Fairy Winner

Chapter 1425: Betting

Looking at Zhou Shu, BuXi fell into confusion.

I don’t know if Zhou Shu’s sentence is true or false. He vowed to say something impossible to achieve. I don’t know if Zhou Shu’s head is confused, or he is confused. It is because of his deep wisdom and thinking that he can’t keep up. .

Zhou Shu glanced at him and continued, "It's not difficult to choose, you tell me where the Blue Nightmare Sword and the Sword Spirit are, I will solve other things for you, and you still won't forgive the master afterwards."

Not forgiving a little at a loss, but still sticking to the bottom line, just shook his head, "I can't give you the sword spirit."

"You are willing to bear the sword, but you can't bear the sword spirit. Don't you know that to Sword Spirit Wugou, the Azure Nightmare Sword is everything to him now. How does this differ from how you feel about the sword spirit?"

Zhou Shu Zheng said, "Do you think Sword Spirit is willing to listen to you, and would rather give me the Azure Nightmare Sword instead of staying by yourself?"

The expression of Unforgiveness was shocked, he couldn't help lowering his head, and paused for a while before saying, "He was trained by me, and he will definitely listen to me."

"Are you not understanding, or are you deceiving yourself?"

Zhou Shu shook his head and smiled slightly, "It's better that I make a bet with you, I bet your sword spirit Wugou will never leave the Blue Nightmare Sword."

"What are you betting on?"

Bu Xia raised his head, there was a little red, crimson in his eyes.

Zhou Shu thought for a while, and said thoughtfully, "If Wu Gu is willing to leave the Azure Nightmare Sword, I only want a sword. If he refuses, then you can't control him. Very simple, sword and sword spirit. Leave it to me to deal with."

"He won't betray me!"

Unforgivable eyes grew redder and looked a little frightening.

Zhou Shu looked into the distance and said indifferently, "Do you gamble or not?"


Not forgiving to stare at Zhou Shu, "If he doesn't listen to me, then what is the point of leaving him? But I believe that the sword spirit I cultivated with great care is immaculate and will never betray me!"

"Very well, it is so decided."

Zhou Shu nodded, and a soft smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. "Since you agree, then I will also follow the agreement to help you solve Xiahou Wan'er's affairs, preserve your reputation, and let you continue to take revenge on the Heavenly Sword Gate. ."

"How can you do it?"

Thinking of this, I still don’t understand.

Zhou Shu said slowly, "I have my own way, but from now on, you must listen to me at every point in Xiahoushi's house."

I didn’t forgive it for a while, "If you can hide this from the Xiahou family, there is nothing I hear from you, but I hope you can do it."


Zhou Shu smiled and raised his hand slightly, seeming to hear a broken sound.

Not long after, a divine consciousness suddenly arrived, followed by a tall figure.

Xiahou Zhaode.

His face was slightly solemn, "Master Fu, why are you here? What are you doing here?"

He suddenly received the divine thoughts placed in the soul card, thinking that something was wrong with Master Unforgiveness, and rushed over immediately.

No forgiveness bowed to him and apologized, "Duke Zhaode, I accidentally met this little friend Zhou, so I talked a few words. I wanted to see his swordsmanship, but I accidentally broke the spiritual card. sorry."

Zhou Shu arched his hands, "Don't blame Zhaode, it was my fault. The sword intent was out of control for a while."

He let go of the restraints, and the divine consciousness that he did not forgive before would naturally return to Xiahou Zhaode, but there is no need to worry about what divine consciousness has detected. Under the restraint of Zhou Shu’s divine consciousness, the divine consciousness can't feel anything. I thought I was still in the spirit card, and I didn't have to return until I released the restraints.

"Is that so... it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, Zhou Xiaoyou, don't care about it either, forget it."

Xia Hou Zhaode saw the expressions of the two of them, and guessed the clues of the matter. Most of them did not forgive the master when he saw that Zhou Shu was too young and wanted to test, but he didn't want to be fought back by Zhou Shu, so he broke the spiritual card. Where can there be so much carelessness.

Transform the God Realm to test and cross the Tribulation Realm, or take a lesson, as long as it doesn't hinder saving people.

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded.

"By the way, Duke Zhaode."

A kind face with an unforgiving face, "This little friend Zhou turned out to be a medical practitioner, and he has achieved quite a lot. I think if he helps, Xiahou Wan'er will recover faster."

"Medical repair?"

Xia Hou Zhaode's expression was stagnant, and he thought for a while, "I heard that the lotus school does have a deep relationship with the Hua family. Could it be that the little friends..."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Hehe, I have a good relationship with the Hua family, and I have been taught personally by Master Hua Yulian, which is considered a medical practitioner."

"Why didn't the little friend say earlier?"

Xia Hou Zhaode stumbled and said, "The old man has heard that the Hua family has excellent medical skills, but he was rejected by Master Hua many times before. He said that he would live in seclusion and never go to the world. No matter how I bid, I disagree. With the help of King Dan, I didn’t look for it again, but it’s always a pity. If there is Master Hua, maybe... Well, if I knew that the little friend had been taught by Master Hua, the old man would have asked the little friend. coming."

"Zhaode's reputation is over, and it is not too late."

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, "I can't forgive the master to say~www.ltnovel.com~ Miss Xiahou Wan'er has a problem now?"

Xia Hou Zhaode nodded again and again, "Yes, I was always sick, but now I am unconscious, the old man is really anxious."

"In this case," Zhou Shu appeared a little solemn, "I don't know, can you let me take a look?"

"The little friend is indeed a doctor with kindness, and it will be good if he is willing to go."

Xia Hou Zhaode arched his hand at Zhou Shu, turned his head to look at unforgiveness, and said slowly, "What do you think of the master?"

Inquired politely, but in essence it was decided, and he had a slight doubt about unforgiveness in his heart.

No forgiveness nodded immediately, "Of course it's good, I can't ask for it. If Xiahou Wan'er's disease can be cured, I don't know how pleased it is. Besides, Xiaoyou Zhou is a medical practitioner, and he is from the Chinese family. The impact will only be good."

"Since the master doesn't mind, it is naturally best."

Xiahou Zhaode showed a trace of satisfaction and smiled, "The two, shall we go now?"

The two would not object, and nodded one after another.

A long rainbow emerged from Xia Hou Zhaode's feet and stretched straight to the platform. The two of them didn't talk much, and immediately followed.

After not taking a few steps, Zhou Shu heard Xia Hou Zhaode’s transmission, "Xiaoyou Zhou, since you are the preacher of the Chinese medical school, the old man believes in you. Wan'er can tell me if you have any questions. Just talk about what you need, old man. It will never let you suffer."

Zhou Shu kept quiet, "This is natural, I will do my best."

Xiahou Zhaode paused, "Also, if that unforgiveness offends you, I will spare him once, and wait for Wan'er to get better, whatever you want."

"I'm not such a stingy person, but I remember the words of Duke Zhaode."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly and immediately passed this sentence to Unforgiveness.

Shifu's face turned pale, and he was speechless for a while. ...

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