his head, "Impossible, his sword intent has not yet reached this level, he knows a lot about sword intent, but his realm is still a bit short."


Between the words of the two, Zhou Shu had already reached the top of the mountain and looked around the mountain, showing a hint of thought.

Xiahou Zhaode took a step slightly, and in the blink of an eye he took Xiahouying to the top of the mountain and stood in front of Zhou Shu.

He arched his hands and looked cheerful, "The little friend is indeed a master of kendo. The old man was a bit rude before, and he still looks at Haihan."

Zhou Shu smiled lightly, knowing that he had passed the test of the Xiahou family, but he himself did not know that the sword intent on the eighth-order flying sword was called Pojun Sword Intent, but he had felt it in the secret sword formation before, so he knew How to avoid.

He waved his hand, "Duke Zhaode, this is nothing. In other words, I don't trust a person who I saw for the first time."

"Ha ha."

Xia Hou Zhaode laughed a few times and didn't go on. "Little friend, the Azure Nightmare Sword was stolen from here~www.ltnovel.com~ I will take you to see it."

"No need to."

Zhou Shu shook his head and pointed at a distance, "It should be there, right?"

"Little friend knows?"

Xia Hou Zhaode couldn't help being stunned. He was not surprised when he saw Zhou Shu pull out the Sha Sha Sword before, but now he was surprised.

The location Zhou Shu pointed to was indeed the location where the Blue Nightmare Sword was originally, and there was not a single mistake.

how is this possible? How is he determined?

The first time I came to Jiange, I saw Jianshan for the first time, and I was able to determine the location of the stolen sword after just a few glances. It was incredible.

He even doubted whether Zhou Shu was related to the theft of the Blue Nightmare Sword, otherwise, how did he know that the Blue Nightmare Sword was there?

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "It feels there."

Xia Houying was also puzzled, and she asked, "What's it like, why? There is nothing special there, and there is no trace of the sword intent on the Blue Nightmare sword. Even if there is, you can't know that the sword intent comes from Blue Nightmare. Sword, how did you know?"

"This, I don't want to explain more."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "You two don't have to worry too much, I have nothing to do with the theft of the Blue Nightmare Sword."

"Baby don't ask anymore."

Xia Hou Zhaode frowned at Xia Houying, and said solemnly, "Of course the old man believes in the little friends, and the little friends do not need to do such things. It should be yours, so why bother to do so, but the little friend’s perception... …I really admire the old man, please think Jianshan is indeed the right choice."

Zhou Shu nodded lightly, "Zhaode is too honoured. It just feels a little bit, it's not clear."

Xia Hou Zhaode nodded and slowly said, "Does the little friend see any clues? Can you find the Blue Nightmare Sword by this?"

Zhou Shu thought for a while, "I need more time."

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