Fairy Winner

Chapter 1434: Banquet

"After asking for a long time, it's time for me to ask you."

Immortal Master Miao Di stared at Zhou Shu and said calmly, "When will you go to Juyin Mountain?"

Zhou Shuwen said, "Master, wait for some time, I still have some things to deal with, and I will go when I'm done."

"You have so many things."

Immortal Master Miaodi shook his head slightly, "I can't leave Cihang for too long. I will allow you two months at most, otherwise I will go by myself."

"Two months is enough."

Zhou Shu nodded quickly, and said slowly, "Master Immortal, why bother to do it personally? I invite Master Immortal to come and just give me a few pointers. I will wait for the younger generation to do it for me."


Immortal Master Miao Di nodded lightly, and she felt a sense of relief. She was also unwilling to make a move. She had spent many years with Rank Nine Withered Rong to avoid the world. She was afraid that she would attract the catastrophe once she made her move.

She was not like Zhou Shu who didn't care about the Heavenly Tribulation at all. Even the Nine Heavenly Tribulation, even she didn't have the slightest chance to get through it. If the Yinkui clan was too important to Cihangzong, she would never come in person.

"Master Immortal will continue to meditate, and I will bother when the time comes."

Zhou Shu bowed and left.

Xiahou Family Hall.

The banquet was already set up in the hall, and ten people were seated. Xiahou Zhaode in the middle was happy and radiant. Not far away was Xiahou Wan'er, smiling slightly, showing a lot of energy.

As soon as Zhou Shu walked to the temple, Xiahou Zhaode left and greeted him.

"Haha, Xiaoyou Zhou, you are here, we have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Without waiting for Zhou Shu to bow, Xia Hou Zhaode couldn't help but pulled Zhou Shu into the hall.

As soon as he took his seat, he smiled and said, "Little friend Zhou, everyone knows that you have cured Wan'er and want to come and see you. Come, let me introduce to you, this is my third brother Xia Houyuan..."

Zhou Shu nodded with a smile and returned the gifts one by one.

Among these people, there are no less than ten people who cross the Tribulation Realm. The Xiahou family really hides the dragon and the tiger, but judging from their demeanor, not all of them are cheerful and happy. Some people have doubts in their eyes, and they are afraid that they have other thoughts.

But Zhou Shu didn't care at all.

Xiahou Wan'er approached step by step, bowing and saluting, "Senior Zhou, thank you for saving me."

Zhou Shu stretched out his hand to help, and said with a gentle face, "The girl doesn't need to care, and Master does not forgive me for doing a lot."

"I know."

Xiahou Wan'er shook her body slightly, nodded, her eyes turned to Unforgiveness not far away, and bent slightly, "Master Unforgiveness, I am here to thank you for your kindness over the years, Wan'er will never forget."

The expression of Unforgiveness was stagnant, and he was shocked, and quickly got up to pay the courtesy, "Where is it, it's just a small effort."

He quickly sat down, trying to avoid Xiahou Wan'er's gaze, very uncomfortable.

Zhou Shu smiled, "Miss Xiahou, your body is still a little weak, so take more rest."

"Well, thank you Senior Zhou for your concern."

Xiahou Wan'er nodded lightly, bowed again, and slowly backed away, sitting only on the chair, her eyes still fixed on Zhou Shuhe from time to time.

"Ha ha!"

Xia Hou Zhaode stood up, smiled and said to Zhou Shu, "Little friend Zhou, I promised you before, as long as you cure Wan'er, whatever you want is fine, now is the time for the old man to fulfill his promise."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked, and they all looked at Zhou Shu. Their eyes and expressions were different.

In addition to shock, there is also appreciation, joy, jealousy, and dissatisfaction.

Xia Houyuan stood up first, quite solemnly, "Zhaode, anything is fine, isn't it a bit bad?"

"Yes, although Wan'er is extremely important, it is not for our family to make such a promise."

Another person followed up and sighed, "Zhaode, you should have discussed with us early. What if he wants to lean on the Heavenly Sword? Can we give it to him? It is unfaithful and unfilial to give it, and it is unbelieving if he does not give it. Righteousness, alas..."

Xia Houxuan quickly stood up, "Yes, what if he wants to interfere with the affairs of our Xiahou family, what if he still wants Wan'er? This will definitely not work. I ask Duke Zhaode to take his life back and give him some rewards. That's it."

"Don't talk nonsense, even export some rewards?"

Xia Houying stood up dissatisfied, and said angrily, "Brother Zhou Dao did his best for Xiahou Wan'er, and even invited the help of the cultivator Cihangdu Tribulation Realm. Now Wan'er is finally restored to the original state, so she can cultivate and advance in a few days. Great grace, can rewards be resolved? That is simply an insult to the benefactor!"

"Hehe, don't make a noise."

Xia Hou Zhaode shook his head and said slowly, "You are really worried. I have already told Xiaoyou Zhou that he will definitely not ask too much. How can Xiaoyou Zhou be such a person? The baby is right, you guys. Talking about him is disrespectful to him, don't say more."

He turned to Zhou Shu and said softly, "Little friend Zhou, please mention it, whatever you want, the old man will answer."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, noncommittal.

Where he can't tell, these people are mostly acting.

Xia Hou Zhaode is the head of the family, and he is also cunning. Knowing that he has made a promise that he cannot be destroyed, but he is unwilling to be coerced by Zhou Shu, he put out a group of monks to press Zhou Shu and perform a play to prevent Zhou Shu I am embarrassed to ask too much~www.ltnovel.com~ Of course, if Zhou Shu is too intentional, it is useless to do so.

Seeing everyone's gaze, Zhou Shu looked calm and said lightly, "Zhaode is kind, but the younger generation is disrespectful. My request is very simple, there are only two things."

Xia Hou Zhaode thought slightly, nodded and said, "Little friends, please say."

Zhou Shu nodded and said righteously, "First, about two months later, I plan to go to Juyin Mountain and wipe out Juyin Sect in one fell swoop. I hope Duke Zhaode can help me by that time."

"Exterminate the Yin Sect?"

"Sounds great. The Juyin Clan Committee is really harmful. It is the biggest tumor in North Luzhou. If it can be eliminated, it will also be a great merit for the immortal cultivators in North Luzhou."

"But... he is a monk from Dongsheng Prefecture, why would he take charge of Beiluzhou?"

"That is, although Juyin Sect is very unbearable, it has not yet provoke our family, and it is our Beiluzhou monk to take care of it. When is it his turn? He actually wants to order us Beiluzhou monk, don't you think It’s interesting to be the emperor."

"That's right, let's talk about the casualties. We work hard and work hard. Is he only famous?"

There was a lot of discussion, each with ideas.

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, and was about to refute, but Xia Houying spoke first.

"What are you talking about!"

"For 20 years since Juyinzong has harmed Beiluzhou, our Xiahou family has been on the sidelines. It was very wrong, and it has provoked a lot of complaints. It has a lot of influence on the reputation of Xiahou family. Even if Brother Zhou doesn't mention it, We should also take the initiative to save our reputation! As for Dongsheng Prefecture and Beiluzhou, it is ridiculous. Everyone is responsible for eradicating evil spirits. It is also divided into states. As long as we work together, all states are the same!"

He turned to Xiahou Zhaode, raised his hand and said, "Duke Zhaode, my boy is willing to be a forerunner, and together with Zhou Daoyou, we will destroy the Yin Sect!"

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