Fairy Winner

Chapter 1566: Reunion

Heyin Pie. ∏Miscellaneous ξ ξ worm ∏

On a small mountain peak.

An elegant woman in a yellow shirt stood in the air, opposite to the black tower man Zhu Dashan and red Xu Rong, the eyes of the two were full of admiration.

"Elder Zhao, you are finally back!"

Xu Rong said in surprise, "You have survived the tribulation. You deserve to be the first elder of our lotus school. This is really great!"

"Elder Zhao..."

Zhu Dashan remained speechless. This was the first time he saw the idol he was thinking of. It was not a phantom but a reality. He was a little nervous.

In the past lotus school, almost every young disciple who relied on the test to get started regarded Zhao Yueru as an idol that can not be desecrated. Zhu Dashan is no exception, and Li Aojian regards Zhao Yueru as a chasing target.

"You all have grown a lot, and you are not inferior to me," Zhao Yueru's expression was indifferent, with a faint smile on the corners of her mouth. It is much better than the cold and icy mountain in the past. You don't have to enter. So nervous... uh, are you hurt?"

Zhu Dashan was startled, "Yes, it has been painful for a long time, the elder knows this?"

Zhao Yueru narrowed her eyebrows slightly, "I can feel that you have a sword intent that doesn't belong to you. Who hurt you? Show me."

Zhu Dashan rolled up his sleeves, showed the wound, and complained loudly, "It's a **** guy, I have to beat him up when he comes out! Hmph, absolutely don't let it go!"

Zhao Yueru glanced at the wound, unconsciously shook her head, "A powerful sword intent, already has a realm of self, so violent... can block such a sword intent, Zhu Dashan, your body is very unusual."

"Hey, Lao Zhu, I'm a strong body."

Zhu Dashan was happy and smiled, grinning after only a smile, his face showing pain.

Those sword intents entangled endlessly, and they kept going deep inside. After so many days of suffering, even his iron-struck body couldn't stand it.

Xu Rong shook his head slightly, and said unbearably, "Elder, is there a way?"


Zhao Yueru nodded and said calmly, "I can turn them away with sword intent, but it may be painful. You have to bear it."

"There is an elder who healed me, Lao Zhu, why am I afraid of pain!"

Zhu Dashan's eyes lit up and he seemed to have forgotten the pain.

Xu Rong said with joy, "That's good, you don't have to wait for Junior Brother Zhou to come back."

"Zhou Shu?"

Zhao Yueru's heart shook slightly, "Where is he now?"

Xu Rong hadn't spoken yet, Zhu Dashan had already said honestly, "He went to the Secret Realm of Sword Intent, and I don't know when he will come out."

"Sword Intent Secret Realm? It should be far away..."

Zhao Yueru nodded and sighed secretly, "Oh, let me treat you first."

Just about to start, a sword light came, fast as lightning, and stopped in front of Zhu Dashan, "Farewell, elder!"


Seeing Jian Guang speak out, the three of them were a little surprised.

The sword light was shining and gradually condensed into a ball of light and shadow. In the light and shadow, Li Aojian's real body appeared, looking at Zhu Dashan with a lot of anxiety on his face.

"Old Li, you're all right!"

Zhu Dashan looked surprised, and rushed over overjoyed, "Haha, I thought you were gone!"

Li Aojian snorted coldly, "Look at me, am I so easy to lose?"

"Slow-winded, you cut me a few swords, now pay for it!"

Zhu Dashan's face turned black, and his big hands like a water tank directly slapped it down. If Taishan is pressing on the top, it seems that Li Aojian is about to hit the ground.

"Old Zhu, wait and make trouble again."

Li Aojian stepped aside and turned to Zhao Yueru to salute, "Elder Zhao, disciple Li Aojian."

"I heard of you..."

Zhao Yueru looked at him with a serious expression, "You hurt him. What you cultivated is, is it the ancient sword body?"

"Yes, now I have a small success."

Li Aojian nodded respectfully, with unstoppable pride in his eyes.

Zhao Yueru unconsciously shook her head slightly, "Xiaocheng...Is the small achievement so powerful? The body is a sword, and the ancient sword body is really extraordinary... The realm of swordsmanship is also quite high, which is really unexpected. Nowadays, there are still such things in the lotus school. The master sword repairer."

Li Aojian pretended to be calm, "I am not a master."

Zhao Yueru paused and said in a deep voice, "Why do you prevent me from helping him heal?"

"The elders don't know something," Li Aojian touched his nose unconsciously, and felt a little awkwardly, "My nose is with him."

"Oh, I see."

How did Zhao Yue wait for her cleverness, she immediately understood, and she nodded, "If I kill those sword intents, you will lose your nose...In this way, your sword intent is not perfect enough, and the sword intent cannot be sent and received freely. If someone caught this weakness, it would be difficult to handle."

"In the words of the elder."

Li Aojian nodded and said proudly, "My body has only merged into the sword intent. There are many problems, but I will be able to make up soon. This is not a difficult task."

"Stop talking nonsense, go quickly, Lao Zhu is almost dying of pain."

As Li Aojian was talking, a strong surge came from behind and pushed him to Zhu Dashan. Zhu Dashan grabbed him and put him on his arm, "Quick, quick, noseless guy!"

Li Aojian stretched out his hand ~www.ltnovel.com~ to stroke the wound.

That hand was actually transparent, and it was also composed of sword intent. Now he, the real human sword is one.

The person who pushed him was naturally Zhou Shu.

The two came out of the secret realm and were in Dongshengzhou. They had a long journey before returning to the Heyin School.

As soon as they saw Zhao Yueru and Zhu Dashan, they knew something was wrong, and hurried over.

Speaking of it, the speed of the sword body is really extraordinary. In short distances, even Zhou Shu can't compare to Li Aojian, or even worse. It can be said that in the entire world of cultivation, there are not one or two monks that can match. However, the sword body has a natural advantage. As long as the sword intent comes, people will follow it. If you continue to practice, it is really like a sword fairy. It is not difficult to kill people thousands of miles away.

Zhou Shu turned to Zhao Yueru and said with a smile, "I wish the elders a successful journey and return to the Dutch school again. Today is really a double happiness."

"Yes, it's really a double happiness, and it's all overjoy."

Xu Rong followed, "Junior Brother, should we hold a grand celebration? This is a great opportunity."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "Naturally it is necessary, but it depends on whether the elder is willing."

Zhao Yueru glanced at Zhou Shu, her eyes flashed, and she could not help but warmly said, "Just do as you said, you are the Sect Master, I am the elder, and I will listen to you."

"it is good."

Zhou Shu nodded and thought for a while, "Sister, please inform the others and let them prepare. It will be held in Lingyu City in three days, and there is no need to invite too many guests, but the old man of the Heyin School will try to inform. To."

"Of course, I will do it properly."

Xu Rong agreed with a smile, and turned around, only looking back at a few people, and wondering suspiciously, "Hey, how did Elder Zhao's temperament change, and...how she is so obedient to the younger brother, strange..."

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