Fairy Winner

Chapter 1585: Countermeasure

There is nowhere to hide the golden light, Li Chenyi’s sneer, and the gradually melting armor, but Zhou Shu didn’t care too much, his mind was elsewhere~щww~~lā

How can you miss the opportunity to get in touch with the power of the sun and feel the great avenue?

Perceiving wholeheartedly, he seemed to realize that the power of the sun was very different from other powers.

Most types of power have a beginning and an end, and there is going and returning. For example, the most common type of vitality spiritual power. The cultivator draws vitality spiritual energy from the world and transforms it into vital spiritual power. When they are consumed, those vital spiritual powers It doesn't disappear out of thin air, but re-disperses into vitality and spiritual energy, returning to the heaven and earth, until it is absorbed by the immortal cultivator again, turning back and forth, endlessly circulating.

The power of the dragon, the power of the five elements, the power of the stars, etc. are all the same, but the way of transformation and return is somewhat special.

The so-called conservation of energy, constant circulation.

The same goes for Zhou Shu's own Shu Zhili. There will be rewards if you pay, and you will return if you consume them. The cycle is endless. Every time you fight against others, when Shu Zhili is exhausted, he can clearly perceive the scattered Shu. The power is returning to heaven and earth, and where the opponent’s power has gone, it is also clearly identifiable. This is the natural perception that various powers are applied to extremely high levels, which means that he understands the nature of power, and after doing this , You can better gather the power you have, whether you practice or use it, you will get twice the result with half the effort.

Of course, enlightenment is the foundation.

But now, Zhou Shu clearly felt that the power of the sun was completely different from other powers. When it collided with Shu Zhili, after consuming each other, they disappeared without a trace. He could not perceive the whereabouts of Shu Zhili. And the power of the sun is the same, it really disappeared completely.

Power should circulate back and forth and will not disappear, but the power of the sun vetoed this, which really did not conform to Zhou Shu's previous understanding of power.

Obviously, there are things beyond Zhou Shu’s knowledge in the power of the sun, and Xu is a different kind of law. Zhou Shu naturally has a lot of curiosity about such power. He does not hesitate to consume his own Shu Zhili to understand More, because he knows that every time he knows the unknown world a little bit more, his Shuzhi Dao will improve.

Today, he regards everything as a kind of training for himself.

As for the outcome, life and death, there is not much to worry about.

Time flies quickly, a quarter of an hour in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that the armor of the Taoist Tower on Zhou Shu's body became thinner and thinner, and the scorching golden light almost burned his body, Li Chenyi smiled unconsciously, looked up at the Jin Zhu above his head, and sighed, "No matter how strong you are, it You can’t contend with the power of ‘s. You hand over the fire bible, and I will keep you immortal.”

Zhou Shu closed his eyes slightly without noticing it.

"Then only find it on your corpse."

Li Chenyi shook his head, looking at Zhou Shu with some pity in his eyes, as if looking at a dead person.

Only his eyes quickly froze.

Zhou Shu did something unexpected to him.

Zhou Shu stretched out his hand and waved it, the cold light was everywhere, sharp as a knife, and he kept slashing across the buildings around him. Not long after, hundreds of stones peeled off from the buildings and scattered in the air.


As if feeling something, Li Chenyi's complexion suddenly changed.

The stones gathered together on Zhou Shu, and a pair of stone armor was formed in the blink of an eye, perfectly enclosing Zhou Shu.

Nothing was revealed, except for the sound.

"The sun stone, which can infinitely bounce the power of the sun, certainly allows you to best use the power of the sun, but conversely, is it not the best hindrance?"

Zhou Shu's calm words hit Li Chenyi like a hammer, causing him to tremble slightly.

Indeed, the sun stone was originally born from the power of the sun and would not be afraid of the power of the sun, but it does not mean that it is not afraid of anything. Once it is used by Zhou Shu as a shield to resist, the power of the sun that illuminates the cave is also All of them are useless. No matter how mysterious the Jin Zhu is, it has no effect on him.

Without the greatest trouble of the power of the sun, Zhou Shu naturally wouldn't worry too much about Li Chenyi.

From the moment the sun stone bounced back from the golden light, Zhou Shu had a countermeasure.


Li Chenyi's complexion turned blue and coldly said, "It's stupid enough to think of a countermeasure now."

"It's not too late, now, how can you deal with me?"

Zhou Shu said calmly, "Why don't you tell me what you want, and I tell you what you want, how about following my previous proposal?"

"Even if you see its shortcomings, so what, a cultivator who crosses the Tribulation Realm fourfold, will be my opponent?"

Li Chenyi stood up abruptly, with a little dazzling starlight in his eyes, his figure spread out like a big bird, and he leaped towards Zhou Shu. At this time, he had to give up the "golden bead magic weapon" and had to use his own Strength comes to fight Zhou Shu.

Between the flashes, the road was full of stars.

Inside the cave, the scenery has changed, and there is not much gold to see, only the shining stars in the sky, and a bright moon.

As if being under the vast sky.

Of course, the light from these stars and moonlight seems to be peaceful and calm, gentle as water, but contains incalculable power ~www.ltnovel.com~ and even with an inconceivable killing intent, like a wild animal hiding in the dark night , Opened the blood basin and swallowed Zhou Shu at any time.

"This is Emei's Xingyue Spiritual Realm?"

Zhou Shu was slightly calm, and said slowly, "It is said that only the Emei Star Master who is aware of Emei Star can obtain the magic formula, and the power of the star and the moon must be combined perfectly, and it can be used when the star and the moon are integrated. Enhancing the effect of the Xingyue Jue is one of the foundations of Emei's standing... Li Daoyou, you have been stung for seven hundred years and swallowed many of Emei's resources. The gain is really not small, but it is a pity that you have probably not understood the sun. If you don’t, you can use the universe now."

"You are a lot of nonsense, leave it to the underworld to talk about it."

Li Chenyi let out a cold snort, a red light flashed in his star eyes, "Kill!"

In the starry sky, a blood-red star suddenly lit up.

It was in the sky full of stars. It was extremely difficult to be mastered by Xing Xiu. However, it was completely controlled by Li Chenyi. The tide of killing intent was integrated into the star power and turned into a thousand-handed sharp sword to rush towards Zhou Shu. .

At that intensity, Zhou Shu was a little shaken.

This shouldn't belong to the power of the seventh-tier cultivator who crossed the Tribulation Realm.

And it can be seen that Li Chenyi still did not lose his composure even when he was very angry. His goal was not Zhou Shu, but the layer of sun stone armor on Zhou Shu's body. Breaking the armor, he could use the sun again. force.

Zhou Shu's complexion was slightly condensed, and Shu's strength quickly gushed out, protecting the Sun Stone, and the Tao Tower was formed again.

More solid and tougher.

At the same time, the Treading Sea Sword flew out. The target was not Li Chenyi, but the golden beads hanging in the air.

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