Fairy Winner

Chapter 1453: Yun Yuantian

Everyone was admiring, but Minglie's complexion suddenly turned pale.

He could feel that the power of the strange fire on the Five Fire God's whip was continuously absorbed by the white smoke, and the speed was so fast, I was afraid that his strange fire would turn into a waste fire if it did not produce dozens of breaths.

Should we continue to increase our strength and fight, or should we find a way to retreat, lest the whole army be wiped out?

Of course it is the latter.

Temporary victory and defeat, where there is a magic weapon to accompany life is important.

He immediately planned to take back the Five Fire Whip, but soon discovered that he couldn't do it.

The white smoke is very strange, like a winch, easy to get in, but difficult to get out, no matter how hard he exerts his power, the god's whip won't move.

Suddenly, he felt like a lost concubine, and his heart was ashamed of death. His hundreds of years of hard work have all been put on these five fire whips. The smooth integration is also a god-given opportunity to do it. If the fire is lost now , I can’t do it all over again.

Hundreds of years were wasted at once, how many hundreds of years does a monk have?

When he was depressed, Zhou Shu's voice came from his ear, "I think you have worked hard in refining, let you go and take it back quickly."

The voice was calm, but it was like a fairy sound in his ears.

The pressure on the winch was gradually dissipated, and the five fire whip was recovered smoothly. Upon close inspection, the abnormal fire on it only damaged less than a half, and the original source was not damaged. As long as it is carefully maintained, it can be restored within ten years. .

He felt relieved, and immediately bowed to Zhou Shu, "Thank you Sect Master Zhou for his generosity. The younger generation was rude before, please don't be offended.

"It's okay."

Zhou Shu didn't look at him, but remained silent.

His divine consciousness went farther and farther, he had found the Qilin Temple, and he was thinking about the formation at the gate of the palace. As for this side, the ending was already doomed, and there was no need to watch.

If it wasn't that he didn't want to grudge too deeply, he wouldn't bother to manage Minglie.

Although Zhou Shu still didn't understand Minglie, Minglie did not complain, saluting and leaving, showing respect.

Seeing Minglie's series of actions, everyone was in an uproar.

"This...what's going on?"

"Obviously you can melt the flying sword, why do you want to take it back? What does Minglie think?"

"Could it be that he deliberately let others?"

"Impossible, Minglie can't let others, who can make him bow his head, can only be a strong person who is much stronger than him..."

It took a while before someone who knew Minglie confessed the truth, and the elders over there, with outstanding spiritual knowledge, were naturally very clear.

"This is actually the result."

Ou Maochun looked solemnly, "Five different fires, converging back and forth, producing many changes, plus the bright and fierce Double Ninth Fire Path, its power is comparable to the second and third major monks of Crossing Tribulation Realm, but even so, it can’t be shaken at all. The white smoke on the sword is incredible."

Tao Chapter also completely put away the previous contempt for Zhou Shu, and looked at Zhou Shu in surprise, "The white smoke is half an inch thin, but it does everything, as if any power can be absorbed, how can there be Is this power really the way to swallow the sky?"

The Way of Swallowing Heaven is the ancient strange way. It is rumored to be able to absorb most of the power of the world after being cultivated. It is the nemesis of many ways, but the difficulty of cultivation is extremely high, and there is no one in the world. Made by one person.

"I don't know, but there seems to be no other explanation."

Ou Maochun shook his head lightly, and said slowly, "If he really cultivates the Tao of Heaven Swallowing to this level, no one in the Chongyang Palace can break that sword."

When the two looked at Zhou Shu, they were both worried, and they did not expect that Zhou Shu was so strong. It is no wonder that they would erect such a broken sword here. They had made up their minds to show them good looks, but they had nothing. Method.

"This is not Heaven Swallowing Way."

Yun Yingtian, who had not spoken, suddenly spoke.

"Ah, what do you think Brother Yun has?"

The two looked at Yun Yutian and showed respect. Although they were both elders, Yun Yutian had an extraordinary status and was above them.

Yun Yingtian smiled slowly, "From these white smoke, I can't feel the traces of the Taoist Swallowing Dao, and I don't think that the magic of Swallowing Heavens Dao can be exerted by some divine thoughts, unless he has realized the Dao's great accomplishment, ha ha. "

"Senior Brother Yun said that, it's probably not."

Tao Chapter seemed thoughtful, with a hint of suspicion in his eyes, "How can Brother Yun understand the Tao of Tuntian?"

Yun Yingtian glanced at him and said calmly, "I practiced the Tao of Swallowing Heaven back then, but I gave up temporarily after practicing the third level. It consumes too much, and the body can't bear it. Only people born with alien bodies can bear Swallowing Heaven. And the power...he is not such a person."

"Unexpectedly, Senior Brother Yun has even practiced the Tao of Heaven Swallowing."

Ou Maochun couldn't help but tsk, thought for a while, and then asked, "Then how can I smash that sword as seen by my brother? Ming Lie's five fire whips are no less powerful than our great monk. After the shot, the results all came down, I'm afraid we too..."

Taking a look at Zhou Shu who had nothing to do, Tao Zhang said angrily, "Yes, you can't let him be so arrogant, Brother Yun."

"That Baiyan is really weird, if I'm not mistaken..."

Halfway through, Yun Yutian suddenly paused and shook his head slightly, "If you do it alone, it might be difficult, but you can try it together."

"What, join forces?"

Tao chapter stayed in a daze~www.ltnovel.com~ and asked us to work together to fight a third-order low-grade flying sword, even if we win, then...the face is lost. "

Ou Maochun hesitated for a while, "Why don't you take it, Brother Yun, although your realm is only one heavier than ours, but your strength is at the forefront of the entire Chongyang Palace. If you can take it, I believe you can crush that one. sword."

"You want to promise him, how can I make a move?"

Yun Yingtian smiled and shook his head, and then sighed softly, "What's more, even if I make a move, it may not be possible, but..."

Tao Chapter doubted, "But what?"

"It's nothing."

Yun Yingtian didn't continue speaking, but only glanced at Zhou Shu, with deep meaning in his eyes.

Although Zhou Shu wandered far beyond the sky, he knew everything about the movement here, and he seemed to understand the meaning in that glance.

"Could it be that Yun Yutian can see it?"

That white smoke, of course, is not the Tao of Swallowing Heaven, but Zhou Shu’s strength training tactics, the magic tactics that come with the demon refining pot, refining the power of the world and turning them into the nourishment of the refining demon world. After entering the pot, and none of the monks present could have the ability to contend, Zhou Shu was very relieved that he could deal with it easily without having to manage.

Using the Demon Refining Pot to show off his strength a little, and kill the arrogance of these monks, it seems that the effect has been achieved.

However, this Yun Yutian is different. Judging from his eyes, Xu could see the origin of the white smoke. This was something Zhou Shu could not think of. It was a little unexpected.

He also couldn't think that after refining the demon pot confessed to its master, no one could see its existence except the way of heaven, and only Zhou Shu should know about the three methods of refining the demon pot... But how did you know?

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