Fairy Winner

Chapter 1469: Rescue

Zhou Shu glanced at the Demon Refining Pot, did not say anything, and put it back into the Qiankun bag.

In the short time it was released, he quietly made some arrangements to find a new place for the demon refining pot. There, as long as the demon refining pot changed slightly, he could immediately remind Zhou Shu to avoid any problems.

Zhou Shu walked quickly to the stone platform.

He already felt that Zhu Xiaoruan and Zhu Ningshan had a remnant of unicorn aura.

Go to the edge of the stone platform and look closely.

The stone platform is covered with a layer of light blue jade, which is non-melting jade, this kind of magical jade is always warm and moist, not afraid of any high temperature or cold, even the ninth-order abnormal fire cannot melt it. , The ice and snow can not be frozen.

Because they didn't melt the jade, the two people on the stone platform were not affected by the surrounding high temperature and kept in good condition.

She had some horror on her face, her body was still soft, and her blood flow was intact, as the real person Chongyang said, she was not harmed, but the inexhaustible Qilin breath imprisoned her soul and made her unable to wake up. .

It is naturally easy for Zhou Shu to resolve that breath.

A trace of unicorn power covered the body, but within a few breaths, the breath was brought out by the unicorn power and blended into it.

"Ah! Don't come over!"

Zhu Xiaorou sat up in shock, her face pale, her eyes full of terror.

Zhou Shu shook her hand and said warmly, "Xiao Rou, it's me."

The moment the soul was imprisoned, and the mind remained at the moment before the imprisonment, which was the time when the blood of the unicorn invaded.

"Ah, son, why are you?"

Zhu Xiaorou opened her eyes wide, and looked at Zhou Shu for a while, then she cried with a wow, and fell on Zhou Shu and couldn't help but sob.

"Don't be afraid, it's okay."

Zhou Shu caressed her lightly, feeling the soft body, thinking of some past events, there was also a lot of gentleness in her heart, and she could not help but comfort her. After a while, I wish Xiaorou calm down.

She leaned on Zhou Shu, her eyes glowed, and joy gradually appeared, and she whispered, "My son, where are the red lines? How did you get here?"

"The red line is gone, don't worry."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "I'm here to find you, so I didn't come here in vain..."

After listening to Zhou Shu’s words, Zhu Xiaorou couldn’t help nodding her head, full of amazement, “This is the ancestral land of the fire unicorn beast. It turns out that the red lines are the blood of unicorns left by the real person on Chongyang. It’s a real treasure. Xiaoyu has seen the palace. The classics in the book talk about some things about Qilin’s blood...Fortunately, the son can accept it, and the real person in Chongyang Palace has waited for so many years. The disciples of the Chongyang Palace can’t get it, but they have a fate with the son.

"It's fate."

Zhou Shu nodded slightly and said with a trace of doubt, "Xiao Rou, how did you get here?"

Zhu Xiaorou twisted her eyebrows, and said thoughtfully, "I was thinking about a question on the inner wall of the Kylin Temple that day, but I couldn't figure it out, so I got up and walked around. When I walked to the entrance of the inner hall, I thought about it. What is it? I accidentally approached a little bit and was suddenly sucked in... I walked on the plain for a long time and found that there was a mountain here. I planned to see clearly and find a way to leave, but as soon as I went down, there was a mountain. The red light came out, and many red lines came out to surround me... and then I didn't know anything until the son woke me up."


She suddenly exclaimed, "Father, why is father here? What happened to him?"

Zhou Shu shook her hand and said warmly, "He is here to find you. He has encountered the same experience as you. I will be able to wake him up in a while, don’t worry, but before waking up, I want to clarify some things. It’s not convenient to speak in front of him.


Zhu Xiaorou put aside her worry, and obediently agreed, only wondering, "Master, why was I sucked in?"

"You brought a fire unicorn bead on your body, which was sensed by the power of the unicorn guarding the temple gate, so I sucked you in," Zhou Shu said slowly, "I haven't seen that bead before. You got it later. Huh?"

"Fire Qi Beast Top Pearl, what is that?"

Zhu Xiaorou frowned slightly and fumbled for a while, "Ah, it's gone?"

Zhou Shu questioned, "What's missing?"

"Chongyang Sacred Fire Bead," she looked at Zhou Shu, she was quite puzzled, "Could it be the Fire Qi beast top bead?"

Zhou Shu thoughtfully, "If it disappears, then the fire unicorn beast's top bead has been absorbed by the blood of the unicorn, so naturally it is gone."

Zhu Xiaorou thought for a while and said, "The palace owner said that it was the Chongyang Sacred Fire Pearl. There are only five in the entire Chongyang Palace. It is very useful for cultivation and can better cultivate the true fire of Chongyang. Only the best disciples of Chongyang. In order to get it, at the beginning my father relied on the real fire that he condensed, but after I became the Huayin Palace Master, the Palace Master gave it to me..."

Zhou Shu paused, "Palace Master Yu Yu gave it to you."


Zhu Xiaorou nodded and sighed softly, "It was given to me by Palace Master Yu."

When talking about Yu Yurou, her voice was a bit blunt, and it was difficult to describe the feelings in it.

It’s not the first time. Although she and Yu Yurou have a mother-daughter relationship, the relationship between the two has never been good. Zhou Shu knew this a long time ago. In the long time we lived together, I never saw Zhu Xiaorouti. Too Yurou.

Zhou Shu once asked about it, and Zhu Xiaorou frankly said that since childhood, only her father took care of her. Yu Yurou never asked about it. The number of times the two met ~www.ltnovel.com~ can be counted with one hand. And basically quarrel as soon as you speak.

Therefore, it is not surprising that she has such complicated feelings for Yurou.

She seemed to have thought of something, she looked at Zhou Shu and said in a condensed voice, "The young master meant that Palace Master Yu deliberately gave me the Holy Fire Pearl, so that I could be sucked into the inner hall?"

"It's hard to tell."

Zhou Shu shook his head slightly, "The Chongyang Master said that five thousand years ago, no one in the Chongyang Palace knew the secrets of the inner temple. There won’t be any palace lord who will send disciples to the real person to receive the blood of the unicorn. Yu Yurou may also I don’t know...Unless she tells it herself, it’s hard to tell if she knows it intentionally or not."

Zhu Xiaorou thought for a while, and said softly, "It's also hard to say."

Zhou Shu Zheng said, "Xiao Rou, don't worry about it. After I go out, I will ask her to find out. No one can stop me forgiving."

"The son is always good for me, Xiao Rou understands."

With a lot of tenderness in Zhu Xiaorou's eyes, she glanced at Zhou Shu and then shook her head slightly, "But... forget it, son, Xiaorou doesn't want to know the true and false now, it's good to be the false one, if it's she deliberately ..."

She sighed and said slowly, "Just as Xiaorou owes her, and pay her back this time."

Zhou Shu stared at her, "Xiao Rou, with me, you don't have any worries."

Zhu Xiaorou nodded, and a lot of smiles appeared at the corners of her mouth, "Xiaorou knows that the son can do everything, but this time, how about listening to Xiaorou?"

Zhou Shu thought about it for a while, "Well, I won't mention this for now, but you should never stay in the Chongyang Palace anymore."

"I've always thought about it this way, where do you go, where do I go."

I wish Xiaorou lightly leaned on Zhou Shu and said in a low voice.

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