Fairy Winner

Chapter 1587: Thanks a lot

Li Chenyi stared at Zhou Shu, quite surprised, "Why, my unreserved heartfelt words, can't I get the trust of fellow daoists?"

Zhou Shu raised his hand slightly, "You Li Daoyou's words are naturally good, but I am not good at trusting others unless..."

Li Chenyi looked thoughtful, and looked at Zhou Shu calmly, "Except what?"

"Very simple."

Zhou Shu smiled, "Give me this sun seed, and let me look at it for a few hours. If I think it is possible to get the sun's divine power, I will naturally not begrudge the Huoman Bible and cooperate with you."

"Friends of Daoist have a good idea."

Li Chenyi smiled lightly and sighed lightly, "With the sun seed crystal in hand, I may not be the opponent of fellow Daoist. Now that fellow Daoist wants to take the seed crystal, then I will become a fish and let you kill it. Up?"

"Friend Li Dao, you are alarmist. Even the average cultivator who crosses the Tribulation Realm is not so easy to fall. And like you, no one in the Cultivation Realm can slaughter, and I definitely can’t do it. Moreover, I have no sacrifices at all. How can I drive this sun seed..." Zhou Shu shook his head unconsciously, showing a little bit of surprise, "Fellow Daoist, as the seventh-layer cultivator of the Cross Tribulation Realm, said this kind of frustrating remark, which really surprised me."

Li Chenyi's face was slightly condensed, as if thoughtful.

Zhou Shu’s words are of course very reasonable. The Cross Tribulation cultivator is not so easy to be killed, but why does he have an inexplicable sense of panic in his heart — if someone in this world can really kill the Cross Tribulation The realm monk is probably the person in front of him——, but such thoughts will soon disappear. As a monk crossing the catastrophe realm, you must not be so delusional and shake your heart.

Zhou Shu smiled and continued, "Fellow Daoist also said, the Sun Seed can’t leave this ruin. It’s not a problem for me to hold it and look at it. Besides, this is Emei Jinding Island, if I want to take it and leave. Fellow Daoists raised their arms and I immediately became the target of the public. Where is it possible to do it? To join hands, we should give each other some trust. Daoists have the right time and place, but they are still hesitating. If we lose harmony, things are difficult. It's done."

"Hehe, Daoist is really a eloquent person, Li admires him."

Li Chenyi smiled slightly, his mind loosened.

Zhou Shu hit the railroad while it was hot, "If the daoists are not at ease, just wait on the sidelines. If there is any change, the daoists can take them back at any time. I think the daoists have been able to do it after seven hundred years of understanding the sun seed. ."

"No need."

Li Chenyi brushed his sleeves, then stepped back several tens of feet, freely pointing to the sun seed crystal, "Trust it, haha, come and see if you want to see it."

"Thank you."

Zhou Shu was not polite, arched his hands and swept over to the sun seed crystal.

Of course, the sunstone armor is still on his body.

When I walked closer, I realized it was hot, and a warm and peaceful breath lingered over, very active, like a living thing.

Staring at the sun seed, Zhou Shu thought about it for a while, then reached out and grabbed it.

Li Chenyi stared at Zhou Shu, his heart was quite worried, but his expression remained calm, "Remind fellow daoists in advance, don't try to put it in the bag of Na Xujie or Qiankun, otherwise..."

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, "otherwise?"

Li Chenyi said indifferently, "I said I'm afraid that the daoists don't believe me, and the daoists can try."

"Then I will try."

Zhou Shu was not welcome, and directly stuffed it into Naxu Ring.


With an inexplicable loud noise, Na Xujie fell apart.

Li Chenyi gently shook his head, showing a trace of contempt.

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "It turns out that there is such a reason, but I have gained some insights."

Li Chenyi’s words are true. It seems that the Sun Seed is really difficult to leave here. Once it enters a space like Naxujie, it will completely burst the inside. Fortunately, Zhou Shu has already prepared and used a new one. Na Xu Jie, if it is commonly used, I am afraid that the loss is not small.

Zhou Shu thought for a while, focused on releasing his spiritual consciousness, and carefully looked at the sun seed.

The appearance is not special. It is described as primitive and simple. Many places have not been carefully carved, and they are rough or even rough. They are similar to most barbarians. When you visit it, there is a powerful force to hinder it, and it is impossible to see clearly. But you can vaguely see that there is a deep and boundless sea of ​​fire, and endless flames are burning and will never stop.

Above the sea of ​​fire, a weird cloud is hanging, and between the rise and fall, the sea of ​​fire ebbs and flows.

Should be the core of the sun seed.

As if perceiving Zhou Shu's prying eyes, the cloud group suddenly changed, and it seemed to roll up angrily, swallowing Zhou Shu's spiritual knowledge to the end. It was the unstoppable and pure power of the sun, better than Li Chenyi It is much stronger to use.

Zhou Shu's figure was shocked, slightly shocked.

Li Chenyi showed a gloating smile, "Friends of Taoism, if you don't know that there are no sacrifices, don't look at it casually. Its temper is not very good."

Zhou Shu seemed to realize something, and said slowly, "The sun seed is a magic weapon, is it a weapon?"

"It's not like, it's more like a guardian with only one obsession," Li Chenyi shook his head, seemingly regretful, "It protects the sun seed, if it is given a sacrifice, it will be released inside. The sun's divine power forms the Tao Pagoda, allowing you to use the sun's divine power in the Tao Pagoda, and in addition, it will never do any superfluous things, and you should not try to make friendship with it~www.ltnovel.com~Zhou Shu He arched his hands, "Thank you Li Daoyou for your guidance. "

"Not a point."

Li Chenyi had some expectation in his eyes, "It's nothing more than a little experience. If there is a Huoman Bible to understand, I think we will be able to learn more secrets."

"The Taoist friends are right."

Zhou Shu nodded, looked at the sun seed, and explored his spiritual consciousness again.

The same as the previous results, as soon as he perceives his divine sense, the cloud swallows it, leaving nothing behind.

Turning to Li Chenyi, Zhou Shu said with a smile, "Friend Li Dao, I don't know what the sacrificial texts and offerings are?"

"Friends of Taoism really want to figure it all out, but do you think I will tell you?"

Li Chenyi glanced at Zhou Shu, and said with a slight disdain, "Daoist, I have shown enough sincerity, and Daoist is still inexhaustible. Such cooperation might be difficult."

Zhou Shu nodded, and said slowly, "That's what Li Daoyou said, it is difficult for me to be strong."

Li Chenyi snorted and turned his head, "Fellow Daoist keep watching, take a good look, look carefully, when you decide to cooperate, then tell me, I have been waiting here, but not too long."

He was calm on the surface, but there was also a lot of anxiety in his heart.

He was willing to let Zhou Shu see the Sun Seed for two reasons. First, he was hard to ride a tiger. He was not an opponent of Zhou Shu. If he wanted to get the Fire Savage Bible and the power of the sun, he had to find a way to cooperate with Zhou Shu, and then go there. Conspiring on other things, on the other hand, it was determined that Zhou Shu could not take it away, nor could he use the power inside. It didn't matter how you looked at it, but if something happened, it would be difficult to handle.

(PS: Thank you for your support if you don’t live a bad life as you die, and thank you book friends who have booked and subscribed to vote~~~)

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