Fairy Winner

Chapter 1647: Death is coming

Chang Sun Youji glanced at Zhou Shu next to him, "Sect Master Zhou, in this battle, you will never have to intervene?"

"I said, you don't care about the family affairs of the Zhuge family, naturally I won't care."

Zhou Shu said calmly, "But, don't think about doing it. If you do it, I will never be as polite as I was just now."

Changsun Youji showed a trace of embarrassment, and then laughed again, with a little disdain, "It seems that Sect Master Zhou values ​​that Zhuge Fuyan very much, but the old man has seen it a long time ago. His spirit is far inferior to Zhugemu... ...Sect Master Zhou, you have a hundred secrets."

"Hehe, then just watch it."

Zhou Shu also laughed, not caring at all.

Changsun Youji was a little reluctant, "Sect Master Zhou, you have done so many things with great pains, but you just want to give Zhuge Fuyan a chance to challenge. If he loses, wouldn't you do it all in vain?"

"Isn't one chance enough?"

Zhou Shu calmly said, "If he can't even seize an opportunity, then the Zhuge family really doesn't need to exist."

"Haha, that old man really wants to be optimistic."

As he was talking, Changsun Youji's expression suddenly stagnated, because he found that in his sense of consciousness, he didn't know when, a layer of smoke suddenly appeared on the wasteland, and the smoke seemed invisible and enveloped thinly. The entire battlefield.

He looked at Zhou Shu, "This is..."

Zhou Shu said indifferently, "His consciousness is not as good as Zhugemu, but doesn't he know a magic weapon to confuse his consciousness?"

That invisible smoke is the 7th-tier superb magic weapon refined by Zhou Shu himself. Tingtao can conceal one's divine consciousness and consciousness, and is undetectable. It has an effect on the monks below the seventh level of the tribulation realm. Here, Tingtao protects him Next, Zhugemu could not cut off the connection between Zhuge Fuyan and the puppet.

Changsun Youji turned his head and suddenly stopped talking.

Only he and Zhou Shu could see this layer of smoke, but none of the other monks could see it, including Zhuge Mu.

Zhugemu found out his spiritual knowledge, but he did not perceive any of his opponent's spiritual knowledge, and he was a little confused.

At this time, the car suspension array has rushed into the puppet army array.

With a whirlwind, dozens of puppets were knocked out in the blink of an eye, and they had broken their hands and feet when they landed.

Zhuge Qiangbing is worthy of the name.

Every monk in the formation performs his or her duties. The monks in charge of the attack have powerful best magic weapons. They have only practiced attacking techniques and mental techniques since they were young, focusing on training agility and precision. They have super explosive power and instant combat. The strength is absolutely no less than that of a cultivator in the Transcendent God Realm. At the same time, they will never practice the slightest defensive tactics. They will not even look at the defensive tactics. The cultivators in charge of defense are completely the opposite. They only practice defensive tactics. Carrying a defensive magic weapon, it has super high endurance and defensive power, and also has certain treatment methods.

These cultivators are too partial, and they are generally not the opponents of the cultivators of the same realm in singles, but in the military formation, they can exert their power beyond their own realm, and follow the military formation combination action, as long as the command is appropriate, More able to play beyond the power of two realms.

This is the terrible aspect of Zhuge's army.

"But that's it."

Zhugemu settled down for a while, no longer thinking about splitting the spiritual consciousness, focusing on finding flaws and attacking the army.

Zhuge Fuyan in the hundred-blade beast, with a few drops of cold sweat on his face.

This is not the first time he has manipulated the puppet army. In Lingyu City, he practiced with the Heyin school disciples many times, but at this time it was the first time he faced a real father-killing enemy and held back a hundred years of hatred. Hanging in my heart, I finally had a chance for revenge. The excitement was hard to suppress, and there was a hint of panic unconsciously. Some mistakes were made when manipulating the puppet.

When it was time to evade, a dozen puppets were beaten up and their formation was disrupted.

"No, it can't be like this, you have to be calm, this is the last chance and the only opportunity you can't afford to waste!"

Looking at the puppet, he kept screaming to himself, but looking at Zhugemu, his hatred became more and more, and he became more and more unable to control himself.

There is no room for hesitation on the battlefield, any panic will pay a great price.

The operation of the puppet army formation immediately experienced problems, and the original rigorous formation instantly became full of loopholes.

The rolling car hung in the array, constantly looking for flaws, and drove in all the way, getting closer and closer to the Hundred Blade Beast.


Zhuge Mu had already laughed in his heart, "It turns out to be a stinky guy. I thought it was so powerful! Taking back the iron roll is a solution to the last hidden danger for the old man. No one will stop the merger. !"

The guests on the altar were also quite puzzled.

"No, Zhuge Fuyan doesn't seem to know how to manipulate the military formation."

"Perhaps the divine consciousness and consciousness have been disrupted. Although there are many puppets, they seem to be defeated."

"Hey, it's not as good as Zhuge Mu."

"Zhugemu alone can't do it. Those Zhuge family soldiers are almost all the elites of the Zhuge family, and the flying swords they take are all top grades. Only forces like the Zhuge family can cultivate such elites. Even you and me Going up, I can't ask for it... Besides, the ranks of those puppets are still lower."

Zhou Shu sat quietly without doing anything.

He could naturally see Zhuge Fuyan's panic and could see clearly, but he did not remind ~www.ltnovel.com~ nor calm Zhuge Fuyan's mind, he did not want to do so.

Having already arrived here, Zhuge Fuyan must come out by himself and defeat a powerful opponent by himself.

Zhou Shu didn't need a Zhuge Fuyan who had always asked for help. If Zhuge Fuyan could only do this step, even if he eventually became Zhuge Patriarch, it would be of little value to him.

For Zhou Shu, what he needed was a powerful family, a truly useful ally, and a powerful patriarch.

Only in this way can Zhou Shu complete his future plans. If Zhuge Fuyan can't do it, he would rather give up everything he had done for Zhuge's family and look for new methods.

Bang, bang! Bang, bang!

The car hanging array like a whirlwind has already rolled to a place no more than ten feet away from the Hundred Blade Beast.

The sword light continued to hit the Hundred-Blade Beast, drawing a trail of white marks. The attack power of these Zhuge Family Soldiers was really surprisingly high. With its own tactics, plus the best flying sword, the Hundred-Blade Beast was second only to The body of the tribulation body is inevitably damaged.

The Hundred-Blade Beast began to shake, and the sound of drums fell on the Hundred-Blade Beast, always beating Zhuge Fuyan's heart.

He saw Zhugemu's laugh and felt Zhugemu's killing intent.

Cold, icy rain poured on my heart.

"Are you going to lose? Are you going to die? No revenge..."

With the thought of imminent death, his mind suddenly calmed down.

Zhugemu commanded the car to hang the formation, one by one, attacking the limbs of the Hundred Blade Beast more fiercely.

The Hundred Blade Beast was swaying, as if about to fall.


Suddenly, it burst out from Zhuge Fuyan's mouth and from the mouth of the Hundred-Blade Beast like the roar of the trapped beast before his death.

The light red red glow suddenly emerged, centering on the Hundred-Blade Beast, quickly spreading away.

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