Fairy Winner

Chapter 1576: totem

Zhou Shu showed a hint of doubt, "Why does Brother Xiang say that?"

Suddenly it seemed to be watching Zhou Shu, and slowly said, "Brother White Horse, she knows you are here. Miscellaneous#志#虫"

"she was?"

Zhou Shu's face slightly condensed, "You mean Zhu Rong?"

Suddenly, the image became a bit solemn and said in a straightforward voice, "Yes, Lord Sorcerer God knows everything, and naturally also knows that there is a special alien here. She came to the sacred mountain, besides blessing the tribe of Huu, she also has your relationship.

Zhou Shu was even more puzzled, "It's about me? I don't understand."

He didn't know any witch gods, and had nothing to do with Zhu Rong.

Suddenly it was shaking his head, "I don't understand either, but she said, we will understand later."

"What did she say about me?"

Zhou Shu thought of the stele in Qiankun's bag, perhaps Zhu Rong gave some information.

Suddenly, she said slowly, "She only told me not to be an enemy of you, the others are gone."


Zhou Shu nodded slightly. It seemed that the wizard **** did not talk about the stone tablet or the inscription. He was also worried about being known and destroyed by the heavenly way. In this case, the stone monument is probably related to the heavenly way, but Zhu Rong would not have expected it. When he suddenly appeared, it was mostly a temporary motive, but it was still a little unpredictable what the secret was.

However, Zhu Rong said that he should not be an enemy of Zhou Shu. This is easier to understand. With Zhu Rong's stone stele on his body, he does not want him to be eliminated by the barbarians.

Looking at Zhou Shu, he suddenly smiled unconsciously, "Actually, she doesn’t say that, and I will do the same, but if she says she wants to be your enemy, I won’t agree. I said that we Brothers for a lifetime, ha ha, it’s the best right now, don’t worry about anything.”

Zhou Shu felt hot in his heart, and said, "Brother Xiang, are you not afraid that the wizard **** will sin against you?"

"Convict? No way."

Suddenly he shook his head, "Before I called the witch god, I said it in advance. If the **** surrendered and changed my will, then I would definitely not accept it... No matter what power the witch **** gave me, I would not change myself too much. many."

It seems that the last time Xuanming God descended has made him a lot of memory. If it is the witch **** who insists on God descending, he would rather not summon it.

Zhou Shu nodded and said at ease, "Brother Elephant, it's the best."

Suddenly he said slowly, "Brother White Horse, you came here, maybe you didn't come here specifically to see me for promotion, right?"

Zhou Shu smiled, "Well, it's just the meeting. I'm going into Huamisi Lake and I have something to tell you."

Suddenly it seemed to have realized, "You always come and go to Huamisi Lake, what is the secret in it, is it related to our Sudden Tribe?"

"That's not the case. The gateway in the lake is actually a secret realm of cultivators. It is very good for us cultivators. It can quickly improve the cultivation level, and it seems to be of little use to the barbarians." Zhou Shu did not hide anything, "If the elephant is If you want to go, I can take you down with you."

"The Secret Realm of the Cultivator, then forget it."

Suddenly he waved his hand and smiled, "What else is there?"

Zhou Shu paused, "I plan to set up an important formation near Sudden Tribe. It may cause a lot of trouble. I would like to ask you to take care of me. Don’t let people in the tribe or other immortals. Destroyed."

Suddenly, I thought for a while and said, "This is simple. Just put it on the edge of Huamisi Lake where I lived before. No one in the tribe dares to move, and immortal cultivators dare not come here."

Zhou Shu arched his hands, "Okay, thank you Brother Xiang."

He was relieved of this matter. If it was before, he didn't have to explain these things clearly to Suddenly. Brothers and brothers would be tacitly tacit. It doesn't matter if you don't say it, but now it's different. Suddenly is already Suddenly, the leader of the tribe and even the entire barbarian tribe shoulders the heavy responsibility of reviving the barbarian tribe, with the mission in the body, no longer a person, just like Zhou Shu shoulders a sect, and he will save others by himself. Things that should be stated clearly must be stated clearly so that you can suddenly decide by yourself.

He continued, "One more thing, do you know this kind of pattern?"

He reached out and drew a weird pattern on the ground. The pattern came from the inscription on the stone tablet and appeared several times.

Suddenly, he stared at him for a long time, and shook his head, "I have never seen it. It's not from our Sudden Tribe's savage patterns or savage language, nor is it a common savage language, but... I see it like this, it seems a little bit It's like a sun totem from the fire barbarian."

"Fire Savage Totem?"

Zhou Shu's expression was stagnant, "Is Huoman a barbarian tribe in the 100,000 Great Mountains?"

Suddenly he shook his head, "Huoman is one of the earliest barbarian tribes and the origin of many barbarian tribes. It is famous for advocating fire. The witch **** Zhurong came from Huoman, but before Shiwan Dashan was formed, it was as early as the ancient times. At that time, Huoman had already been annihilated, and the tribe no longer existed. Only a few relics remained. The High Priest of Thunder has visited the relics, and talked about some. Your pattern is a bit similar to those."

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "Is there no descendants of Huo Man?"

The high priest Honglei died in Shushan~www.ltnovel.com~ naturally there is no way to ask.

Suddenly he shook his head, "No, if there are descendants, I don't think Zhu Rong, the wizard god, will give her blood to others."

"Yes," Zhou Shu said unconsciously, "Brother Xiang, where are the ruins of the fire-savage?"

Suddenly, he said slowly, "On the side of the Falling Star Islands, the place closest to the sun, Huoman was born there. Before we had a good relationship with Emei, we could always go there, but now it’s not working. I want Remind you, if you must go, remember not to use the identity of the barbarian, now Emei and us are absolute enemies."

"I know, I will help you get revenge when I go."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "Thank you Brother Xiang for telling me, then I will go to the sacred mountain first, Brother Xiang."

"Go, I will get busy too."

Suddenly turned around, looked at the barbarians who bowed to the ground, and sighed slightly.

Although he knows that this day will come sooner or later, when it does come, he will still be a little at a loss.

Knowing what he was thinking, Zhou Shu patted him on the shoulder, "Everything will be fine," and then flew to the mountain.

Huamisi Lake was still clear, without seeing much, Zhou Shu jumped into the lake and entered the secret realm.

"You are here, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

As a red light flashed, a familiar and kind voice suddenly appeared in his ears, and Zhou Shu felt a little stuck.

It's a blue bird with a blood waterfall sword in his hand.

At this time, her appearance and temperament were the same as in the past, but there was a trace of other things. This is what makes her whole person a little different.

Zhou Shu seemed to realize something, "Qing Que, have you broken through?"


Qingque smiled lightly, and revealed joy unconsciously, "I've been sitting in front of the soul tower for so long, if I don't break through the enlightenment, wouldn't it be a waste of so much work?"

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