Fairy Winner

Chapter 1484: Zhenyin

The warehouse is large, with a radius of ten miles.

There are many large and small formations, at least hundreds of them.

Between the formation and formation, there are some small puppets less than three inches walking back and forth, like sentries.

The defense inside the warehouse is stricter than the outside. The formation here not only plays a protective role, but also limits the loss of spiritual energy of many spiritual things, which is indispensable.

The formations are extremely dense, and they will be activated whenever there is an abnormality. In addition, the ubiquitous little puppets, even the cultivators of the Tribulation Realm, are difficult not to encounter, and the puppets will explode as long as they leave the original walking track, triggering an alarm. , It is harder to take things away without being noticed.

It was also arranged by Zhou Shu and Lin Zhu.

Hua Lin glanced a few times and sighed, "I didn't see any changes, and the puppets are all fine, I really don't know how the person got in."

"Don't talk, stop the puppet first, and then look for it carefully.

Zhao Yige had obviously come to get acquainted, and separated from Hua Lin to explore, while Zhou Shu walked to the middle, standing still in front of a formation, seemingly thoughtful.

After a while, the two returned one after another.

Zhao Yige said, "Nothing was found over there, nothing was lost, what about you?"

Hua Lin nodded, "Same, nothing was lost, the most valuable pieces are intact, and the high-level pills are also there."

"Then it can only be here?"

Zhao Yige looked at Zhou Shu and complained, "Did you find out early? Don't tell me earlier."


Hua Lin's face was a little weird.

Zhao Yige questioned, "What's wrong?"

Hua Lin said slowly, "Here is where the magic weapon is placed. Couldn't it be lost?"

"Ah, that gun, quickly open it!"

Zhao Yige was very anxious.

Hua Lin settled down and opened the formation. After the two-layer formation was removed, he breathed a sigh of relief, "I'm still there."

In the formation, a three-foot-high jade platform stands.

A weird cage is placed on the jade platform. The cage is in a square shape. The pillars are as thick as fingers and are purple-golden. They are carved with ancient patterns. The four corners of the cage are placed with four small seals, which are divided into four elephants. Several silk threads hung from the cage, holding a strange magic weapon.

"It's like a gun, but it's not quite right. It's also like a sword."

Zhao Yige stared at the magic weapon, touched his chin and couldn't help thinking.

The magic weapon is indeed like a gun. It is cylindrical, roughly the same thickness up and down, with many patterns, just like the body of a long gun, but there are some differences. The tip of the gun is tapered, but the tip of this gun is like The tip of the sword is average, thin and flat, with good edges on both sides, and the tail is different, with a raised handle, which is very similar to a sword.

Like a gun like a sword.

Zhao Yige was pondering the magic weapon, but Zhou Shu's gaze had been on the small seal of the four elephants, and he hadn't moved.

Hua Lin whispered, "Brother Zhou, this is the magic weapon, do you know it?"

"I can't see it for the time being," Zhou Shu shook his head and said rather solemnly, "Hua Lin, is this seal always there?"

Hua Lin immediately said, "That's the way it was received. The monk said it was obtained from exploring the secret realm. Because he was worried that the suppression was a magic weapon, he did not dare to move this seal..."

"Magic weapon?"

Zhao Yige was stunned, seemingly enlightened, "Yes, the Sixiang Seals are generally used to suppress monsters and magic weapons and other things from foreign races, brother Hua, this should be a magic weapon, you still took it away ?"

Zhou Shu shook his head, "No, this is not a magic weapon."

"Brother Zhou is right."

Hua Lin followed, "The appraiser in Xuanli has seen that although the four-images are suppressed, this magic weapon is by no means a magic weapon. You can see from the lines and materials on it that the lines are an extremely ancient four-image drawing method. It may be made by monks in the Primordial Era, and the material is Xuanyuan Iron, which is unique to the Xuanhuang Realm. No matter what kind, it is not something a foreign race can have."

"So, it seems that the selling cultivator didn't understand, so you picked it up."

Zhao Yige relaxed, "What is Xuanyuan Tie? It sounds very domineering. Could it be related to the Xuanyuan Clan?"

Hua Lin nodded, with a lot of joy, "It does matter. It is said that Xuanyuan Iron comes from an iron mountain in the Xuanyuan clan. The iron is very magical, and it is difficult to rank it. According to the cultivator's ability to determine his own strength and weakness, the weak can get it. Scrap iron, if it is obtained by the strong, can exert great effects, the highest is even equivalent to Tier 9 materials... Since Xuanyuan's annihilation, Xuanyuan Iron has been extremely rare, and it is fate to encounter one point. This magic weapon is true. It was earned."

"Wow, that's a good thing."

Zhao Yige's eyes lit up, and he couldn't wait to take it immediately. He only glanced at Zhou Shu, but didn't move rashly.

Zhou Shu's expression remained solemn, "After receiving it, have you moved these four signs?"

Hua Lin nodded, "I moved a few days ago. I don’t know what the semicolon is. It was only collected by Qibao. You said that as long as it is special, try to take it back the other day. Later, Xuanli's appraiser officially began to appraise, and only then did he know that it was Xuanyuan Tie."

Zhao Yige laughed unconsciously, "How can I know that it is a good thing without identification, ha ha."

Zhou Shu repeated, "Did you move the seal during the identification?"

"It has been moved. This seal is the switch of the birdcage.

Hua Lin quickly explained, "The appraiser also watched for a long time before moving. Please also enshrine to see it. The enshrinement said that the bird cage has been experienced for too long, and the four elephant spirits in the four elephant seals are also very small, close to nothing. , There is no way to suppress the magic weapons inside, and they have no effect on the magic weapons at all times. The appraiser decided to move the seal and use the magic weapons inside to identify them."

"I see~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhou Shu nodded slightly, but his complexion became more solemn, "It shouldn't be moved. "

Hua Lin was stunned, and Zhao Yige showed a lot of doubts, "What's the matter?"

Zhou Shu slowly said, "The spirit of spirit does seem to be insignificant, but that spirit of spirit is the true spirit of the four elephants."

"What, the real four elephants?"

Zhao Yige almost jumped up and pointed at Zhou Shu, "You mean, Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, Xuanwu, these four sacred beasts?"

He paused every word, completely unbelievable.

Zhou Shu nodded and said seriously, "Yes, these four elephant seals are the real four elephant seals, and what is sealed inside is also the real four elephant spirits. Although there is only a trace, the breath is completely different from what I have seen before. And Qiangsheng, even beyond several realms...I can be sure that they are the authentic four elephants, there will be no fakes."

"Oh my god! That's not a treasure! Where can I find the real four elephants? This time...this time I really earned it! These four elephant seals..."

Zhao Yige was surprised, shouting loudly, speaking incoherently, only looking at Zhou Shu and Hua Lin, he gave birth to a lot of doubts, "You guys, why are you unhappy, shouldn't you be happy after receiving such a strange treasure?"


Hua Lin sighed, "I'm happy, but this also shows that...the four zongji seals are indeed suppressing something... No wonder Brother Zhou, you always ask me about the four zhangji marks. It seems that I made a big mistake..."

"It's hard to tell if it's wrong, but it's hard to say it's a good thing."

Zhou Shu said in a deep voice, "The four-image seal is placed here, not for no reason, most of it is to suppress something in the magic weapon, but you have moved the four-image seal, and the thing is not suppressed, and then left. In this formation The traces of it are also what it left.")!!

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