Fairy Winner

Chapter 1743: Explanation

Time passed quickly, more than three months in a flash.

Before the waterfall, the old man was still walking leisurely. Su Yi and Zhang Qin behind him had no doubts in their eyes. They stared at Zhou Shu in the waterfall with extremely focused expressions.

Zhou Shuduan was sitting with bamboo slips in front of him. There were a lot of mist around him, changing and showing various appearances.

Not long after, Zhou Shu stood up, let out a long howl, and went straight into the sky.

The old man raised his hand slightly, the mist was collected, and there was no trace of Zhou Shu in the waterfall, and it was clear.

"How much do you realize?"

The old man slowly turned around, his eyes shining brightly.

Su Yi bowed and said, "The disciple is not talented, and he has realized about 10%."

Zhang Qin followed and saluted, "The disciple has realized one-ninth."

The old man smiled and nodded, "In just over three months, you have a lot of understanding, very good."

Su Yi sighed unconsciously, "Thank you, Master, for your guidance. My heart is really broad and profound, and the disciple was too shallow before."

Zhang Qin said slowly, "Master is painstakingly painstaking, and the disciples are unforgettable, but... how can Sect Master Zhou understand his heart?"

After watching Zhou Shu for three months, how could they not understand the old man's painstaking efforts.

The old man gave the Taoist script to Zhou Shu to practice, and then simulated and demonstrated the whole process of Zhou Shu's practice of Tao script, so that the two of them could realize from it, so that they can also get the beauty of the Taoist script and improve their mind.

Relying on their current realm, it is really not easy to realize the Guigu Taoist book. I can’t understand the subtleties of it after reading it. It is meaningless. No matter how hard you think and meditate, you can’t get it. Zhou Shu went to see it and used Zhou Shu as an aid to help the disciples understand.

This is for their good.

Of course, the two also have a lot of confusion.

The old man smiled indifferently, "Let him watch you and use him to build you up. There are two reasons. The first is because he can't fall into the devil. Second, although he hasn't cultivated the mind before, he can understand. Xindao understands better than you who have cultivated for hundreds of years and thousands of years."

"Master, your explanation makes us even more confused?"

Su Yi shook her head and looked at Zhang Qin, "Brother, do you understand?"

"do not understand."

Zhang Qin nodded honestly, "Master, why are you so sure that he will not fall into a devil, and understand his heart better than us?"

The old man pondered for a while, then said slowly, "Because he is a pioneer."


"How come, the founder?"

Su Yi and Zhang Qin were dumbfounded, their eyes almost popping out.

They thought about many explanations, but they never thought that it was like this. How could this be possible? It was completely impossible.

Calmly like Zhang Qin, at this moment dumbfounded, he said in a daze, "Sect Master Zhou, he, he...created a new way?"

Su Yi reluctantly settled on the gods and shook her head like a puppet. "It’s not that you’re a master, you’re wrong. Although his Dao power is very strange, and his disciples have never seen it before, he can’t create it himself, right? Those who develop a new way are not the destiny of the destiny, or the natural saint... Master, are you sure?"

The old man looked at the two and asked calmly, "Do you think the old man is wrong?"

Just a soft question, Zhang Qin and Su Yi stopped talking.

In their hearts, Master is absolutely impossible to make mistakes, this is already a belief.

The Master's affirmation smashed their doubts to pieces.

After a while, Su Yiru woke up from a dream, and suddenly sighed, "It turns out that Sect Master Zhou was a creator of Taoism, so it wouldn't be surprising."

Zhang Qin just nodded blankly, but was speechless.

At this moment, all they thought were Zhou Shu, a tall Zhou Shu, as if covering everything.

"When it comes to understanding Tao, the old may not be as good as him."

The old man was still indifferent, and said slowly, "He is a person who created Taoism. He will never betray his own Taoism. It is impossible for him to fall into a magic barrier. However, the so-called return of ten thousand Taoism to the sect can create Taoism and naturally understand others. Dao has a great advantage, and the Dao he created is quite similar to Xin Dao. The old can perceive many changes in the heart and Dao from it. In a battle with Pang Bin, he can also see that his mind is extremely tough and fearless. The heart demon meets the requirements of the old Taoist book."

The two of them looked condensed and slowly listened carefully.

The old man continued, "The old man thought and showed him the book of Taoism. If he can practice, you can also learn from it. This is an opportunity. If he hadn't appeared, it would take you hundreds of years to understand your heart. The true meaning of Tao is now much ahead of schedule... You also understand that there are some things about Tao that can only be understood, not the old can teach it, and it must be realized on your own."

"Yes, Master."

The two nodded together, and said respectfully, "After seeing Sect Master Zhou's practice, we have a deeper understanding of the Tao of Mind, but without the guidance of your master, we can't see anything at all. Only if you respect you, can it be possible. To show the process of others' cultivation of the mind and Tao completely before us, let us realize it, and give us this rare opportunity."

"None is indispensable, it's called fate."

The old man smiled faintly, and squinted his eyes slightly, "It's just that the old man didn't expect that the moment he got the Taoist book, he immediately entered a state of epiphany... But think about it, if there is no such talent~www.mtlnovel. How can com~ create a new way."

Su Yi paused, "Sect Master Zhou may be a born saint."

"Nor," Zhang Qin thought for a while. "Maybe it is also the destiny. The Xuanhuang Realm has reached the time when a new way must appear. The destiny falls on him. This kind of thing has happened before. Sometimes it’s not people looking for Dao, but Dao looking for people, but no matter what, Sect Master Zhou is one of the best people in the world of cultivating immortals today, so it’s certainly true."

"What you said is possible, but what does it matter?"

The old man looked at the two and smiled leisurely, "He is him, and you are you. There is no need to entangle, let alone worship or anything else. You must know that people who create Taoism may not have high accomplishments. Today , I don’t know how many paths are annihilated in the dust. The immortal road is still very long. You only need to be yourself, blend your heart and Dao, understand the essence of Dao, from one to the ten thousand paths, the future achievements will not be better than He is bad."

As he said, he stretched out his finger and nodded on their foreheads, "Yi, Qin, do you remember what the old man said to you?"

Suddenly, the two of them glanced at each other and said loudly, "Ghost Valley disciples, not weaker than others."

The old man nodded in satisfaction, "Yes, our Ghost Valley is also creating aisles and even creating laws, so don't belittle yourself. Even people who are pioneers or higher should not mess up your mind. Appreciate but not follow."

Both of them became firm, their eyes stared, "The disciple remembered."


The old man nodded lightly, with a hint of worry, "Three of you, I am not too worried, and the other one has a big problem."

(Ps: Thank you book friends 20170517165312613 for your continued support, thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~~)

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