Fairy Winner

Chapter 1732: Bottle

Yangmei stared at them and said with a gentle expression, "You all get up."

The villagers stood up one after another. The village chief walked to the lotus platform with crutches and tremblingly, and bowed down again and again. "There are more than 300 people in Xiaoyu Village. I implore Daxian to help us out. Let us escape from this sea of ​​suffering and peace, no more Mutilated by demons."

Yangmei gently raised his hand and helped the village chief up several tens of feet away, with a gentle expression, "Lao Zhang doesn't need to be polite, I came for this."

The village chief turned his head to look at the villagers, the old tearful, and weeping, "It's saved, it's finally saved!"

The villagers cheered and wept with joy.

The gentleman came out more and more, bowing to Yangmei, with a solemn expression, "How can the Shangxian prove that you are a descendant of the Great Immortal Cihang? I wonder how the Shangxian will save me and other mortals? According to the classics, this disaster is really Very, even immortals are difficult to survive, immortals themselves cannot protect themselves, will they take care of me and other mortals?"

"Sir, is it wrong for you to say that?"

"How can you question the fairy?"

"To Great Immortal Cihang, sir, your attitude is too bad, right?"

"No matter how Daxian saves us, it's better than your empty righteousness."

"Sir, you just need to say a few words, I beg you."

When the husband asked questions, the villagers immediately fry the pot.

Before, the husband was regarded as a savior, but after the immortal appeared, he immediately changed his appearance, even the village head, worried that his husband angered the immortal and would not save them.

But Yang Mei stood up and saluted her husband, showing respect.

The villagers were stunned, and so did the husband. They wanted to avoid them, but they couldn't avoid them.

Yang Mei slowly said, "Don't be surprised, Mr. Shicai's righteous remarks won my heart and gave me a lot of insight. If you have received your husband's instruction, you should salute your husband. This is what the husband deserves."


The husband was stunned, and said in surprise, "righteous?"

The surrounding villagers were even more stunned, especially the previous villager, dumbfounded.

Yangmei nodded slightly, "Mister's words are very reasonable, I have learned a lot."

It is naturally very satisfying to be able to let the immortals bow, and the husband stroked his beard and said, "Those are just some humble opinions from the book, and they are nothing. The immortals are too good."

"Although there is true meaning in the book, there is not much that can be seen. If you can understand the truth from it, your achievements will not be bad."

Yang Mei smiled faintly, and said slowly, "Mr. questioned the identity of my Cihang disciple. It doesn't matter. Actually, I don't have much to prove. I wonder if this jade bottle is good?"

She held up the jade bottle in her hand, and there was a burst of colorful light, which was extremely bright, but soft as water.

Seeing those tiny rays of light gradually converged and paved a wide rainbow bridge, spanning between the villagers and the jade bottle, all the villagers were dumbfounded.

The gentleman was among them, only murmured, "This is a miracle!"

Yangmei looked down at the sentient beings, with compassionate eyes, "You all come up here, I will take you out of here, to a peaceful and happy land, where you are safe and will not be disturbed by demons."


Some villagers cheered loudly and walked to Hongqiao, but some of them stood there, motionless.

"Daxian wants us to leave here?"

"We want to be rescued, but we don't want to leave our village..."

The village chief leaned on crutches, walked out tremblingly, and sighed, "Daxian, we can't bear it!"

Yangmei nodded and slowly said, "I understand that the homeland is hard to leave, but as the gentleman said, this calamity is by no means unusual, and even immortals can hardly protect themselves. If it is not forced to do so, I will not take such a move. , But everyone can rest assured that once peace on earth is restored, you can return to your homeland."


The village chief hesitated, "Did the immortal lie to me to wait for mortals?"

Yangmei exudes the radiance of kindness, "Naturally, I can guarantee that you will come back here in the future."

After receiving the light of mercy, the village chief was shocked and nodded immediately, "Everyone, hurry up and get on the bridge!"

Yangmei said warmly, "It's fine for people to leave, you don't need to take anything, you don't need anything."

"Yes Yes!"

The villagers rushed to Hongqiao one after another, walking forward involuntarily, and unknowingly walked into a strange place.

"Ah? Wang San, why are you here?"

"Li Sibai, are you here too?"

"Aunt Xu, are your family in there?"

"Hehe, I've been here for a few days, it's fine here, just ask me if you don't understand."

The villagers soon discovered that there were countless mortals here, and there were people everywhere on the vast plain.

"I didn't see the food, what do you eat these days?"

"Here, I don't need to eat or drink anything, and I am very energetic. It's interesting! Look at my three children, they have grown a lot after a few days after coming in, and I look really happy."

"So good, isn't it, this is the Dongfu where the immortal lives?"

"It must be. Have you heard that there are such good places in other places? Only the Dongfu where immortals live can be so magical, I can't bear to leave!"

The huge crowd gathered together, and naturally there were many things to say, one after another, and they couldn't finish it for days and nights, and there was no need to read them.

At this time, the village outside was empty.

I took a look at ~www.ltnovel.com~ Yangmei put the Yujing bottle away, shook her head slightly, and secretly said, "It took some time. Next time, I should take them directly into the bottle... Even if you do this, brother may I want to scold me..."

Around the village, quickly put down a few array talisman, the village is hidden in the mountains, no traces are seen again.

A simple illusion, but it has a miraculous effect for some alien races, and it may be able to save the village, although the chance is very slim.

Yangmei picked up the lotus platform and quickly flew towards another village.

After leaving the Dutch School, she was busy saving the mortals in Zhongzhou. Every day, she had to go to dozens of villages to take away mortals. During this time, she had taken away millions of mortals. Compared with the huge population of Zhongzhou, she was almost A million is not a lot, but she has done her best.

She wasn't the only one. The Great Immortal Cihang back then left three jade bottles, so three people were doing the same thing.

The Jade Jing Ping is the magic weapon of heaven and the magic weapon of the cave. There are thousands of miles of rivers and mountains in it, which is enough to accommodate millions of mortals, but it is not permanent.

Even if you try to suppress it, the aura in the Yujing bottle can only be maintained at the level of the third-order spiritual channel. Such a concentration of aura, staying in it for a long time, is fatal to mortals. If you only stay in it for a year or two, Not only do mortals do not need to eat or drink, but they can also keep fit and live longer. This is the so-called longevity for mortals when they enter the Immortal Cave Mansion. But the longer they stay, the more they can’t bear it. There will be too much aura in the body. Finally burst into death.

This is also the fundamental reason why mortals cannot live with immortal cultivators for a long time. If they cannot transform their spiritual energy, they will be injured by the spiritual energy.

The magic weapon of the cave like the Jade Jing Ping can only be temporarily transitioned. To protect these mortals, you still have to find a suitable place to stay.

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