Fairy Winner

Chapter 1489: seal

Back in the Heyin school, Zhou Shu was still thinking about these questions.

That beggar is the strongest he has ever seen. Maybe it can’t be described as strong. It’s weird and a feeling beyond cognition. He always feels that the power used by beggars is not the power in the mysterious yellow world. The rules are by no means the rules of the Xuanhuang World, but the deeper rules of the Dao.

The beggar talked about life and death, and Zhou Shu can try to understand the life.

Since vitality is not the longevity, it should be the vitality in life, the hope of survival, etc. As long as there are things with life, human beings are no exception, and from the beggar’s words, there are also things without life, then It is the anger carried by all things, such as morning dew, sunlight, etc. From this it can be seen that vitality can self-recover and replenish itself, and it is inexhaustible. This alone is by no means less and less vitality, etc. Comparable.

In the realm of cultivating immortals, the only thing that can be compared with it, I'm afraid there is only willingness.

However, the Zen sect failed, fewer and fewer people were willing to make big vows, and the aspiration power is not as good as before.

As for the crash, Zhou Shu didn't understand at all. Could it be the opposite of vitality. Everyone has a crash. If it is completely eliminated, it will not be possible to die and ensure longevity? That's incredible.

The beggar is indeed strange.

For the time being, it seems that the beggar has no malice towards Lingyucheng towards Zhou Shu, and seems to be able to ignore it, but Zhou Shu never thinks that way. Something strange happens, of course, we must find a way to figure it out so as not to be caught off guard in the future. It is right to take precautions before they happen.

That beggar, there must be a way to restrain it.

The beggar has been trapped in the magic weapon for tens of thousands of years. What is the magic weapon, who trapped him in the first place, and how did he get trapped in it? If you can figure out these things, you won't be lost if you meet the beggar again in the future.

After thinking about it, Zhou Shu took out the demon refining pot.

If you have a lot of knowledge and knowledge, there is nothing like refining a demon pot, except for the years when he was sleeping, when he knew nothing.

He slowly said, "Have you seen this?"

After several punishments, the Demon Refining Pot has seldom deceived him. At least Zhou Shu thinks so for the time being, and he also knows that it is impossible to ask the Demon Refining Pot to be completely honest with him. After all, the information between the two is completely different and the difference is too great. Big.

The demon refining pot hung on the magic weapon and paused for a while, and a few lines appeared on the body of the pot.

"The material is Xuanyuan Iron, and the time is extremely old. It is definitely not made by the cultivators of the Xuanhuang Realm. It should be a magic weapon of heaven."

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "It wasn't the work of the Xuanhuang Realm, could it be the magic weapon of the Immortal Realm?"

"No, the magic weapons of the fairy world are all made with materials from the fairy world. This one uses Xuanyuan iron from the Xuanhuang world."

The demon refining pot kept flashing, "Only the heavenly path in charge of the Xuanhuang Realm can use the resources in the Xuanhuang Realm, and it is possible to use the materials of the Xuanhuang Realm to refine magic weapons higher than the Xuanhuang Realm. Such magic weapons can be cultivated. They use it to exert a power that is stronger than ordinary magic weapons, and they are usually called heaven magic weapons by the cultivators of the Xuanhuang Realm."

Zhou Shu nodded lightly, "Are all the magic weapons of heaven's path top quality?"

The Demon Refining Pot continued, "The best magic weapon in the Xuanhuang Realm is a magic weapon that is injected into the origin of heaven and earth. For Heaven, every magic weapon he makes can be the best magic weapon, but he may not do that. For example, sometimes, he gets the best materials in the Xuanhuang world, injects higher-level power, and obtains stronger magic weapons. Such magic weapons can be regarded as heavenly magic weapons, but they cannot be used by immortal cultivators. Immortal cultivators are likely to see I can’t understand it, but I don’t think it is the best."


Feeling a little familiar, Zhou Shu paused slightly, "Do you think this one is the latter?"

The demon refining pot flashed, "No, if it is Heaven's Dao that has injected high-level power, I can perceive it, but I can't perceive it, indicating that this is not, it can be used by immortal cultivators."

"It works, why can't I use it?"

Zhou Shu frowned, "It can't communicate spiritual power, and none of the power I have can work."

"Is there such a thing?"

The Demon Refining Pot was also a little confused.

Zhou Shu said affirmatively, "Yes."

"Let me try."

A white smoke floated out, wrapped around the magic weapon, turned around, and immediately went back, "It's weird, I really can't absorb anything, and I can't even refine it. Xuanyuan Iron is a great tonic for me. Things, how can they not be refined, how exactly did this magic weapon be refined, and can it change the nature of the material? Even the way of heaven may not be able to do it, right?"

The demon refining pot burst out with light, flashing sharply, and the handwriting was bigger than one, which seemed very excited.

"Are you still trying to refine?"

Zhou Shu's belly sneered, but he also knew that the Demon Refining Pot would not really be refined, just a sense.

The light gradually dimmed, and several rows of small characters appeared on the body of the demon refining pot.

"There is only one thing in the Xuanhuang Realm that I can't refining, and that is the same divine tool that I am born with."

Zhou Shu's face slightly condensed, "Is it really a magical tool..."

He had already had such a guess, and the determination of the Demon Refining Pot proved this point, and even so, he could be sure that this magic weapon was the Xuanyuan Sword.

The artifact is beside, but Zhou Shu doesn't have much joy.

Because Xuanyuan Sword and Demon Refining Pot are both artifacts with many problems. One can absorb the power of the master~www.ltnovel.com~ to make the cultivator fall quickly, and one is selfish and has greater ambition than heaven and earth. I don’t know when Will betray.

For now, they are like two time bombs, and getting them is not worth being too happy.


The Demon Refining Pot quickly typed a few words, just as he thought.

Zhou Shu paused, "Since it is an artifact, anyone can use it. Why can't I use it at all? I can't even feel the breath of an artifact."

"I can't feel it either."

The demon refining pot slowly showed, "Maybe it has been basically destroyed, and only its shape is left. Just like me at the beginning, it needs to be restored, but I don’t know how to restore it. There is another possibility, that is, it has been restored. It's sealed, this possibility is extremely small, because I don't know who in the Xuanhuang Realm has such an ability, and Pu Lao definitely can't do it."

"Before I fell asleep, he was still very active. I didn't expect that he has become like this now. His appearance is completely different, and he has no strength at all, like scrap iron. Even I almost admitted my mistake, hehe."

A wry smile, a feeling of pity for life.

Zhou Shu nodded, slightly satisfied.

If the Demon Refining Pot didn't lie to him, then the truth came out for a little while, Xuanyuan Sword shouldn't be destroyed, it was sealed by something, and he could still guess some process.

Xuanyuan Sword has harmed many powers or unformed powers in the world of cultivating immortals. After someone gets it, he knows that it is by no means a good artifact, but a great harm to the cultivator, but he cannot completely destroy it, so he thinks of a way. Seal it up and hide it deep in a secret realm, no longer born, until recently it was discovered.

It sounds reasonable, but there are many doubts.

Who can seal the artifact?

It was so thoroughly sealed that it was impossible for even Heaven to do it.

With this alone, Zhou Shu couldn't think of the answer at all. 89 (Battlefield Literature)

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