Fairy Winner

Chapter 1613: Do not worry

"City Lord, that sacred wooden cauldron, is it with you now?"

Walking out of the hall, Zhou Shu immediately shouted, "The treasures to be auctioned at the Shanghai Fair are usually placed here."

A dark shadow quickly emerged and stared, "What do you want to do? Others put the treasure in the Penglai Sea Club, because of their trust in our Penglai Island, don't you want to secretly take it away? I will never allow it. "

"I don't want you to be selfish. If you want to get it, you must buy it."

Zhou Shu shook his head lightly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "City Lord, with your temperament, I think you must have tried it, right?"

The city lord shook, and said embarrassedly, "This..."

Zhou Shu smiled, "Is it easy to use?"

"No need..."

The city lord sighed, "I just want to see if it really has the rumored effect, but unfortunately it can't drive the Shenmu Cauldron, nor can it draw the magic fire, it should require some special tactics, soul cultivation tactics."

Zhou Shu questioned, "Soul cultivation technique?"

The city lord nodded and said, "Of course, the Jiang family's treasures are all driven by the soul cultivation technique."

Zhou Shu thought thoughtfully, "This Shenmu Ding is not matched with the magic tricks, so it is not sold by the Jiang family...I want to meet the monk who sells the Shenmu Ding. It shouldn't be difficult?"

"Nonsense, as the guardian of Wushuang City, if you can't even do this, die early!"

The city lord snorted and suddenly disappeared.

Zhou Shu laughed unconsciously and muttered to himself, "That said, I am the protector of Wushuang City, but I almost forgot."

Take out the golden Wushuang order, enter it, through the Jianshi woods all over the island, and get everything on Penglai Island into your eyes.

According to the invitation from the auction, Zhou Shu quickly found the person he was looking for.

It was a cultivator of the Transcendent God Realm, his figure was slightly thin, and he seemed to have a little impression.

"Frankie Emei?"

Zhou Shu immediately remembered that he had never forgotten anything. When he looted Emei, this monk was a guard on the island. Although he had done a lot of cover-ups, he still could not escape Zhou Shu's detection.

The monk looked very nervous, fidgeting in the room, walking out the door from time to time, looking around.

It is no wonder that the realm is not high, but he brought treasures like Shenmuding to Penglai Island. Although he gave the treasures to Penglai Island, he was still worried that he would be known for his identity, killing people and stealing treasures.


The monk was very nervous at first, but suddenly saw a figure in front of him, his face tightened, and he immediately turned and fled.

The dark shadow is of course Zhou Shu. Using Wushuang City's guardian status, he can travel freely on Penglai Island, but there is only a dark shadow when it appears.

"Do not be surprised, fellow daoists."

Zhou Shu smiled and said in as calm as possible, "Friends, don't be alarmed, I am a monk from Penglai Island, responsible for managing the auction, and I will come to you to discuss some things."

"Is that so?"

The monk looked at Zhou Shu, a little relieved, but still a little confused.

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "Of course, do you think anyone else on Penglai Island knows your identity?"

The monk stared at Zhou Shu, seeming to confirm his identity, and his face was not so good at once, "What are you looking for? Is there something wrong with the thing I put on you? Really, it will definitely not work, anyway, You have to pay me, but..."

"Haha, don't worry, fellow Taoist."

Zhou Shu always smiled, "Let me confirm that the auction item you put on Penglai Island, Fellow Daoist, is Shenmuding, right?"

The monk shook his head quickly and said cautiously, "What kind of sacred wooden cauldron..."

"Friends of Taoism don't have to worry about it."

Zhou Shu knew what he was thinking, and smiled and nodded, "What is said here, only you and I can hear, even if there is great power, I can't hear a little."

"Is it?"

The monk looked around vigilantly and released his spiritual sense. He found that the whole room was surrounded by a thick film. He immediately felt relieved. He nodded quickly, "Yes, yes, the **** wooden cauldron is mine. The bottom price is ten. Is there anything wrong with fifty thousand stone?"

"now it's right."

Zhou Shu seemed thoughtful, and slowly said, "I have some questions to ask clearly about this magic weapon. Please answer them seriously, otherwise it will have a great impact on the auction, and we may even refuse to accept its auction."


The monk said in surprise, "You Penglai Island, can't you collect and sell everything, why is this not working?"

"Do not worry, fellow Daoist, listen to me finish."

Zhou Shu stared at him, showing a bit of sternness, the monk was photographed by the power and did not say any more.

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Generally speaking, it is true, but the Shenmu Ding is different. It is a thing of ownership. It is well known that it comes from the Jiang family of the four great worlds. If you can’t tell how you got it. , If the Jiang family got into trouble with this, Penglai Island would not be easy to deal with."

"This one……"

The monk hesitated for a while, and looked at Zhou Shu with some doubts in his eyes, "I heard that Penglai Island is maverick, and even the six major sects never care, why worry about the Jiang family again?"

"You are right~www.ltnovel.com~ Even if you steal it, as long as it gets in your hands and sells it from our Penglai Island, there will be no problem."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, very confident, and only said slowly and quickly, "But you have to know that the Shenmuding is a magic weapon of the heavens and the secret treasure of the Jiang family. The Jiang family may have a special method to control it. If they are in I found it at the sea meeting and took the Shenmu Ding away out of thin air...Although this possibility is very small, we have to guard against it. As the host of the Penglai sea meeting, of course we don’t want this to happen at the sea meeting. So you must be prepared in advance."

The monk couldn't hear his jaw, and he felt reasonable.

"So, I hope fellow daoists can tell us how you got the Shenmuding, where you got it, and so on. Then we can deploy targeted defenses to prevent the Jiang family from taking it away," Zhou Shu He smiled and said, "As for fellow Daoists, you can rest assured that we will never reveal your news, and you will never lose one of the original stones after auction. However, if you don’t tell us, not only Shenmuding It may be taken away, and even the lives of fellow Daoists are difficult to guarantee. You know, the Jiang family is not a good match, those people..."

"I understand!"

The monk quickly agreed, saying with some fear, "That's it, I told you, but you must save my life, and you must not let the Jiang family know... I knew that this tripod was a Shenmu tripod, it was a treasure of the Jiang family. I don't dare to take it, ah."

"rest assured."

Zhou Shu nodded and looked serious, "As long as fellow Taoists are on Penglai Island, we can guarantee your safety."

The monk asked several times, and after getting Zhou Shu's repeated assurances, he began to talk.

"It's like this..."

(PS: Thank you mleemlee for your support, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~) 8)

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