Fairy Winner

Chapter 1471: Totally uneasy

A palace in front of the Kylin Temple, deep.

The two monks sat opposite each other, with a chessboard in the middle, playing against each other.

"Heh, it looks like Brother Yun has lost."

The talking monk leaned on a chair, thin, handsome, but pale as paper, his eyes opened and closed, he could not feel a trace of energy, and he was weak in speaking, as if he had been sick for a long time.

This sickly monk is totally disturbed.

Decades ago, he had gone through the eighth calamity. Except for a few old antiques who could not live in seclusion, he was the first in the Chongyang Palace monks. He had just gone through the calamity, and he could take action without fear. It is most suitable for him to guard the important place.

Yu Yurou is also extremely relieved.

"Oh, oh."

Yun Yingtian held the chess piece in his hand, and didn't know how to put it down for a while.

I finally stumbled and sighed, quite annoyed, "The whole brother is clever in chess, which is beyond the reach of the younger brother. Although he thinks about everything, he still made a mistake."

"Hehe, you lose every game with a mistake, Brother Yun, you are still a little tender."

Uneasy smiled slightly, waved his sleeves and flicked out, and a chess piece on the chessboard jumped up and flew in front of Yun Yingtian, hanging still.

Yun Yuantian's expression was slightly condensed, and he was surprised, "What does Brother Quan mean? Could it be that I have changed my **** today, and I regret that I cannot make it?"

"Hey, it depends on what Brother Yun means."

Uneasy opened his eyes, and a few moments flashed away. "You and I have a good relationship. If you make a mistake, you can regret a step. But if you don't understand and continue to walk on the wrong side, you will lose."

The corner of Yun Yuantian's mouth raised slightly, and he said calmly, "My brother has something to say, but I don't know which step I took wrong? Where should I regret it?"

He stared at the chess piece uncomfortably, and didn't raise his head, "From the moment you came in, you went wrong."


Yun Yuantian looked solemn, "Brother Quan meant, shouldn't I come to you to play chess?"

"I welcome it anytime, but not today."

He raised his head uncomfortably and sighed slightly, "Brother Yun, you should know that the Kylin Temple is the important place of the Chongyang Palace. Outsiders are never allowed to enter. And you, in order to help outsiders enter the Kylin Temple, deliberately disturb me, really shouldn't what."

"I don't understand what Brother Quan meant."

Yun Yingtian shook his head, quite surprised, only Zhenli secretly spread all over his body, prepared for alert.

"You understand."

Uneasy stretched out his hand, slowly placed it on the chessboard, a faint of cold breathed suddenly and quickly spread.

The hand shone with a cyan luster, as if wearing a metal glove, but it was as transparent as jade, and the blood vessels inside could be clearly seen, and the flowing blood was not liquid, but a small ball. A small group of solid flames.

"Pure Yang Huayin?"

Yun Yuantian's expression was stagnant, "You actually became a real fire body?"

The Chongyang Real Fire is the second soul of the monks of the Chongyang Palace. When it is condensed to a certain level, it can merge with the physical body to form a real fire body.

It's equivalent to the second dimensional union.

It has one more body than other monks. It is naturally strong, and the yin and yang are unified, and there is no risk of yang. With this alone, the Chongyang Palace can stand side by side with the other five sects.

Uneasy and not answering, he just said lightly, "Did you admit that you went wrong, Brother Yun?"

After a few glances, Yun Yingtian looked away and said calmly, "It's just a game of chess. It doesn't matter if I made a good mistake, and I don't understand what Brother Quan wants to do. Why do I keep entangled?"


Nodded uncomfortably, "Very well."

Before the words fell, the hand that landed on the chessboard shook suddenly, and the chessboard took the two people, rising from the ground, and flew out toward the palace gate.

"What will Brother Quan do?"

Yun Yutian blamed him,

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line--

Novel netizens please remind: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line---

The face force was resolved, but he soon discovered that no matter how he blocked it, he couldn't change the direction of the chessboard. That power was irresistible. He, a person with five levels of tribulation, had nothing to do.

The body of true fire cannot be achieved without enlightenment. After being combined, the elemental power turns into the power of true fire, which is the power of real Tao.

How could he be able to resist it?

In just a few breaths, the chessboard took the two people through the palace gates, and landed on a square with a crash.

The square is extremely large. The four corners are full of pillars as high as five feet. The ground is full of red sand with the power of fire. In front of the square is a magnificent building, standing under the golden pillars of Chongyang, just like the sun. The flames of the sun shone back and forth above the building, and the large characters in front of the hall were particularly distinct.

It is the top priority of the Chongyang Palace, the Kylin Temple.

It is usually very quiet here, but it is not peaceful at this time. From time to time, there are small fluctuations in front of the door, and it seems that someone is running inside.


Yun Yingtian understood it at once, staring at the Qilin Temple, and secretly said badly.

Could it be Zhou Shu who inspired the formation?

The fluctuation was so subtle that he couldn't even feel it in the palace, but he discovered the anxiety that had been focused on playing chess.

Uneasy retracted his hand, looked at Yun Yingtian with a smile, and raised his eyebrows slightly, "Brother Yun, you must think about how to take this step."

Yun Yingtian squeezed the chess piece and paused, "Brother Quan, I will figure it out, but why does Brother Quan think that the abnormal movement in this palace is related to me? Can't it be a coincidence?"

"Coincidence, maybe it's possible."

Uneasy and nodded gently, and said slowly, "However, I heard that before you came to me to play chess, you went to Zhou Shu of the Dutch school. You talked for a long time, and then you came to me to play chess. Shu was gone, and then the formation in front of the Qilin Palace changed."

"Just like that, do you still think it's a coincidence?"

Looking at Yun Yuantian~www.ltnovel.com~ his complexion gradually became serious, with a touch of blood in his pale.

The blood was flowing in his face, as if it could emerge at any time, turning into a raging fire, devouring everything.

Yun Yingtian's expression stagnated, and he only shook his head, "My brother said that is wrong. I have been to Zhou Shu's place. That's just the way of hospitality in the Chongyang Palace. As for where Zhou Shu goes, I can't control it. There is no definite evidence for what Brother Brother said."

"you're right."

He nodded calmly, "However, when he comes out, he will know that the fluctuation of the formation is so slight. He should have obtained the formation talisman and will be able to come out soon. We will wait."

Yun Yingtian glanced at the gate of the palace, without saying a word, only thinking about countermeasures in his heart.

He must not let Zhou Shu have an accident.

"Don't be idle, keep playing chess."

Uneasy smiled slightly, the chessboard vibrated, and the chess pieces jumped up one after another, and then fell back to the original place without moving.

"it is good."

Yun Yingtian nodded, there was a smile on his face, but there was a lot of determination in it.

He held the chess piece and stretched it toward the chessboard. The chess piece seemed to weigh more than a thousand jin, and it was only an inch closer in a few breaths, slowly.

A lot of power is condensed in that chess piece, the unique method from the Yun family, it seems that he is planning to fight to the death.

She seemed to be unaware of the complete anxiety, but urged with a smile.

Seeing that the chess piece was about to fall on the chessboard, a muffled noise suddenly came, and the formation in front of the palace opened suddenly.

"How could it be you?"

Uneasy Huo Ran stood up, but Yun Yingtian was relieved, and gently placed the chess piece on the chessboard, "It's your turn, Brother Quan."

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