Fairy Winner

Chapter 1703: Kunlun


Lin Qingjue looked into the distance and sighed lightly, "Sect Master Zhou, this trip is worthwhile."

Zhou Shu walked a few steps closer, stood opposite him, and looked at the Kunlun Mountains under the peak together, and said thoughtfully, "Maybe, but this is Kunlun’s retribution. If Kunlun treats me and other sects If you don’t have nausea, you don’t want to annex, there will be no current results."

"In the eyes of the sovereign, it is evil, but it is not in Kunlun."

Lin Qingjue said slowly, "Since the fall of Kunlun Mountain, Kunlun has always done this, and only in this way can Kunlun be passed on for a long time, and the world of immortality can be continued for a long time. You are also the sovereign, don't you understand? Huh? If you are in Kunlun, you will probably make the same choice."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "I understand, but I won't do it."

Lin Qingjue was slightly confused, "Huh? What does the suzerain think should do to maintain Kunlun's status?"

"Why maintain?"

Zhou Shuning looked into the distance, "Everything has ups and downs. This is the law of nature. Kunlun should also weaken for a while. Don’t the elders think? To maintain a strong prosperity is bound to do many things that violate the laws of nature. The harm is far greater than the benefits. If it were the elders of Kunlun, I would not care about Kunlun's status."

"Sect Master said it was easy."

Lin Qing absolutely laughed unconsciously, with some disdain in it, "With Kunlun's position in the Xuanhuang Realm, once it weakens, it will no longer be able to maintain the order of the entire Cultivation Realm. Even if there is no alien invasion, the world will be in chaos. What will the Xuanhuang World become like, have you thought about it?"

Zhou Shu sighed slightly, "After all, Kunlun still regards itself as the leader of the Xuanhuang Realm, thinking that it won't work without you, but how do you know if you haven't tried it?"

Lin Qingjue said slowly, "You don't need to try this at all. Kunlun knows what people's minds are like, especially the cultivators. Without Kunlun to maintain order, the cultivators could do anything to destroy humanity. , There are so many examples of evil cultivation, evil cultivation, soul cultivation, meditation and so on. Even ordinary cultivators, those who master powerful and unconstrained immortal cultivators, will disturb the Xuanhuang Realm, and mortals will If there is no place to live, the cultivator will become a tree without a foundation, and the Xuanhuang Realm will also perish."

Zhou Shu nodded, "What the elder said is right. If you have the power but cannot contain your desires, it will lead to great evil results. I have no doubt that this situation will happen, but even without Kunlun, other sects It will also rise to maintain the stability of the Xuanhuang world, not for Kunlun."

"Other sects?"

Lin Qingjue was quite contemptuous, "Is it Tianjian, Emei, Shushan, Cihang, or Zhou Zongzhu’s lotus? It’s not that Kunlun underestimated these sects, but I can say with certainty that there is no sect except Kunlun. Have the will and ability to maintain the order of the immortal world."

Zhou Shu's face was slightly frozen, looking at the undulating mountains in the distance, speechless for a while.

What Lin Qingjue said is not unreasonable. The other five sects have more thoughts than Kunlun, and made the same mistakes. It is difficult for them to maintain order in a state. There are many examples to prove...

His own lotus sounds are actually a springboard for him to enter the immortal world. Although he can leave an excellent sect system to the lotus sect and allow the lotus sect to continue to develop for a long time, he can’t guarantee that, in him and everyone After leaving, the Heyin faction will definitely continue according to his ideas for thousands of years, and his temperament is not suitable for such things as maintaining order.

Wushuang City, Jianlu, Baiyun City, and other worldly powers have no such idea at all.

And Kunlun...

Lin Qingjue turned to look at Zhou Shu, and said calmly, "It is not that Kunlun insists on claiming to be the leader of the immortal world, but this responsibility. Only Kunlun can carry it. This is Kunlun's destiny, and Kunlun was established for this. For a long time, I have been fighting for this purpose. For the sake of responsibility, disciples can give up the promotion of immortality, and for the sake of responsibility, they can abandon their lives... and the meaning of the existence of other sects is all for the promotion of immortality."

Zhou Shu glanced at him and did not speak.

The other sects were all for the promotion of immortality, but Kunlun was not. He did realize this point.

Lin Qing never stopped, "Yes, other sects will become stronger in a certain period of time, and there will be geniuses that Kunlun can't match, such as Sect Master Zhou, but these talents are destined to be promoted. When they leave What can they do to the Xuanhuang Realm?"

Zhou Shu smiled, "Thanks to the elder Lin."

"The suzerain does not need to be self-effacing, this will definitely happen."

Lin Qingjue said indifferently, "The Sect Master is the most talented and capable monk I have ever seen, and he has a better fortune than Kunlun... How can I say that the current Xuanhuang Realm is a stagnant water, and it is impossible to appear. A genius like the Sect Master may sink into this, just like other declining realms, but after all, the Sect Master has appeared, so the two thousand years of silence in the Profound Yellow Realm will come to an end."


Zhou Shu sighed softly, having to say that Lin Qingjue was very accurate, he shouldn't be a person in this world.

Lin Qingjue looked at Zhou Shu, with bright eyes like stars, "It's not maybe, it's for sure. As the Kunlun elder, I only hope that the master can do something for the Xuanhuang Realm after he is promoted. It doesn't need more, a little is enough. "

Zhou Shu Ruo realized, "The elders mean to break the barrier between the Xuanhuang Realm and the Immortal Realm?"

Lin Qingjue nodded, as if relieved, "Sect Master understands that, I won't say much. The situation in the Xuanhuang Realm must be caused by someone in it. The Sect Master does not have to fight against it. As long as the message is passed on, the Immortal Realm will What will be done."

"This is something every ascendant will do. I will do it naturally. I am already doing it~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhou Shu stared at Lin Qingjue and nodded without realizing it. There is a kind of inexplicable seeing his soulmate. feel.

"Already doing..."

Lin Qingjue's face was slightly condensed, as if he had noticed something, but didn't say any more, only a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Zhou Shu also followed with a smile, this point needless to say.

"Go back to Kunlun."

Zhou Shu looked into the distance, "This great Kunlun Mountain, should the elders let it go on like this? I admit that Kunlun bears a huge responsibility and has been paying for the Xuanhuang world for thousands of years. It is not an exaggeration to say a leader, but Now Kunlun’s unscrupulous approach is too much. The so-called unscrupulous people will only cause Kunlun to counterattack again and again, that is, I do nothing, and other sects may not be watching."

"The sovereign has this heart, and Kunlun is grateful."

Lin Qingjue was silent for a while, and said slowly, "For thousands of years, the Kunlun Presbyterian Church has been passing a sentence. The elders use this as a training. When there are obstacles, they will read it carefully... Sect Master, do you want to listen?"

Zhou Shu paused and said in a straightforward voice, "Elder, please."

Lin Qingjue looked at the distance and said lightly, "Although virtue is lost, the fate is not decayed, and Kunlun is immortal."

Zhou Shu's expression was stagnant, and he seemed to realize something, "It turns out that this is the difference between ancient Kunlun and current Kunlun, but Lide stands up and speaks, and it is immortal. The three are indispensable. Now Kunlun lacks Lide, how can it be impossible? immortal."

"I think so."

Lin Qingjue said slowly, "Although Kunlun is far less powerful than it used to be, if you must build morality, then many things will not be able to be done, but after today, with the lessons of Sect Master Zhou, I think Kunlun will change."

Zhou Shu's face changed slightly, and he said seriously, "I wish I could see."

"Ha ha."

Lin Qingjue smiled and nodded.

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