Fairy Winner

Chapter 1535: method

Mu Lin shook his head heavily, "I am also to blame, I can't help but see good things..."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "Master, surely you can't save your life? I remember that some ancient books mention the method of separating blood, which is not necessary to die."

"I have read every ancient book in this area."

Mu Lin glanced at Zhou Shu, with a three-point arrogance, "The method you mentioned is indeed available, but it does not apply to the Sea Race. There are many differences between the Sea Race and the Monster Race. For example, the blood in their bodies is cold. , And the transformation is by no means as perfect as the monster race. Even if the appearance is perfect, the human inside is much different, unlike our monster race."

Zhou Shu slowly said, "Then what if she is not a sea clan?"

"Not the Sea Race?"

Mu Lin was slightly surprised, "Elder Jin is talking about the Jinlonghai clan, isn't he talking about the same person with you?"

Zhou Shu smiled, "Don't worry about this, if it's not the Sea Clan, there should be a way, Master?"

Mu Lin thought for a while and said, "If it's a monster, there should be a way. The ancient books have said that the blood in the body can be separated according to the special method of the human immortal cultivator."

"According to the way of human beings?"

Zhou Shu asked suspiciously, "In other words, if it is a human immortal cultivator, it would be easier to separate the bloodline?"

"Yes, you immortal cultivators also have some unique tactics that our monsters don’t have, and they are also very helpful to our monsters. The process of separating blood is that it comes from humans and is more suitable for humans. The clan is just improving," Mu Lin nodded, his face also showing a lot of confusion, "It's just..."

Zhou Shu asked, "Just what?"

"The conditions are very demanding, not the usual ones. So far, I haven't seen anyone who can really do it, but if those conditions are not fully met, not only will the separated bloodline be not pure enough, it will also cause a great deal to the cultivator. Injury, that injury may be more uncomfortable than death, and the power of the uncontrolled bloodline will completely destroy the immortal cultivator and turn it into a monster."

Looking at Zhou Shu, Mu Lin sighed, “Oh, I’ve seen it once. Some people misused the blood of Bai Ze, but Bai Ze is a water-walking beast, and it doesn’t match our clan. After the separation, the clan took a lot of effort to meet many conditions, but it was still a little bit short and reluctantly separated. As a result, a mistake was made. The clan became a monster, half man and half beast, in the clan. Many people were killed, we had to kill him."

"I understand."

Zhou Shuslow nodded, "Master, what are the conditions? What should I do?"

Mu Lin said in surprise, "It seems that Fellow Daoist is still planning to give it a try."

Zhou Shu said firmly, "I have to try anyway."

"It should be someone you are very close to," Mu Lin seems to have realized. "That's all, I will tell you the specific steps and methods, but you must be careful and be prepared enough to avoid something Catastrophe, first of all..."

Hearing a passage, Zhou Shu was a little stunned.

"Right? It's hard to do."

There was some sympathy in Mu Lin's eyes.

The method of separating blood is indeed very demanding.

First of all, you need to prepare another bloodline that restrains the bloodline.

Most sacred beasts have opponents that restrain each other, such as Baize and Qiongqi, Ruthless and Fat Yi, etc. They are natural rivals, and their bloodlines are also restrained by each other. Having restrained bloodlines is very helpful for separating bloodlines, but sacred beasts Bloodline, a drop in the Xuanhuang Realm is rare, and it is even harder to find restraint. The true dragon bloodline on Zhao Yueru’s body is even more extraordinary. The true dragon is the head of the divine beast. There are few restrained opponents among the many divine beasts. To find the bloodline of restraining the real dragon, one can only find it among several holy beasts and ancient beasts. Up.

This first condition may also be the most troublesome condition for others, but Zhou Shu is fine.

He has the blood of a unicorn, and it is the blood of a real unicorn, and he and the blood of the real dragon are mutually restrained. This condition can be said to have been met, but what makes him stunned is the special way of separation.

With a restrained bloodline, it is necessary to use that bloodline to filter all the blood of the immortal cultivator, to force out the part with the blood of the real dragon, and then slowly extract and condense. This process is very slow and extremely complicated. It is almost impossible not to harm the life of the cultivator, there is only one way to do it.

That is mutual practice.

It is possible to achieve a complete understanding of both parties, complete fusion of body and mind, and mutual cultivation of absolute trust in each other.

"... Let go of it completely, the blood is blended, and there can be no mistakes, only two ways of repairing, there is a feasible way."

He didn't expect that such a way would be needed, but that is what the classics say, and Mu Lin can say it with certainty.

Zhou Shu recovered and sighed unconsciously, "Thank you, Master, for your guidance, I probably understand."

Mu Lin comforted, "You don’t have to be polite, just share and exchange, you don’t have to worry too much~www.ltnovel.com~ In fact, for humans and monsters, having a special blood is not a bad thing, but it can increase cultivation. , No need to separate."

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "I know, I have disturbed the master, I will come to thank you in a few days."

"I don't know if I'm still here in a few days, haha," Mu Lin followed with a smile, arched his hands, and said sincerely, "Although it is the first time we have met, my fellow Daoist and I are also destined. If you are free, you might as well go to Qinghai in Nanzhanzhou in the future, and I will treat them well."

"Well, I will definitely go if I get the chance."

Zhou Shu nodded and turned around.

The body passed through many defenses freely, and his sea of ​​consciousness was running at overspeed, deducing.

Thinking about it carefully, the method proposed by Mu Lin does have a lot of feasibility.

Helping Zhao Yueru to separate the bloodline seems to be similar to helping Hao Siyun to get rid of the golden core imprints before. It removes the poison on the golden core a little bit without hurting the golden core, but it is much more complicated. The body is different from the golden core. It is also different from the branding. Although the blood of the true dragon is not completely integrated, Zhao Yueru has a dragon seed, and the blood of the true dragon must be hidden in every part of the body.

After careful deduction many times, it seems that mutual practice is the easiest and safest.

After all, for the cultivator, mutual cultivation is one of the best means to understand the cultivator, and when the body and mind of the two parties are completely blended, the blood of the unicorn can also be smoothly integrated into Zhao Yueru's body, thus forcing the blood of the true dragon. , To change the characteristics of her body... and other methods, either take too long or consume too much energy, but the separation process cannot tolerate any mistakes. The reliability of those methods is not as good as mutual repair, and it is much worse.

He doesn't care, he who enters the Tao will not take these things seriously, but he doesn't know if Zhao Yue is willing to accept it.

After all, it was Zhao Yueru.

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