Fairy Winner

Chapter 1542: Suolong

Zhou Shu nodded slightly, showing a little thought.

Unlike Elder Jin, the attitudes of these elders were much more sincere, and for Zhou Shu, the goal of punishing Elder Jin was almost achieved. Although he did not kill him, he did not do nothing.

Those unicorn fires really burned to Elder Jin and penetrated into the texture. The pure unicorn power, against the impure dragon power, once invaded the body, it would be crushed and rotten, causing a lot of damage. He can say with certainty that Elder Jin’s strength has dropped a lot, and it will take at least thousands of years to return to its current state. Such punishment is enough.

But Elder Jin's strength also surprised him a little.

It seems that there are only a dozen breaths, but the middle process is not easy.

Elder Jin has practiced for thousands of years, and his experience and accumulation of battles are quite terrifying. He can use the power of the dragon to be superb. Facing the power of comfort that is stronger than himself, he can deal with it almost perfectly, avoiding bad luck and avoiding evil. , And Zhou Shu didn't even understand the reason. He only felt that it seemed that the strength of power was not describeable, nor was it perceivable by deduction. It should have implied some special rules that were higher than heaven and earth.

Sure enough, the monks or the Monster Sea Clan who have cultivated to this level have their own uniqueness. They more or less have their own understanding of certain rules. Once they are brought into play in battle, they can be surprised. Weak wins strong.

Although Zhou Shu also understood some rules, such as space rules, they were not enough to use them.

In contrast, he is still a little immature and needs a long time to accumulate.

However, his Shu Zhidao was even better. After taking the Qilin Fire into account, Elder Jin could no longer resist.

After glanced at a few people, Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "Well, I promise you that you will no longer shoot at the elder Jin, nor will you shoot at the Dragon Palace."

Several elders clung their hands together, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

The white-skinned elder smiled while stroking his beard, "There is a huge amount of suzerain, and I can't wait to admire it, but, elder Zhao of your sect, what does the suzerain intend to do?"

Zhou Shu stared at several people, his expression calm, "What about you, how did you plan?"

The white-skinned old man slowly said, "We just discussed, Elder Zhao still has true dragon blood in her body, so she should still be the palace lord of our dragon palace, but we will no longer restrict her behavior, she can be short. Time to leave the Dragon Palace, we just need our company, and we must be in the Dragon Palace for nine months every year. Of course, in the process, we will continue to look for ways to separate the blood of the true dragon. Once we find a suitable method, I hope Zhao The elders can cooperate with us to take out the blood of the true dragon."

The middle-aged woman followed, "Yes, Sect Master Zhou can think about it. This will do no harm to you. If the Sect Master needs it, we can open the Dragon Palace and welcome the Sect Master’s Heyin Sect to come to communicate and accompany Elder Zhao. Long-term cultivation in the Dragon Palace is fine."

"It's almost equivalent to your alliance with the Cultivation Sect."

The red-faced elder nodded, "However, after the true dragon's blood is taken out and we find the new palace owner, the new palace owner will decide whether or not this alliance will continue. We will only do this temporarily."

Hearing Zhou Shu nodded slightly, he could see that these conditions were almost the greatest sincerity that Dragon Palace could show.

He smiled, "Will Elder Jin agree?"

"This, the lord doesn't have to worry."

The white-skinned old man didn't even look at Elder Jin, but said lightly, "He will agree."

"It looks like he can't speak anymore, just as he agreed."

Looking at the elder Jin who was still on the ground, Zhou Shu seemed to have an understanding, "The armband on Elder Jin's hand seems to have not been there just now."

The middle-aged woman shook her head, "Since the lord has seen it, why bother to say it clearly."

Zhou Shu nodded lightly and said no more.

Zhou Shu also knew that the arm ring should be called the Suolong ring, which is a special magic weapon specially used to restrain the Jinlonghai tribe.

Unless the person wearing the ring is willing to actively cooperate, or is seriously injured, it is impossible to wear it, but once the lock dragon ring is worn, the blood of the dragon in his body will be restricted, and he can practice normally, but cannot use it. What kind of powerful magic art is used by the power of the dragon, it is basically impossible to make a full shot, and to remove the lock dragon ring, several elders must work together.

The current Elder Jin, even if he is completely restored, can no longer have the power as before, and can only follow the orders of other elders.

The power struggle within the Sea Clan is no different from the immortal world.

If you lose, you will be defeated, and it is difficult to have another chance to stand up.

Zhou Shu said slowly, "The current Dragon Palace is up to you."

The white-skinned old man shook his head, "It should be the palace owner who is in charge, but before the real palace owner appears, we will temporarily replace it."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "In my opinion, your request is very reasonable."

Several elders nodded and said, "Our Dragon Palace has shown enough sincerity, I believe Sect Master Zhou will not let us down."

"But you may be disappointed."

Zhou Shu shook his head~www.ltnovel.com~ and said, "I have promised Elder Zhao that she will not return to the Dragon Palace in the future."

"Sect Master, are you too much?"

The red-faced elder looked at Zhou Shu, his complexion sank, "We have already given in, but you are not willing to give up. You will not let Elder Zhao come back, which means that even if we find a way to separate the blood, she will Won't you come back?!"

The white-skinned old man shook his head slightly, "Sect Master, do you want the blood of a true dragon?"

"That has always been something of our Dragon Palace, and only the Sea Clan can own it. We will never allow it to remain in the hands of the cultivator."

The middle-aged woman also got cold, "What's more, the blood of the patriarch's true dragon is useless, you definitely can't use it, and few people can use it."

"You're right, it's useless for me to want the blood of the true dragon."

Zhou Shu nodded and said frankly, "I'm just helping Elder Zhao fulfill the promise. As for the blood of the true dragon, when I find a way to separate, I will return it to you. You can rest assured."

The red-faced elder snorted, "Return it, if you say it is returned, return it, can we trust you?"

"It's not that I'm waiting for the suzerain. The blood of the true dragon is a lifeblood for the East China Sea Dragon Palace. Even if the suzerain doesn't want it, once the news leaks out, the suzerain knows the consequences..." The white-skinned old man sighed. He said earnestly, "Even if we don’t go, all the other three seas will come to disturb the palace lord, not just the Sea Clan, other races or immortal cultivators will follow, your lotus sect, is willing to bear this Is the situation, suzerain?"

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "I believe you will never reveal the news, and Elder Zhao and I are the same. No one else will know about this."

(Ps: Thank you Yulinsen Senzi and endersenko for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed to vote~)

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