Fairy Winner

Chapter 1460: plan

"I know that."

Zhou Shu nodded and frowned, "Does fellow Taoist think that Palace Master Yu made Zhu Xiaorou disappear?"

He looked at Yun Yuantian with doubts in his eyes.

Yun Yingtian was silent for a long time, looked at Zhou Shu, and said with determination, "Since the Sect Master said it, I will not cover it up, not just me, but many people think so."


Yun Yingtian said in a slow voice, "Friends of Daoist do not know. Palace Master Yu has been the lord of Chongyang Palace for two hundred and eighty years. This is something that has never happened since the establishment of Double Ninth Palace. As the Palace Master, so It is incredible that she failed to be able to cross the tribulation in the first year. In addition, she has caused many big changes in the Chongyang Palace. Although there is a layman behind her, it still caused some elders' dissatisfaction."

Zhou Shu nodded lightly, "It's reasonable."

Yu Yurou is indeed very powerful, but she hasn't had any real achievements. Instead, she caused the Chongyang Palace to decline, and her own cultivation level has not improved. If this continues for a long time, it is not surprising that other people are dissatisfied. If they are satisfied, it will be strange.

"Who said no?"

Yun Qingtian said with a smile but a smile, "Although the elders are busy practicing, they don't want to sit back and ignore it. A dozen elders gathered and discussed for three days. Finally, they decided to come forward together to change the current situation of the Chongyang Palace. ."

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, "Elder Yun should be one of them, or else I wouldn't know it so clearly."

"Yes, I am one of them and one of the initiators."

Yun Yingtian bluntly said, "I can't understand Yu Yurou later, although she and I...Forget it, there is no need to say these things."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "It was me who made a mistake, please continue, elders."

Yun Yingtian nodded and brewed for a while, "With more than a dozen of our elders dispatched together, even if a layman leaves the customs, I am afraid it will be difficult to stop. We plan to let Palace Master Yu be directly promoted to the elder, and no longer have to worry about palace affairs. , So concentrate on cultivating fit, don’t waste her talent, and the new palace lord will be replaced by the Huayin palace lord, and the Huayin palace lord at that time was just Zhu Xiaorou who had just transformed into a god."

Zhou Shu thought for a while, nodded and said, "If you do this, you will have an explanation for the idle layman, and it will be a good thing for the Chongyang Palace. The Huayin Palace Lord Zhu Xiaorou is just the daughter of the Palace Master, the Palace Master Yu. You should be satisfied with her, and everyone is really happy."

"Yes, the reason why Zhu Xiaorou, who had just left the customs, was elected as Huayin Palace Master in the previous year, that's what it means."

Yun Yingtian looked at Zhou Shu with a pleasing expression and stroked his beard, "The Sect Master deserves to be the Sect Master, it is all right. We thought about it for three days, and the Sect Master thought of it right away, hehe. This is indeed the best. However, when we were ready to do it, Zhu Xiaorou was suddenly imprisoned by the palace lord in the Kylin Palace. She said that she had no respect and ignored the rules. Now the problem is coming, but it is not yet If it’s too big, let’s wait a few years after facing the wall. If it’s a big deal, we can bear it for a while, and it won’t be too late for her to come out.

"But what I didn't expect was," Zhou Shu continued unconsciously, "It didn't take long for Zhu Xiaorou to disappear, even her life soul lamp was extinguished."

"Yes," Yun Yingtian spread his hands, showing helplessness, "Once I wish Xiaorou disappeared, the plan we worked out so painstakingly fell through."

Zhou Shu's eyes were condensed, "Suddenly something like this is really caught off guard."

Yun Yutian paused and sighed, "Yes, the participating elders are very surprised. We have done it very secretly. None of the elders related to Palace Master Yu participated in the collegiate discussion. According to the truth, there will be no leaks. It’s impossible for Palace Master Yu to know that we would do this, but...it just happened, maybe it was a coincidence. In short, no matter how we think about it, we can’t find a way to satisfy everyone. In this way, Palace Master Chongyang couldn't be replaced naturally, and Palace Master Huayin was also pending. Before Zhu Xiaorou appeared, it was impossible to find a new disciple to take up the post. This matter had to be given up."

Zhou Shu said thoughtfully, "Judging from the results, Palace Master Yu is indeed very suspicious."

"But it can only be a suspicion. No one can be sure that she did it, because she doesn't know our plan at all, and there is no evidence that she did such a thing," Yun Yingtian shook his head, "and it has already happened. We can only treat it as if nothing happened, as if there was no such plan."

Zhou Shu asked suspiciously, "Didn't you go to the Kylin Temple to find it?"

"Yes, more than one elder has been there, I have also been."

Yun Yingtian nodded and said, "Nothing has been discovered, but... some places have not been visited, so I can't go."

"can not go?"

Zhou Shu shook his head unconsciously, quite confused.

"Yes, but it's not that I don't want to find it, I can't find it."

Yun Yingtian looked at Zhou Shu and shook his head. "The lord may not know that the Qilin Temple is the most mysterious and special place in the Chongyang Palace. It has existed since the creation of the Chongyang Palace, and it has always been dedicated to the Zhenzong Beast and the Fire Qi Beast. Holy land is also a forbidden place. Except for the palace lord and elders who participated in the worship of the fire unicorn, most disciples can only pay their respects at the door~www.ltnovel.com~ and the palace lord and elders can only be in the outer hall. As for the inner hall, it is exclusive to Of the fire unicorn, only the fire unicorn can enter."

As he said, he showed a bit of solemnity, "Once there was an elder who wanted to enter the inner hall to take a look, but just a few steps into the inner hall, he was shocked by the roar of the fire Qi beast, and his cultivation was damaged. Not to mention, I lost my mind. I haven't been able to recover for several years... Although the Zhenzong Beast protects our Chongyang Palace, it also has a sacred and inviolable area. If it breaks into it without authorization, the result will be the same."

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "But didn't the town sect beast died 700 years ago?"

"Although the body is dead, the soul is still there, it is equally inviolable."

Yun Yutian immediately shook his head and said solemnly, "Even if there is no Fire Qi beast in the Chongyang Palace, its soul still guards the Chongyang Palace and the Qilin Temple."

"That's true."

Zhou Shu nodded lightly and looked at Yun Yutian's expression. He was obviously in awe of the fire unicorn beast, and perhaps he had suffered a loss, but it made sense. The body is dead and the soul is here, and a strange beast like the fire unicorn is dead. , The soul is placed on the stone monument statue, it can also guard a place.

The Chongyang Palace monks are mostly like this, they firmly believe that the fire unicorn is important to them, and they respect it during their lives, and they will not bother them after death.

Only Zhou Shu had no such concerns.

He nodded and said slowly, "If you can't enter the Kylin Palace, this matter seems to be difficult to solve."


Yun Yingtian gradually became indifferent, "The elders all understand that this is about the only thing possible. Even if Zhu Xiaorou was missing by Yu Yurou, there is no way to do anything to her. Oh, a big change has not happened yet. Eliminate intangible, whether it is a coincidence or something else, just let the Chongyang Palace be like this by the will of the day."

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