Fairy Winner

Chapter 1603: Zhou Shu panic

Feizhou returned to Lingyu City. ∥Miscellaneous × Chi × Insect∥

It was Qingque who welcomed Zhou Shu into the sect.

Zhou Shu had a lot of joy, "Ah, you are back first."

"Hurry up?"

Qingque smiled, with a lot of pride, and threw the Suzaku seal over, "Look, is it enough?"

Zhou Shu took it, and suddenly felt the Suzaku breath rushing toward his face, almost submerging himself, and carefully inspected it. It was full of spirit, and I was afraid that it would be no less than perfect when it was made. Such a Suzaku seal is used to suppress the world. The origin is naturally enough.

He showed a lot of satisfaction, "Enough is enough, but you are the one that reassures me the most, fast and good."

"It's a chance, hehe."

Qingque said something that Zhou Shu said, and he didn't realize he smiled, "By the way, if there is anything else I need to help, please bring other seals. I will go again and it won't take much effort."

"no need."

Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, "They will be back soon."

In Wushuang City, he received news from other people, and within half a year at most, other people would be able to get the other seal back, and everything was perfect.

"That's good," Qingque nodded in relief, staring at Zhou Shu, her eyes condensed slightly, "Do you really have the blood of a unicorn? I can't see it at all. According to the truth, this is like a half-dragon body. Similarly, if you do, I should be able to perceive some signs. Are you completely useless, or is your aura converging so well that I can’t perceive it?”

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "Look at me."

Soon, the red light from the starting point gathered on the forehead, forming a bright red unicorn pattern, and the unspeakable majesty appeared.

Qingque couldn't help but shook, and took a few steps back.

She stood still, and sighed with envy, "Really, it is still the king of unicorns, forming the sacred seal of unicorns... What a chance this is, with this drop of blood, Zhou Shu can be proud of you. Standing at the pinnacle of the world of immortality."

"Maybe, but I didn't plan to use it."

Zhou Shu appeared a bit solemn, "You were right last time, don't rely too much on the power of the dragon, it has an impact on yourself. The blood of the unicorn is actually the same. Although it carries a huge power, if it becomes dependent, It’s no good. You can’t see the blood of a unicorn on my body, just because I rarely use it and don’t rely on it.”

In fact, the several dangers he encountered before can also be resolved with the blood of the unicorn. The ancient sacred beast is not invincible in the Xuanhuang realm, but it is not much worse. It is just that he has never used it. He often deduces the Qi Xin Jue and the Chongyang Zhenren teach. Several of his methods are used to practice the power of the unicorn, but his more purpose is to expand his comfort.

"This is different from the power of the dragon. This is the blood of the real Qilin. It is worth a lot of price to get it, because with it, with its power, you can help yourself rise to the immortal," Qingque couldn't help sighing. He said, "But you are different. Without it, you can also be promoted to immortals."

"Speaking of it, it's not mine either, I will pay it back later."

Zhou Shu smiled, "I can't rely too much on it. I will put it in the formation soon, and I won't use it."

Qingque seemed to think, "Do you have a suppressive formation?"


He has seen a lot of the Four Elephant Town God Array, and it is not difficult to join the blood of the Qilin. It has already been introduced and can be arranged at any time.

The blue sparrow showed some joy, "That's all right."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "Waiting for them to come back, then we will go to Penglai together..."

As he was speaking, Zhou Shu's complexion suddenly shook, and his whole body jumped up, turning into a blue light before he finished speaking, and went straight to the depths of the lotus school, without blinking.

"Zhou Shu?"

Qingque was stunned, and hurriedly searched for it, only feeling a little worried, "What's the matter, what happened to make him so shaken, I panicked, it has never happened before... Is there any enemy invasion? Up?"

A small peak between the mountains.

In a bamboo house, Lei Yuan looked at Zhou Shu who suddenly broke in. He was a little dumbfounded, "Senior Shu...you?"

Zhou Shu had already taken hold of the gods, and said calmly, "Lei Yuan, use the tactics you just worked on again."


Although Lei Yuan was a bit at a loss, looking at Zhou Shu, there was a lot of trust in his heart unconsciously, and according to Zhou Shu's instructions, he ran the tactics again.

Zhou Shu looked at him quietly, but didn't even notice Qingque following.

Because of his heart, he is shouting.

"Yes, this is the feeling!"

"Great, finally made it!"

What makes him so excited, so excited?

When talking with Qingque just now, there was a slight strangeness in his body. The Taoist cloud, which had been in a silent state for a long time, that is the Taoist furnace, suddenly shook, and a trace of invisible and traceless fine smoke quietly melted into Tao. In the furnace.

Although the feeling disappeared in an instant, in Zhou Shu's view, it was nothing more than a thunder and an earthquake.

He was panicked.

This shows that someone is practising Shu Zhi Dao and has already obtained Shu Zhi power. If it weren't for this, Dao Lu would never have this kind of reaction.

He let go of his consciousness and searched around, and he immediately found Thunderbolt. Within these thousands of miles, only Thunderbolt could cultivate Shuzhili. Although it is far from enlightening Shuzhili, The same is from Shu Zhidao.

The operation method ~www.ltnovel.com~ is only a quarter of an hour a week.

Lei Yuan stood up, found another person beside him, and hurriedly saluted, "I have seen two elders."

Zhou Shu nodded lightly, with a rare kindness, "Lei Yuan, what you cultivate is the method I gave you?"


Lei Yuan nodded, "The elder is right. The Demon King's Royal Heart Art is really not suitable for me now, and the elder's mentality... Although it is a bit difficult to understand, the first time I saw it, I felt like The disciples have some tacit understanding, which should be suitable for me. After several years of cultivation, I have mastered it initially, but..."

"Just what?"

Zhou Shu smiled, "If you have any doubts, just tell me."

"Thank you elder!"

Lei Yuan showed a lot of joy and hurriedly said, "The strength of cultivation is very different from Yuanli. The disciples can't tell the difference in specifics. What's more, this power disciple can't control or control it. What kind of attacking and defensive tactics are used? I don’t know if there is a problem with the disciple’s cultivation or other reasons? There is no tactic to use, so the disciple has never gone out to practice and do tasks, but the disciple is not willing to give up this mentality. It's really suitable for disciples."

"Hehe, you can't use the tactics. It's not that you have a problem with your cultivation, but you haven't mastered the method to use it."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, "In the jade slip I gave you, there is no way to use strength. I will teach you more specifically. You have talent and determination. I believe you will be able to master it soon. , And the lost experience and tasks are not worth mentioning compared to the strength you gained."

"Is it true, elder?"

Lei Yuan was a little surprised and a little confused.

Qingque couldn't help it a bit, and whispered, "Of course it's true, boy, you hit a big chance!"


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