Fairy Winner

Chapter 1437: You die

Looking at the Blue Nightmare Sword without a word, he described it as extremely withered, as if he was several hundred years old in an instant.

The hard work of more than a thousand years has finally come to nothing.

Pinning hopes on the sword spirit that cannot be fully controlled is doomed to such a tragedy, even if Wu Gu continues to obey him this time, who knows what will happen in the future? A cultivator can control his destiny only by himself.

Zhou Shu glanced at him and realized something deeply.

In mid-air, Caiying and Wudu fought fiercely, with sword intent vertical and horizontal, and the sky full of sword marks.

They are all sword spirits who have just gone through the catastrophe. One has experienced many sword slaves and sword formations of the sword, the other has followed Zhou Shu, experienced the sword intent and other tribulations, the experience may be similar, but the innocent sword intent The realm is obviously higher, and he is using the seventh-order best flying sword, and his strength should be much higher than Caiying. However, from the scene, it is very balanced.

This is because Caiying’s mind is as pure as one, and it has been a long time since using the Sea-Treading Sword. It can display 100% or even 120% of its own strength, while Wugou is completely different. It is affected by the remnant soul, and it is just obtained. The Blue Nightmare Sword is not proficient. It would be good to be able to display 60% of its strength.

One trades and the other grows, that's why it is so anxious.

Time has passed for a long time, and the two swords are still fighting fiercely.

Unforgiveness is standing blankly, as if stupefied.

Zhou Shu didn't move either. This was Caiying's battle. He didn't plan to intervene if he had no alternative.

"He is much better than you, but you also have a chance."

"My palace understands."

I still remember what he said to Caiying when he came. He believed that Caiying would find opportunities and make good use of them.


While thinking, there was a crisp sound in the air.

After fighting for so long, the two swords collided for the first time.

The long-awaited moment has finally arrived.

At the moment when the two swords collided, Caiying resolutely gave up the sea-stepping sword, and went straight into the blue night sword.

She knows very well that there is too much difference between the sixth-order flying sword and the seventh-order flying sword. They are not suitable for long-term battles. The longer you fight, the less likely you will be to win. The only way to abandon the sword is to go inside the Blue Nightmare Sword and face the sword spirit directly. , There is only a chance to win.

Wu Gu is tight in his heart.

What he had done before was to avoid collisions with the Sea-Treading Sword, but he tried his best to stop it.

As the sea-treading sword fell, the sky full of sword intent suddenly disappeared, and time seemed to stagnate.

Inside the half-suspended Blue Nightmare sword, two groups of light spots are facing each other. One group is pure green, very small, and it is naturally plentiful. The other group is big, but black and gray, and mixed with many. The red silk is Wugou affected by the remnant soul.

Everyone knows what it means to win or lose at this point, either to swallow the opponent or be swallowed by the opponent.

"You are so stupid, would you rather take a few swords yourself before you rush in?"

"You're dead, you must do what I have said before."

"Stop talking nonsense, even your thin body wants to covet my origin, you are seeking your own death!"

"It's not certain who will die!"

Caiying looked innocent, full of disdain.

Wu Gu snorted and jumped up suddenly, and his huge body pressed towards Caiying, like a dark cloud covering the top.

The battlefield was moved from the outside to the inside, but it was just as fierce and cruel, because only one was destined to survive.

Within dozens of breaths, Caiying was bruised.

The opponent is much older than her and has a profound origin, and the remnants of the soul entangled in the body are so crazy that they have no ego, launching violent offensives all the time...This kind of battle has never been experienced by Caiying.

Zhou Shu, who was not far away, stared at the Blue Nightmare Sword, did not speak or move.

Picking Ying and discarding the sword, in his expectation, was also somewhat relieved. This was indeed the only way to defeat Wugou.

At this time, he can also do something, such as refining the remnants of the soul with a refining pot, and then chop the Wushou body into many pieces, making a dish and placing it in front of Caiying, allowing Caiying to enjoy it. In the past, he often did this.

But this time he didn't plan to do it. After Enron's tribulation, Caiying needs a real battle to grow up.

The real battle is life and death.

"This time, I won't help you. You have to remember that no matter what situation you encounter, you must persevere. Perseverance gives you a chance."

"My palace understands that this time I don't want you to help."

He has said everything that should be said, Caiying should know how to do it, and what Zhou Shu can do is trust, trust like his peers.

"Haha, I actually came here, as long as I swallow you, I will be able to overcome the catastrophe again!"

"Really, then you can try it!"

After passing the inevitable blow, Caiying dexterously dropped to the side, continuing to think about how to win.

"If Zhou Shu were here, if he were me, what would he do?"

After thinking about it, his thoughts gradually became clear, "The remnants of Wu Gu's body are not stable and will not listen to Wu Gu's commands. Their biggest purpose is to find no mercy for revenge..."

"Where to escape?!"

Wugou's speed was suddenly a lot faster, like a shadow, and he rushed straight to Caiying.

Caiying let out a soft cry, seemingly too late to get out of the way, and opened her mouth together, suddenly tearing off a large piece of light.

Her steps suddenly staggered, and her figure shrank a lot.

"Haha, I have tore off a large piece of Origin, you are not far from death!"

Wu Gu laughed wildly ~www.ltnovel.com~ biting the original source, wanting to swallow it and absorb it.

Caiying didn't seem to feel it, and only said indifferently, "My palace doesn't care, but I don't know who can eat it?"

The origin hasn't reached his mouth yet, the remnant souls on the edge of Wugou have swarmed over, snatching them with Wugou, and suddenly chaos.

Caiying flew to the distance and said loudly, "Hey, listen carefully, the enemy who killed you is outside without forgiveness, and there is no resistance. As long as you break free from the shackles of innocence, you can go out and get revenge. No revenge!"

She kept repeating the words "unforgiveness" and "revenge" over and over again.

Taking advantage of the remnant soul and Wugou are vying for the origin and there is no time to deal with her, she will naturally not miss this opportunity.

Wu Gu's mind tightened, and wanted to continue chasing Caiying, but was entangled by the tangled remnants of souls.

"Vengeance... Revenge..."

"No forgiveness... No forgiveness..."

"I want revenge if I can't forgive me, and revenge if I can't forgive me..."

The voices one after another, from small to loud.

Wu Gu was anxious, very anxious, he already felt that those remnants were desperately breaking free and running out, but in the long years, he and the remnants almost merged into one, once they broke free and left, he would definitely Suffered great trauma.

But it's no use being anxious. After the remnant soul's obsessions are awakened, they will never stop. They have only one thought in their hearts, not to forgive revenge.

The huge ball of light twisted crazily, and red bloodshots kept flying out.


The body was torn apart a little bit, Wu Gu could not help but scream.

"Hey, my palace is still very smart."

Caiying breathed a sigh of relief and concealed aside, waiting for the time to come.

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