Fairy Winner

Chapter 1615: Soul Lock

Soon, the blue bird appeared in the quiet room.

Zhou Shu was a little embarrassed, "Qing Que, I'm bothering you to retreat."

Qingque did not speak, but with an inexplicable smile in her eyes, she pointed to the tripod in the middle, "Is that the Shenmu tripod?"

Zhou Shu said, "Yes."

Qingque walked to the side of the tripod, and according to what Zhou Shu said, he quietly injected soul power into his ears. After a while, his brows frowned.

Zhou Shu questioned, "How?"

Qingque shook his head lightly, "It's not the same as what you said. It's not soul cultivation technique, but soul technique. This lock is made of soul technique, but its formation method is very similar to soul cultivation technique, and it is also used. The power of the soul...If I hadn't enlightened it, I wouldn't be able to see it."

"Spirituality, I didn't see it."

Zhou Shu's expression was slightly condensed, "The Jiang family does not know how to spiritism, that is to say, Shenmu Ding must have been done by the current Jiang family, which is the magic door.

"Well, only the magic door is capable of spiritism, or what you said," Qingque nodded, "this spiritism lock is similar to a special seal, because the existence of the spiritism lock prevents us from observing the gods. The situation inside the cauldron can't be used normally," she said, with a trace of doubt in her eyes, "Why does the magic door seal the **** wooden cauldron?"

"Can you unlock the seal? No, it can't be unlocked temporarily," Zhou Shu shook his head, "Is there a way to unlock the seal?"

Everyone can think that the seal is the key, and behind the seal, most of the big secrets are hidden.

"It should be possible."

Qingque stared at the Shenmu Cauldron, and said slowly, "This soul technique lock is not too complicated. The monks who have studied soul technique can basically release it, but it takes a lot of time and energy..."

Zhou Shu seemed to understand, "You mean that no matter which big sect gets the Shenmu Ding at the sea meeting, after returning to the sect, it has the ability to break the seal, it's just a matter of time."

Qingque nodded slightly, and said suspiciously, "Yes, just find the Soul Cultivation of Crossing Tribulation Realm. It is not a big deal to spend some time and energy for this kind of treasure... This is also the strangest place for me. To seal the magic weapon, why not do it thoroughly? Leaving the seal, but allowing people to open it easily, is a little inexplicable if it is redundant."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Yes, since the seal is not absolutely strong, why should it be added? What does the magic door want to do..."

The voice of the city lord rang, "Don't think about those first, but first find a way to break the seal."

Zhou Shu nodded, and said rather solemnly, "Blue Bird, we must do it as soon as possible. We don't have much time. We will arrive at the sea meeting in only two days. This Shenmu Ding must show up. The monks here are all attracted by it. Yes, if something goes wrong..."

Zhou Shu is a little reluctant to say this. Everyone knows that this is by no means an easy task. To break the seal of spiritism under the magic door within two days, it will be difficult for a person to do so, even if it is enlightened. The blue bird is also difficult to do.

But she must do it.

"Zhou Shu, needless to say."

Apparently understanding Zhou Shu's intentions, Qing Que softly agreed, turning to the Shenmu Ding, his expression immediately focused.

Deciphering with too much concentration consumes a lot of divine consciousness, Qingque's face turns pale, and sweat drops from the tip of his forehead.

Upon seeing this, Zhou Shu quickly took out the soul fluid and condensed it into a cloud. After covering her with the cloud, her face gradually improved.

Soul power is the power of the Dao obtained by soul cultivation. Compared with the power of the ordinary Dao, the soul power comes from the soul of the soul, and the requirements for the soul of the soul are very high when used, and it consumes a lot of the power of the soul.

And the soul fluid just can replenish it.

Time flies quickly, and a dozen hours are just a blink of an eye.

During this period of time, the changes of the blue bird were obvious, the original blue silk gradually became sparse, and the complexion became more and more withered.

The consumption is really too great. Zhou Shu watched the soul fluid being used up. The interval was only half an hour. The divine consciousness was in such a large amount of consumption for a long time, which was a great test for the divine soul, just like time. They are all in the Alley of the Treemen, constantly being lashed, he can't guarantee that he can bear it, and the blue bird is more vulnerable than him...

He couldn't bear to say, "Bluebird, stop first, we can buy it and study it slowly."


Qingque closed his eyes and shook his head resolutely, "Soon, don't underestimate me, I am the only body of a hundred souls."

"Don't persuade."

The city lord shook his head, "What she decides will definitely go on and she won't give up halfway, but I am also surprised that this fact is too difficult, and she will not agree to it."

Zhou Shu stared at her, only silently.

After a few more hours, Qingque finally opened her eyes and smiled at Zhou Shu slightly, "Hey, I figured out how to break this seal."

"Thanks for your hard work."

Zhou Shu nodded with joy.

"Otherwise, just break the seal, I still have some strength."

That's how I said it, but it fell over as soon as I finished speaking and almost fell to the ground.

Zhou Shu hurriedly took hold and shook his head ~www.ltnovel.com~ No, just tell me the method, I can solve it by myself, besides, it is not suitable to break the seal completely. I don't know what will happen, if it is the secret inside the tripod. No, just sell it as usual. "


Qingque raised her head and thought for a while, "It's like this...My method is to use the power of soul to relieve it. You should be able to do it?"

"It's okay if you know the method," Zhou Shu smiled. "I didn't think of it before. Your soul is really much stronger than mine."

Qingque smiled faintly, "You are not specialized in cultivating Soul Dao. How could it be that easy, but after I enlightened Dao, I would enter the world at a rapid pace, but if there weren't those days on the flying boat, it would be difficult..."

Just talking, she fainted.

It’s no wonder that the divine soul has been operating at high intensity for a long time, and the soul power and divine consciousness pouring out like water. Even if it is the body of a hundred souls, even if it has been refilled with soul liquid, it is unbearable. Up to now, it is entirely by his own will.

But speaking of it, after this test, her Tao and her spirit can go further.

"Leave the rest to me."

Zhou Shu carefully helped her aside and focused on thinking.

Unlike Qingque, he has a talent for deduction and calculation, but he is not very clear about the soul. After Qingque has told him the specific method, he does not need to consume a lot of spiritual knowledge and soul power to test and test, just keep constantly The deduction is enough. Everything is done in the sea of ​​knowledge, which is naturally much simpler.

Within half an hour, the specific method was completed and ready to use.

——Pass through the spirit lock without breaking the seal, and then see the specific situation in the cauldron.

(PS: Thank you for your continued support for those who live a bad life rather than die, and thank you book friends who have subscribed to vote~) 8)

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