Fairy Winner

Chapter 1618: The answer is simple

In the hall of Penglai Island, there are hundreds of seats and hundreds of monks.

"The sixth-order magic weapon, the eight-treasure umbrella of Cui bone!"

"The sixth-order magic jade pill, the best!"

With the appearance of rare and rare lots, the bidding sound continued to sound. The monks were either excited to stand up and cheer, or downed and sighed in annoyance, or pained to thump their chest and feet, and the hall was filled with a joyful atmosphere.

There were also nearly ten cultivators who did not move, and their expressions were as calm as water, as if this auction had nothing to do with them.

However, some conversations are going on among these monks.

"One hour of training time is missing."

"Who said no? We people are all here for the god-wood tripod, but we waste time on these **** things, which is terrible."

"I remember that in the past, the Penglai Sea Club was usually divided into several games, and there was another high-level treasure. Only the Great Monk of the Tribulation Realm could enter. This Shenmuding should do this."

"It was last time, but this time it broke the rules for some reason."

"Hehe, the answer is simple."

"Brother Guan, what's your opinion?"

"Penglai Haihui has always had rules. The auctioneer and the holder must be in the same venue. In other words, the realm of the Shenmuding holder...maybe not very high."

"So that's it..."

The complexions of several cultivators changed slightly, and they looked around. Those cultivators who had been dismissive became the targets of their scanning. After a while, almost every low-level cultivator's body was covered with the gods of the cultivators who crossed the Tribulation Realm. Nian, a monk has at least seven or eight people's spiritual thoughts.

"Brother, you still want to be thoughtful."

"Yes, why didn't we expect it, haha."

"Haha, it's ridiculous, it's just that you people got the wrong direction. I think the Shenmuding tripod must come from our cultivator who crosses the Tribulation Realm, so naturally I won't care about other people..."

The monk who was talking was named Guan Hong. He rolled his sleeves slightly, and glanced at the side with his narrow eyes. There was disdain in his eyes, "Especially you, Zhang Tiebai, that sacred wooden cauldron is not mine. You stay on my seat. , Can you take it away?"

"Haha, Brother Guan joked, how could the old man do such a thing..."

Zhang Tiebai stroked the short beard that had just covered his chin, laughed dryly, and quietly took away the spiritual thoughts left by the middle-aged monk, "I haven't seen him for decades, and Guan's cultivation has improved again. I'm afraid it will be soon. Are you going to cross the seventh heaven?"

"This will not bother Daoist Zhang."

Guan Hong didn't look at him, only raised his hand, turned his head to look at the auction table, and slowly said, "Since you all come for the Shenmu Ding, I have a suggestion. I don't know if you would like to listen."

"Brother Guan, please speak."

"Brother Guan's words must be good words, and I have to listen carefully."

"Brother Guan, you are the head of the fifth-largest family. What you say is very convincing. Of course we have to listen."

Several monks agreed.

Guan Hong smiled indifferently, "What is the fifth largest family, a small family in Shannan, you all show love, it is far behind the four largest families, since you are willing to listen, then I will talk about it. The current situation, you Do you think I have hope to get the Shenmu Ding?"


"I'm afraid it will be difficult."

"The old man has brought all his wealth, I'm afraid it's not enough."

The monks lamented.

Guan Hong nodded and glanced to the left and right. "Everyone can see that the one in the east is Zheng Daoxuan from Kunlun. He is already at the eighth level of cultivation. He is standing behind Kunlun. There is no need to say more about his financial resources. It’s the Great Wisdom Master of Tianlong Temple, the Lord Protector of Temples, Tianlong Temple is a wealthy country. Although I am a little bit tired now, we can’t compare with anything we can just pick up."

When talking about Master Dazhi, his body trembled slightly, a little surprised.

"That's right!"

Zhang Tiebo sighed, "Who would have thought that I would call them both."

A monk couldn’t help saying, “This place was originally in Xihe Prefecture. It’s not surprising that they came quickly. It’s not bad. If the sea club opens a few days later, when the other big forces come, then we people It is even more impossible to get the Shenmu Ding."

A female monk just shook her head, quite bitter, "But even with them, it's hard for us."

There are also monks who feel very indifferent, "I'm all ready to watch the show, ha ha, no matter who gets the Shenmu Cauldron, there will definitely be a big battle, and it will be good then."

Zhang Tiebai thought about Guan Hong, and said thoughtfully, "After all, Brother Guan, what do you think?"

Guan Hong stared at the auction platform and said calmly, "The answer is simple, combining means strong, and dividing means weak."

A monk's eyes lit up, "Brother Guan means..."

Zhang Tiebai was startled, "Could it be that we should gather all our primordial stones and compare them with Kunlun and Tianlong Temple?"

"Not bad, we have seven people, if we add them together..."

"No matter how many there are, it should be enough to fight with them, and they may not be able to come up with that much."

"Yes, yes, they can only be compared to them if they add up, but..."

Zhang Tiebo seemed to have realized, "If we photograph the Shenmu Ding, who should it belong to in the end, it is impossible to leave it alone. Even though the Ding is a Shenmu, there is no benefit if it is separated."

"Daoyou Zhang's concerns are also reasonable..."

"Brother Guan didn't want us to help you make wedding dresses..."

Several monks fell into a hesitation again~www.ltnovel.com~ Guan Hong shook his head unconsciously and sneered, "Besides, are there other ways you might encounter the Shenmuding?"

There was a moment of silence.

Everyone knows that these monks who do not have the support of large sects and big forces want to use their personal financial resources to win the Shenmuding, the chance is slim, there is no one in ten thousand, but no one is willing to give up this one in ten thousand chance. Will insist on staying here.

Guan Hong's proposal is indeed very good. If the financial resources of the seven people are added up, even Kunlun will not be able to gather that much for a while.

"Ha ha."

Guan Hong smiled faintly, "Seven people are divided into a tripod. It is better than grabbing the Kunlun Tianlong Temple. Moreover, the Shenmu tripod is not a magic weapon for self-defense. It is only used to refine alchemy. I only need this trip for one year. After refining the dragon blood pill, you will withdraw. If you six are divided into a cauldron, the chance is much greater."

Several cultivators felt a little trembling, and they began to think.

What used to be a one-tenth chance has now become one-seventh or even one-sixth, which is a big leap.

For them, this is also an easy choice.

Zhang Tiebo quickly said, "Okay, I agree! First I wish Brother Guan, an early success in alchemy!"

"I also agree, but you can say it. Brother Guan, you will quit when you run out."

"Well, I will join too!"

Not long after, the seven monks all agreed and agreed to Guan Hong's proposal.

Guan Hong nodded slightly, showing a lot of satisfaction, "Okay, you don't need to go out to offend the Kunlun Tianlong Temple. When it's the turn of the Shenmu Ding, I'll bid, and you will report the number of Yuanshi on your body. Keep it a secret, in case it is not done because of this, you can't be spared."

"This is natural."

"Hehe, Brother Guan is really thoughtful, what else can we say." rw

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