Fairy Winner

Chapter 1736: Pang Bin

"Ha ha."

Pang Bin glanced at Zhou Shu, his eyes flashed, and he said calmly, "It turns out that Brother Zhou came today to list the charges for Pang Mou."

"The charge is not enough."

Zhou Shu shook his head and slowly said, "Guigushan has always been doing its own way. What Brother Pang has done is not a crime, and he has no right to judge. He just wants to remind Brother Pang that he should be held responsible if he does something wrong. What the cultivator does, and things can be remedied."

Pang Bin looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, "Haha! Hahahaha!"

"Wrong thing?"

He glanced at Zhou Shu and sneered, "Pang has never done anything wrong. He issued 63 Ghost Valley Orders, which is more than any previous time. In this catastrophe, Pang can save 60 for the immortal world. The blood of three families, sixty-three, what a great virtue, even immortals can’t do it, right? It’s wrong? Brother Zhou, can you ask everyone here, who would say Pang did it wrong? thing?"

Turning to the feast, smiled indifferently, "Which one would say?"

The corner of his mouth is smiling, but his face is full of majesty, like a dragon coming out of the abyss, the wind is flying by the clouds, and the wind is scattered.

"Don't dare, don't dare."

"Guigushan did a great thing."

"Our family is all grateful for the runny nose."

"Without Brother Pang, we have nowhere to go. Brother Pang is our great benefactor."

The guests hurriedly saluted, not daring to be a little negligent.

Pang Bin nodded in satisfaction, and continued to say in a deep voice, "Keeping the blood of the aristocratic family, that is, Guigu Mountain is also the most important thing to do in the entire immortal world. Retaining the aristocratic family is equivalent to retaining the elite of the immortal cultivators. Every aristocratic family in ‘’s got it after countless hard work, don’t you think?"

"Although it is a contention, it is also the test of Guigu Mountain."

"Without a lot of hard work, how do you know how valuable Guigu Ling is and how can you enter Guigu Mountain? Although we paid a lot, it was worth it."

"Yes, those who failed to get the Guigu Order can only blame them for bad life."

The guests quickly took the conversation, as if they had forgotten all their previous hatreds. Also, they got the Guigu Order and got alive. What can I complain about?

Pang Bin became more complacent, and said with a long smile, "Hahahaha, how could Pang do something wrong?! As for the rescue of mortals mentioned by Brother Zhou, it is not worth mentioning, what a mortal is, even if it saves millions One person here, princes, are you right?"

"Brother Pang is very thoughtful, I dare not arrogantly criticize myself."

"It makes sense, but when you think about it, it's actually a little bit."

"In fact, there is no need to worry about mortals. Mortals will not die. Their vitality is very strong. In contrast, we immortals are actually pretty close.

"There can be fewer mortals, but we immortal cultivators can't be gone..."

The guests had their own opinions, but as before, no one opposed Pang Bin.

After being sent under the fence, they didn't dare to speak much or express their own heart. Some people said something ashamed of themselves and immediately lowered their heads, not daring to look at Zhou Shu more.

Pang Bin smiled more and more proudly, toasted arrogantly, drank it, and looked at Zhou Shu very contemptuously, "Brother Zhou, here, I am afraid that you are the only one who thinks Pang has done something wrong, hahaha!"

Zhou Shu looked calm and nodded slightly.

He didn't care, these answers were expected. This time, he was also prepared to fight alone.

Glancing at Pang Bin and the guests, a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes. There was a feeling of fellow cultivators, so why would he be with these people?

He understands that these people are afraid of the bloodline being cut off, and in order to continue the bloodline, they will not hesitate to give up their dignity or even their original behavior, but he only understands it. From the bottom of his heart, it is deep contempt.

in fact--

It's not that he can't do things smoothly, pretending to be obedience to Pang Bin, making a request, and taking the opportunity to send mortals to Pang Bin. Judging from Pang Bin's self-control, the possibility of his success is not small, but Zhou Shu is unwilling to do so. First, even if this is successful, how would Pang Bin treat those mortals who are not even as good as a grass in his eyes? Ordinary people staying in this Guigu Mountain, fearing that the situation will not be better. Second, it is a matter of righteousness. He will not go against his original intention and let himself go to a Pang Bin who does not agree with him from the bottom of his heart.

Unlike others, no matter when and where, no matter what serious consequences he faces, he will never go against his heart.

Pang Bin brushed his sleeves, his complexion calmed down, and looked at Zhou Shu, "What's wrong, Brother Zhou, are there anything to say?"

"He Zhujun can't explain it clearly."

Zhou Shu seemed to have realized something, and slowly said, "It seems that all monarchs are born immortals, never mortals, right?"

The countenances of the guests changed slightly, only Pang Bin nodded lightly, and said lightly, "After getting out of the ordinary, I will wait for nature to have nothing to do with the ordinary. From now on, there will only be Xiantu. In fact, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a born fairy. Will rise to cents."

"It's no wonder that such a decision is made. In Brother Pang's eyes, mortals are nothing more than mere grass."

Zhou Shu nodded slowly and sighed, "It's a pity that Guigu Mountain and Guiguzi's good reputation will be cut off by Brother Pang."

Pang Bin looked at Zhou Shu, his eyes were like words, "Brother Zhou, Pang Mou respected you as the No. 1 hero, but you shouldn't be invincible ~ www.ltnovel.com~ Those who insult the teacher will be severely punished. Please take this statement back from Brother Zhou. "

"What I say, I won't take it back."

Zhou Shu faced him with a calm expression, "Brother Pang, how are you doing?"

The expressions of the guests changed slightly, Zhou Shu seemed to have no action in front of them, but quietly moved away in an instant, as if they were tens of miles away.

Pang Bin smiled slightly, "It's rare that an opponent will come, and Pang also wants to learn from the master Zhou's brilliant tricks."

Zhou Shu used the law of space to open the distance from the banquet, while Pang Bin followed him like a shadow, always staying more than ten feet away, without being thrown away by a foot or a minute.

All the guests stayed there, not knowing what to say or what to do.

One is fighting for the Xuanhuang Realm outside, and the other can help them continue their blood. They don't want to see the fight between the two, but they can't stop it.

The ideological gap between the two sides is too great, and no one can give in.

The two looked at each other, it seemed that no one moved, but they fought thousands of times for a few breaths.

It’s still Guigushan’s unique knowledge, connecting with the heart network, trying to connect with Zhou Shu with various emotions, directly attacking Zhou Shu’s mind, and Pang Bin’s hand is obviously much higher than Su Yi’s, but it’s not for Zhou Shulai. Said, it seems that it still has no effect, he will not be affected by any emotions when he enters a fighting state.

"As expected of Sect Master Zhou, you have escaped the heart net, but can you escape the heart mirror?"

Pang Bin stretched out his palms with a smile, and an empty mirror slowly appeared above the palm of his palm, and in the middle of the mirror was a complete imaginary Zhou Shu.

Zhou Shu was slightly stagnant, his every move was completely displayed in the mirror, not only his physical movements, but also the flow of spiritual consciousness and Shu Zhili, but also clearly and unmistakably. It can be said that the mirror image is no longer a shadow. It is a self who has shrunk many times.

"The Mirror of Heart?"

As if thinking of something, Zhou Shu was shocked.

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