Fairy Winner

Chapter 1486: eccentric


Hua Lin nodded lightly, "It is possible that the spirits and spirits of tens of thousands of years ago have mastered the formation method, plus the self-cultivation base, it is not strange to pass the formation here."

"Magic weapon spirit, spirit, in other words, is this the best magic weapon?"

Zhao Yige looked at the magic weapon, seemingly thoughtful.

Zhou Shu calmly said, "As far as I know, there are only a handful of magic weapons made from Xuanyuan Iron. Most of them are top quality magic weapons, with one exception, but this magic weapon is obviously not that one."


Hua Lin followed, "Among those famous magic weapons, only Xuanyuan Iron Shield is not the best magic weapon, but that shield... is completely a violent heavenly object, and it is a pity that Xuanyuan Iron's essence has not been displayed at all."

"The best magic weapon..."

Staring at the magic weapon, Zhao Yige was a little itchy, and paused, "Since he is a tool, why should he leave?"

Zhou Shu shook his head, "I don’t know this. Maybe it’s holding back for too long and doesn’t want to be bored in it anymore. It ran away at the first opportunity, or the current magic weapon was suppressed by the power of the Four Elephants and changed its form. No longer suitable for it, so I went to find a new magic weapon."

"If that's the case, the result is pretty good."

Zhao Yige nodded, "Qi Ling left and left, there is almost no harm to Lingyu City."

"Yes," Zhou Shu said calmly, "this is the best possible."

Hua Lin stroked his few beards and said suspiciously, "There is still a soul, that is, someone sealed an ancient monk in it? I have rarely heard of this kind of thing. Who would do such a thankless and thankless thing? What about grudges."

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Kill the monk, and then use the magic weapon as a prison, forcing the monk's soul into a tool spirit. This kind of thing happened, especially in ancient times."

Hua Lin's heart trembled, "It's really vicious."

Zhao Yige sighed, "If this is the case, there is still a poor man inside... However, compared to the evil soul, the cultivator's soul is much less harmful, and even if it escapes and forcibly seizes the house, it will only harm one person."

Hua Lin nodded unconsciously, "Yes, I hope so too."

Zhou Shuzheng said, "In short, the most worried thing is the evil soul, but it is not urgent. It may be a few years later. As for other possibilities, the impact on Lingyu City and the surrounding immortal cultivators is very small. It can be ignored."

The two men's solemn expressions gradually relaxed, "Listening to Brother Zhou's analysis, things don't seem to be that complicated, so you don't need to be too impatient."

"Yes, the matter is serious, but there is no need to worry."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "Wait for the Huabaoxuan semicolon and investigate the specific situation of this magic weapon before making plans, Hua Lin, how long will it take?"

Hua Lin thought for a while, "It takes ten months for the journey alone, and it takes a lot of time to come and go, and... Recently, Xihezhou is very chaotic, and I don’t know if I can find that monk. The fastest is ten months. It may take more than a year."

"It seems we can't hold too much hope."

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "I see, I will try my best. I will also find a way to investigate. Before that, pay more attention to the city. You must also inform your respective tribulation realms to make them more alert. Some, don’t let go of any changes."

The two agreed, "I understand, I'll do it when I go back."


Zhou Shu said slowly, "I will search the city these days, I will investigate carefully and will tell you what happens."

Zhao Yige sighed, "Only you can do this kind of thing. I'm afraid your spiritual thoughts have covered the entire Lingyu City now, right?"

"Brother Zhao understands me."

Zhou Shu smiled, "You don't have to be in a hurry, your cultivation level will go up sooner or later, and an early step is not necessarily a good thing."

From the moment he discovered the anomaly, he began to search for the spiritual thoughts he had left in Lingyu City. He seldom practiced, and he didn't need to keep his mind and soul at all times. It has become a habit to leave a lot of spiritual thoughts wherever he went. Lingyu City is naturally no exception.

"Of course, when I break through the shackles of the gunway, I will never be worse than you..."

Zhao Yige replied at once, and only paused for a while. He probably knew that it was impossible to catch up with Zhou Shu.

Hua Lin did not speak. He knew that his qualifications were far inferior to the two of them. He is still in the Nascent Soul Realm. However, he is fascinated by Shang Dao, and he did not spend too much time in his cultivation. He will be able to reach the Transcendent God Realm stably in the future. Up.

"This magic weapon..."

He turned his head to look at the magic weapon, "There is still a seal, how to deal with it?"

Zhou Shu had planned long ago, "There are the essence of the four elephants in the seal of the four elephants. Don't waste the precious power of the four elephants. You seal it up first, and it will be of great use in the future. It is good for us. As for this magic weapon..."

Looking at Zhao Yige, he smiled and said, "No matter if it is an evil soul or something, it is impossible to return it again, Brother Zhao, can you try to use it?"

"it is good!"

Zhao Yige waited for this sentence for a long time, and quickly reached out and grabbed the magic weapon.

The starting point is heavy, it doesn't look much different from ordinary iron, it is dull and dull, and can't feel a trace of aura.

"Let me try."

Zhao Yige was looking forward to injecting vitality, and was immediately surprised, "Why, no vitality can get in?"

"Ah~www.ltnovel.com~ That's weird."

Hua Lin's complexion was stagnant, "It was okay when I tried it before. Although I don't know the specific function, I can definitely sense the spiritual energy."

Zhao Yige handed him the magic weapon, "Try it yourself."

Hua Lin took it and input a trace of vitality, but there was no response. He couldn't help but increase the input, but no matter how it was increased, the result was still the same, and the magic weapon did not respond.

He suddenly became sluggish, very puzzled, "What's going on, it was fine before, and it has only been a few days, so it can't be used?"

Zhao Yige twisted his eyebrows and shook his head. "It's not only unusable. Look at this material, it can't penetrate even a trace of spiritual energy and vitality. There is no channel of vitality. Is this really a magic weapon?"

"It must have been before, but now... Brother Zhou, try it."

Hua Lin was rather helpless and handed the magic weapon to Zhou Shu. Zhou Shu also injected a bit of vitality, but still did not respond.

That magic weapon is like the most stubborn stone. It completely blocked the Yuanli and couldn't enter at all. Zhou Shu frowned. Generally speaking, the magic weapon without spiritual power channel is no different from scrap iron. It is useless at all. In terms of shape and material, it shouldn’t be the case.

"Does it have something to do with the thing that left?"

Zhao Yige thought for a while and said, "Maybe this magic weapon can only be used when it is inside?"

Hua Lin said slowly, "There is only this explanation, but there is no reason at all. Even the spirit of the device cannot change the nature of the magic weapon itself, and now this thing does not even seem to be a piece of Xuanyuan iron, and it is completely impossible to communicate with Yuan. Li... You know, Xuanyuan Tie is extremely sensitive to spiritual energy, and it can be used even in the Qi Refining Realm that has just started to cultivate immortals."

"Really weird..."

Zhou Shu shook his head lightly, somewhat confused. This was the first time he saw this situation, and there was no record in the classics. 898)

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