Fairy Winner

Chapter 1439: Power of the Sunflower

"I have already seen the gates of Juyin Mountain, and there is no decent opponent yet, and all I encountered are miscellaneous. It is a waste of old man's time. It is better to practice for a while."

"It seems that Juyin Sect is a bit exaggerated. As soon as the elites of our Xiahou family were dispatched, they pushed it all the way.

"There is such a big noise in Beiluzhou, and I thought it was so powerful, it was still vulnerable."

Several cultivators of the Transcendent God Realm whispered, their expressions were very relaxed.

"What Ci Hangzong said is so terrible, but it doesn't seem to be the case at all. Are they too cautious, or are we too strong?"

"Haha, I heard that the immortal cultivators in Dongsheng Prefecture are dying, far inferior to our Beiluzhou. Although the Cihangzong is in Dongsheng Prefecture, although it is a famous sect, most of it is not true to the truth, and the vision may also be very short. I'll say it is great when I see people..."

"That's true. When it comes to cultivators, only Beiluzhou and Xihezhou are considered strong right now. Only Kunlun can be compared with our family."

The little comments fell in the ears of the monks behind.

Xia Houying frowned unconsciously, and said slowly, "Master Miaodi, they are really ignorant, please don't take offense, I will scold them."

After speaking, he headed forward. After a while, he stopped making noise and quieted down.

Zhou Shu glanced at Immortal Master Miaodi, and seemed to think, "Master, the younger generation also feels like this. So far, they have not encountered any resistance. It is reasonable to say that Ju Yin Sect has been developed for decades. It should be so vulnerable. The Cihangzong and the Yinkui clan are very familiar, Master, are they deliberately hiding their strength?"

A group of more than ten people entered the Juyin Sect's sphere of influence five days ago. Naturally, it was inevitable to fight, but they didn't see any decent opponents all the way, which was really inconsistent with Juyin Sect's great reputation.

Unlike others, Immortal Master Miaodi always looked solemn, "This trip is unusual, I am afraid it is extremely dangerous."


Zhou Shu's face was stagnant, "Why?"

Immortal Master Miaodi said faintly, "Zhou Shu, shouldn't you feel the power of Yin Kui?"


Zhou Shu shook his head, "I was very careful along the way. I probed everyone according to the characteristics of the fairy master to see if they had the power of anemone, but I didn't find out at all. They are no different from ordinary immortals."

"That's the problem."

Immortal Master Miaodi stared into the distance and slowly said, "It means that there is a witch in Yin Sect."

Zhou Shu looked slightly condensed, "Yin Kui Witch?"

Immortal Master Miaodi nodded lightly, his complexion a little heavy, "Yes, although the Yinkui Realm is large, and there are many members of the Yinkui tribe, but the whole group can only produce three witches. They are rarely born, and basically do not leave the Yinkui realm. , But I didn't expect to come to the world of Xuanhuang now... My trip came in time."

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "How did the fairy judge it?"

Judging from the look of Master Miao Di, this Yin Kui Witch is definitely a tricky opponent, even beyond her expectation.

"Remember the power of the Yin Kui that I told you about?"

Immortal Master Miaodi explained, "That is the unique power of the Yinkui tribe. The members of the Yinkui tribe cultivated through the cultivation of the Yinkui. After they have cultivated to great success, they all exude a great charm in every gesture and gesture. , Even if the immortal cultivator sees it from a distance, or hears a word, or even smells a scent of scent after tens of thousands of miles away, the power of the Yin Kui will follow the immortal cultivator's perception into the immortal cultivator's body."

Zhou Shu nodded, "The juniors save it."

The power of the Yinkui is very special. It is different from the general power. It is transmitted through perception. As long as the cultivator perceives it, it may be invaded by the power of the Yinkui, which is extremely difficult to defend. This is also the most terrifying part of the Yinkui clan. I don't know how it got caught.

Once the power of the Yin Kui enters the body, it will merge with the forces such as Yuan Li, and then enter the sea of ​​consciousness, wrapped around the soul, and gradually invade. It will not take long for the cultivator to be controlled by the power of the Yin Kui, although it looks It was the same as before, and there was no change in the cultivation base. It might even be a little higher, but the person is no longer the original person. The six relatives don't recognize it, and only obey the orders of the Yinkui tribe.

Using the power of the shade of perception is pervasive, but it is not effective for everyone.

The body and soul are particularly tough, such as Zhou Shu, it is difficult to be harmed by it, and the power of the anemone also has the power to kill compassion. Generally speaking, the cultivators who are protected by the power of compassion are not Will be invaded by the power of the Yinkui again, even if I see and hear the members of the Yinkui tribe, it is difficult to be invaded by the power of the Yinkui.

For this reason, the Yinkui clan hates Cihangzong. If it were not for the existence of Cihangzong, I am afraid that the Yinkui clan had made a big disturbance in the world of cultivation tens of thousands of years ago, and even dominated most of the Xuanhuang world. Difficult.

Immortal Master Miao Di continued, "This power of the Yin Kui cannot be recovered once it is released. It will always be kept in the body of the cultivator. It has three functions. On the one hand, it can control the actions of the cultivator, and on the other hand, it can give the cultivator special Happiness, on the other hand, can also enable the cultivator to use some special techniques of the Yinkui tribe ~www.ltnovel.com~, which makes the cultivator's strength greatly improved in a short time."

"I understand."

Zhou Shu nodded and slowly said, "The Ju Yin Sect continues to grow because of the power of the Yin Kui, and after being possessed by the power of the Yin Kui, the cultivator not only doesn't think this is a bad thing, but instead thinks it is a good thing. Not to mention the improvement in strength, there is still a sense of happiness, a little control, probably nothing, so there will be cultivators who continue to join the Juyin sect, willing to become the disciples of the Yinkui tribe in the Juyin sect, and even have Some high-ranking monks have done the same."

Immortal Master Miaodi said indifferently, "Yes, in a certain way, the power of the shade can really bring them a lot of benefits, but the premise is that the power of the shade is not recovered."

Zhou Shu asked suspiciously, "Didn't the fairy say that you can't take it back if you let it go?"

"That is for most of the Yinkui tribe, but the Yinkui tribe has a special existence, that is, the Yinkui Witch. There will only be three in the entire Yinkui realm."

Immortal Master Miaodi slowly said, "Yin Kwai Witch can recover the power of the Yin Kui in other people, and at the same time as it recovers, some of the original spirit, consciousness, and energy in the immortal cultivator will also be followed. Withdraw it to increase the strength of the Yinkui Witch, and the immortal cultivator whose strength has been taken back will have a lot of decline in his own strength..."

She paused, and said slowly, "If we didn't read it wrong, the enemies we encountered along the way were all drawn from the power of the anemone."

"No wonder they are much weaker, and they are not at all like the number one power in North Luzhou..."

Zhou Shu's face tightened, and he said in a condensed voice, "In other words, the Yinkui witch who lives in the **** has a lot of strength now?"


Immortal Master Miaodi sighed with a rare sigh, "And we still don't know what kind of witch she is..."

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