Fairy Winner

Chapter 1519: Open the door

Hear the **** crowing in the morning and the barking dog at night. Zero reading

Whenever it was between Mao and You, Zhou Shu and Caiying sat in front of the gate, feeling that the avenue was not missed once, and no breath was wasted. In the extra time, Caiying can only rest, and Zhou Shu concentrates on precipitation. Fill the gap.

Three hundred days will be here soon.

Zhou Shu looked calm and confident.

He drew a lot of the essence of Dao from this gate, coupled with continuous thinking and precipitation, and finally broke his own bottleneck. Shu Zhi Dao has been upgraded again, which is basically the ultimate he can achieve. Only by looking for disciples and spreading Dao can he Possible further growth.

Of course, he didn't realize any kind of Tao.

But this didn't hinder him from opening the door, because there was a profit.

Ten days ago, Caiying Enlightened Tao succeeded and gained the true power of Tao. Now her sword intent is not only sword intent, but her Tao is in it. Its realm has surpassed the world of Yi Nian and is named Liu Xia Zhi sword.

Zhou Shu asked her why she was called by this name, but she couldn't say it, but just blurted it out and couldn't help it.

Xu Ye still has some memories of her past. The Liuxia Sect that she established herself never forgets, and she still keeps it in her heart, so she also named her.

This sword of Liuxia is different from the common swordsmanship realm of Jianxiu's Overlord Sword, Renjian, etc. It means that only Caiying can feel it, and other people cannot guess or find the source. In fact, all sword spirit enlightenment is like this. Dao belongs to oneself alone, it is impossible to generalize it, become a well-known Dao, or pass it on, but people also know that after the sword spirit has enlightened Dao, its strength will be greatly improved, so that is enough.

However, the sword of Liuxia also has something special that can be seen.

Where the sword intent passes, there must be a glow that will not dissipate for a long time.

"The unitary time has come, Zhou, is it okay?"

After enlightenment, Caiying transformed into a villain, which is very different from before. It is not in appearance, but in temperament. The whole person looks sublimated, and it gives people the feeling that they are no longer yellow-mouthed children, but palace owners. .

Zhou Shu nodded, "Yeah."

After gaining enlightenment, the door could have been opened, but Zhou Shu delayed for ten days. He wanted to feel more in these ten days and did not open the door until the last moment.

A sword light flashed.

On the dim gate, a little starlight flashed instantly, then spread out, covering the entire gate.

The door is overflowing with light, and it is in contrast to the surrounding golden pillars, the golden light is brilliant, and it is indescribably gorgeous and solemn.

After a few breaths, the door opened suddenly.

Behind the door is a strange and dazzling starry sky, vast and boundless, clear and peaceful, without any sound, only the twinkling stars like silver sand, dotted with it, and more quiet.

What’s even more bizarre is that it’s different from looking at the starry sky on the Xuanhuang Realm. At this time, it seems that you are in this starry sky. The stars are within reach. At the same time, the whole body is light, and it seems that there is no weight at all. The sense of the universe.

"Could we have..."

Caiying blinked, and said in disbelief, "Go through the gate and leave this world?"

Zhou Shu shook his head, pretending to be calm, "If it's so easy, it would be fine. Mostly just show us what it looks like this day."

Although Guixu was the rumored secret realm of ascending immortals, he didn't think that this was the gate of ascending immortals.

That is too ridiculous, and it is impossible for God to allow it.

As long as he stared at the starry sky, he was dumbfounded.

If you don’t accept the guidance of the heavens, ten days later, the Mahayana realm can enter such a majestic sky. In the Xinghai universe, every star is a realm, it is hard to count, and the Xuanhuang realm you are in is only a drop in the ocean, although Zhou Shu had prepared, but when he saw it, he was still shocked.

Never thought that Tianwai is so beautiful, so full of charm, the kind of brilliance that belongs to the universe, and everyone who sees it can't help but yearn for it.

Immortal promotion is the pursuit of every immortal cultivator. Who doesn't want to enter a wider world, see more worlds, and get more satisfaction.

"Why, Zhou, shall we go and see?"

Caiying looked at the starry sky, her eyes gradually blurred, and she moved towards the gate unconsciously.

"Hold on."

Zhou Shu shook his head, but didn't really stop it, because he himself wanted to go and have a look. If it's really outside, even just look at it.

A star shining suddenly, passing a stream of light, swiftly flew towards them.

Thousands of miles away, but just a flash, the light has fallen in front of them.

Zhou Shu was shocked, and quickly pulled Caiying back.

The light dissipated, and an old man appeared at the door.

The old man was surrounded by a faint halo. Although it was hazy, he couldn't see through it at all. Naturally, he couldn't see the old man's appearance and attire. Only in the halo, a pair of eyes showed through, which stared at Zhou Shuhecai. Ying, her eyes were deeper than the starry sky behind her.

Caiying was panicked, and Zhou Shu calmly looked at him, perceiving it carefully, and suddenly realized it.

The old man is not an entity, but a projection.

Like the Dragon Manifestation I saw at the first time, this is also the Manifestation of Power, but the power of human beings. There is no doubt that the old man in front of me ~www.ltnovel.com~ is the old man Baixiao who created the secret realm of Guixu.

Zhou Shu pulled Caiying and bowed to salute, "Junior Zhou Shu, and Jian Ling Caiying, have met Senior Bai Xiao."

The old man stared at the two of them, did not speak, and slowly raised his hand, a white light, flowing water pouring over, misty and pure.

Zhou Shu's figure trembled slightly, and the power in the white light did not come from any Tao he had seen, but it was definitely the power of the pure Tao.

Involuntarily, he gave birth to Shu Zhili to fight against it, and Caiying also had a clear understanding, the sword intent unfolded, and the clouds flowed everywhere.

Feeling their resistance, the white light is extinguished.

The old man looked at them, slowly nodded, and said in a condensed voice, "Unexpectedly, it took more than 20,000 years to finally reach this point."

The voice is not much different from what I heard before, only a little more solemn, and more vicissitudes of life.

No matter how puzzled Zhou Shu was, he also showed a bit of excitement. It was an extremely rare opportunity to meet the old Baixiao and communicate with Shengxian Da Neng. Even if only a few words were heard, it was a great opportunity. , He didn't want to miss it.

"Senior Baixiao, juniors have..."

"Don't ask, it's no use saying anything."

The old man interrupted Zhou Shu and shook his head. "You have to go on your own way. The old man will not give you any guidance or tell you anything. The old man just comes to confirm whether it is a person or something else."


Zhou Shu nodded, not too disappointed.

"You can go to the next level, but the next level is also the last level you can go to. Seize this opportunity."

The old man looked at them and seemed to sigh, then turned and left.

The light was hidden in the starry sky, and the door closed quickly, and the vast starry sky disappeared in the eyes of the two.

Zhou Shu and Caiying looked at each other, if they realized something, they also lost something. rw

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