Fairy Winner

Chapter 1494: Mingdao

Looking at Zhou Shu, Jiao Ling had a trace of desire in her eyes.

As a saint, Jiao Ling is perfect enough, has extraordinary charm, can unite ethnic groups very well, and can handle relations with many races, but to govern a ethnic group, it is still a little insufficient and lack of strength. There is also a lot of lack of experience and ability.

So she hopes that someone will help her and help her deal with these troubles.

Zhou Shu had experienced such a situation, naturally understood this, and smiled, "By the way, what about Xuan Yun?"

Jiao Ling gently shook her head, "He can't do anything about Liuyun Palace. He is also the lord of the First Palace now, he has his own things to do, and Jiao Ling doesn't want to help." After a pause, she was very helpless. "Benefactor, you know, we have many old grudges with Liuyun Palace. Many people don’t want to see people in Liuyun Palace anymore. Even if it’s Xuanyun, they don’t want to. This matter is also very troublesome."


Zhou Shu nodded and said slowly, "Jiaoling, you don't have to be impatient, I promise you, I will come and see if I have time, and send a few more monks to help you. They have rich experience and should be able to help you. ."

"Ah, that would be the best!"

Jiao Ling's eyes lit up, and he saluted with joy, "Thank you, benefactor!"

"It's okay, you're welcome."

Helping people to the end can also increase popularity. The shark clan is very important to Zhou Shu. Besides, you have all erected statues, and you can't justify it without helping.

In the words, the two have reached the door of the temple.

The door of the temple is open, and there are ten guards at the door, and there are sharks coming in and out from time to time.

Jiao Ling walked into the temple first, only whispered a few words, and all the sharks inside retreated without a complaint.

She turned around and smiled, "Benefactor, you can watch it as you please."

"it is good."

Zhou Shu nodded and looked around.

His Shuzhi Dao needs to learn from the strengths of various Dao to make up for himself.

Last time in the temple, his purpose was to absorb the starlight to restore the demon refining pot. He did not pay attention to the Tao in the stars, and did not even look at it. Now that Shu Zhidao has achieved little success, he needs to continuously absorb nutrients. At the time, so I came here specially to feel the various Taoism in the stars.

No matter how much you get, no matter how good or bad you get, in short, the nearly ten thousand stars in the Star Temple will definitely give Shu Zhidao a great benefit.

"It may take a long time, a few days or even more than ten days, Jiao Ling, you go ahead and do your job first."

"Jiaoling will be here with the benefactor, not to disturb the benefactor, and when the benefactor is finished, Jiao Ling has one more thing to say."

Jiao Ling gently shook his head, looked for a little star, sat in front of him, and stopped talking.

Zhou Shu didn't care, let go of his spiritual sense, and Shu Zhidao was also scattered in the spiritual sense, feeling the stars with his heart.

A little bit of time passed.

Zhou Shu finally opened his eyes, saw Jiao Ling in front of him at a glance, and smiled peacefully.

"How many days did I watch?"

"Benefactor, seventy-three days have passed."

"Ah, so long?"

Zhou Shu was slightly startled, but also a little surprised.

He wandered among various trails and avenues, immersed in them wholeheartedly, completely ignoring time.

The stars in the Temple of Stars are like a huge spider web. The web is full of pearls, large and small, but the pearls are messy, and they are covered with a thick layer of dust, only the dust is stripped off. It is possible to see the bright avenue.

Zhou Shu is like a spider, wandering on the web, greedily looking for pearls for its brilliance.

It takes ten years or more to understand the various avenues and paths in the stars, but Zhou Shu does not need to fully understand it. He only needs to confirm each other with his own Shuzhi Dao, and then learn from each other's strengths. It's a quick way.

But this alone took a lot of time. He is not simply tasting it. Every way of sentiment has to go through countless deductions in the sea of ​​knowledge before it can be compared with Shu Zhidao, so as to ensure that there is no mistake.

In these seventy-three days, Zhou Shu had only felt about sixty ways.

From these Dao, he can feel that his Shu Zhi Dao has risen to a new level, and he has also realized several new Shu Zhi Li usages. Next time he compiles Shu Xin Sutra, he can improve many things. Can have many magical uses.

It just takes a period of precipitation to master these well.

The important thing is that he is exhausted, even the mind is tired, and it is impossible for him to feel more.

Had to stop.

He deeply felt that for Shu Zhidao, there may be no better place than the Temple of Stars, and he must come often in the future.

Jiao Ling nodded slightly, "Yes, I haven't disturbed my benefactor all the time."

Zhou Shu apologized, "But I interrupted you and delayed you for so long. By the way, what about Ruoyan?"

He didn't expect it to be so long, and he didn't know if Hao Ruoyan outside would be worried and angry.

"Benefactor, Miss Hao is also inside."

Following Jiao Ling's gaze, Hao Ruoyan was standing in front of a star. She was extremely attentive, as if her mind had gotten in, and didn't notice Zhou Shu at all.

Perceiving the faint fragrance on her body, Zhou Shu didn't realize it, "Jiaoling, has she also found a suitable star?"

Jiao Ling nodded lightly, "It should be, she looked around for many days~www.ltnovel.com~ and then stood there still, it's been almost 30 days."

Thirty days, that must be enlightening Dao, and it will take such a long time only when you encounter the right Dao.

This kind of thing happened for the first time in Hao Ruoyan.

Zhou Shu smiled unconsciously, very happy.

The purple musk beads can help her improve her physique and gradually enhance her aptitude. Although it will take me more than a few years, it is much better than now. There is always a lot of hope. And more importantly, she finally found a star suitable for her. , As long as you feel it with your heart, sooner or later you can understand what Tao you want.

Hao Ruoyan has never found a way that suits him. Yangmei has a pill way, Zhu Dashan has a body way, Li Aojian has a sword way, Lin Zhu has a formation way, Ning Xuanqing has a talisman way, and Bian Xue has a way of calculation... And Hao Ruoyan, what about her There is no way.

Not knowing the Tao is the deadliest for a cultivator. No matter how many resources and people help, it is impossible to rise to the immortal. Now she has finally found a way that suits her. For her path of cultivating immortality, she has finally stepped forward. A really important step.

This trip to the bottom of the sea, for Hao Ruoyan, really changed his journey.

Withdrawing his thoughts, he looked at Jiao Ling and said sincerely, "Thanks for your hard work. Stay with us for so long, Jiao Ling."

"It's not hard. Looking at you, Jiao Ling has also learned a lot."

Jiao Ling smiled slightly, "It's hard for Jiao Ling to do just that concentration."

"A cultivator is sincere in the Tao, and you will understand it later," Zhou Shuwen said, "By the way, you said you had something to tell me before?"


Jiao Ling nodded lightly, "We, the Shark race, found a strange underwater vortex in the depths of the East China Sea."

She frowned, quite suspicious.

(Ps: Thank you Shihai Bodhi for your continuous support, thank you~~:)).. (Battlefield Literature)

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