Fairy Winner

Chapter 1640: waste


It was late autumn, and the sorrowful wind was even more bleak on the desolate and vast plain. Only Wuzhangyuan was not lonely. There were many monks worshiping and paying homage in the cold wind.

Today, it is the sacrifice day for Zhuge Weigong, and the sacrifice of Wuzhangyuan once every 100 years will also begin.

"Every time I think of Zhuge Weigong, I always feel regretful. It's hard to come up with this great scholar in today's world!"

"Yes, Uyghurs led a lone army to go straight into Chang'an under heavy besieves. Although thousands of people have gone to Chang'an, knowing that they can’t do it, how tragic and strong, even though they are dead, they are still a teacher for future generations, and they have the opportunity to be reborn. Later, he made great contributions in the world of cultivating immortals, realized the avenue of the military road, protected the spiritual veins of Dongzhou, expelled the Hao clan from outside the sky, and used the military road to tremble in all directions... hard to count."

"It's a pity that the descendants of future generations are not shameful, and things are getting worse. I heard that their reputation in Xihezhou is not very good over the years..."

"Stop, don't have anything to do with us in Dongshengzhou, be careful to speak out."

"It's also... we worship the sages and have nothing to do with future generations."

There were discussions from time to time, and it was heard in the ears of Zhou Shu, who was walking freely, Zhou Shu just acted indifferently and smiled.

As they walked, the two monks suddenly stood in front of the road, staring at Zhou Shu, a little surprised, a little angry, and a little afraid.

Zhou Shu held his hand slightly, "Isn't this a friend of Zhuge Mu, I haven't seen him for some days, this one, is it Zhuge Xuan, the current Patriarch of Zhuge? Ha ha, I have been admiring the name for a long time, and I was lucky to see him today."

Those two monks were Zhugemu and Zhugexuan.

Both of them are feather-fans and lunkerchiefs. Zhuge Xuan's cultivation is slightly lower, only in the middle stage of transforming the gods. Zhuge Mu has a pale face and no beard, and his spirit is bright. Zhuge Xuan's face is covered with deep wrinkles and his eyes are not too radiant. He looked like he was about to die, showing his senility.

Zhuge Xuan glanced at Zhou Shu, he was terrified, did not dare to answer, but stepped back.

"The old man doesn't want to see you."

Zhuge Mu settled down and said coldly, "Sect Master Zhou, we don’t welcome you in the ceremony of the Zhuge family, and we have not sent invitations to He Yin. Sovereign Zhou came uninvited. It was not the work of the monks. He also asked the lord to speed up. Leave quickly and don't disturb the festival."

"Ha ha."

Zhou Shu smiled coldly, and didn't give a good expression, "I came to worship the public. I was invited by Liu Xuande. It has nothing to do with your Zhuge family. Even if you want me to go, Liu Xuande has to say in public that Wuzhang has always been The Liu family in Dongsheng prefecture has never been in the domain of your Zhuge family. You are righteous and stern, do you intend to take the Liu family forcibly and become your own master?"

Zhugemu was slightly stagnant, "The Liu family and Zhuge family have always been like a family, would Sect Master Zhou not know? Besides, Liu Xuande will invite you? The old man has never heard of this kind of thing. Don't talk nonsense. "

Zhou Shu waved his hand, "If I haven't heard of it, I will go and listen. I have to pay a visit to the old site of Wei Gong, so I won't be accompanied."


Zhugemu wanted to say something, but Zhou Shu ignored it and went away.

Zhuge Xuan approached and whispered, "Four elders, he is Zhou Shu of the lotus school? He has a very high cultivation base and looks terrible..."

"Shut up."

Zhugemu looked at him impatiently, and scolded, "As the head of the family, you are so cowardly in front of outsiders, you simply lose the face of the Zhuge family."

"He is the Great Monk of the Tribulation Realm and our enemy, how can I not be afraid..." Zhuge Xuan muttered, "Besides, Zhuge's family will be gone soon, and he still cares about what the face is."

A cold color flashed in Zhugemu's eyes, "Rotten wood cannot be carved, you are really a waste."

Zhuge Xuan rolled his eyelids and continued to mumble, "I am, and I did not deny it. I originally had a safe and stable life. If it weren't for your idea, I wouldn't be the owner of this, let the eldest brother and the second brother Do it well, it's all you..."

"More talk, I will kill you."

Zhugemu turned around and stared at him, making no secret of the killing intent in his eyes.

Zhuge Xuan hurriedly covered his mouth, and his body could not stand still, like the withered grass around him, trembling in the wind.

"Look at the altar."

Zhugemu walked to the altar in the middle and couldn't help thinking, "What the **** is Liu Xuande doing? Did he really invite him? What is he thinking? Does Zhou Shu know... But the elder grandson is here, maybe not There will be something."

Zhou Shu in the distance shook his head slightly.

As he expected, Zhuge Xuan was really a waste, or an incompetent puppet, at the mercy of the elders in the clan, he would do whatever he wanted, and he only knew he wanted to have fun, and his two brothers, Zhuge Even and Zhuge Yan are talented and ambitious people, but they have also caused a murderous disaster.

A tall altar stands among the yellow grass on the ground.

The altar is in the shape of an octagon, and it is in line with the eight formations in the military road. It is magnificent and solemn. There is a statue of Zhuge Weigong in the middle of the altar. The temperament and appearance are just like the time, and people admire it. The pillars are arranged in the shape of seven stars. The copper pillars are as high as ten feet, and five people can't hold them together. The pillars are decorated with various patterns, all of which are the great achievements of Zhuge Weigong in the past. There are many ancient inscriptions on the side, and the top of the pillar With the ever-bright lamp lit, the light is steady like a star~www.ltnovel.com~ Opposite the altar, there is an altar with a radius of thousands of feet.

Many seats have already been set up on the stage for the guests to set up an objective courtesy. Among them is a high stage, which is the position of the Zhuge Patriarch.

Before the altar, Liu Xuande was making final preparations, very focused.

Zhugemu took Zhuge Xuan and slowly approached, watching him, silent for a long while.

Liu Xuande was slightly puzzled and raised his hand to salute, "Duke Xuan, the fourth elder Zhuge, what can I do when I come here? My side will be well soon, and the two will wait an hour before the festival can begin."

Under Zhugemu's gaze, Zhuge Xuan stepped forward and said calmly, "Liu Xuande, that Zhou Shu, you invited to the festival?"

Liu Xuande smiled and nodded, "It turned out to be this, yes, I invited it."

"Ah, why did you do this?"

Zhuge Xuan was very confused and said, "Liu Xuande, don't you know that he is the enemy of our Zhuge family?"


Liu Xuande was taken aback and shook his head, "I really don't know this. I invited Sect Master Zhou, just because the position of the Heyin Sect in Dongshengzhou is getting higher and higher, and there are signs of surpassing the big sect, such a powerful sect. , I want to win over in advance, so as not to lose friendship in the future and inconvenience Liu's family."

"Then you know now?"

Zhuge Xuan waved his hand and said in disgust, "I don't care what you think, hurry up and drive him away. I don't want to see him, hurry up."

Looking at Zhuge Xuan, Liu Xuande hated him, but he couldn't show it, his face was slightly condensed, "That's not good, now the guests are all there, and almost all the big and small sects in Dongshengzhou are here. The ceremonial matter is very detrimental to the reputation of our Liu family and the Zhuge family."

"What does that matter? Just do as I said!"

Zhuge Xuan turned his head, ignoring.

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