Fairy Winner

Chapter 1761: Inadvertently

It really is Qinghai.

There is a huge grassland in front of me. I am afraid that it will not be tens of thousands of miles. It is verdant like washing, dotted with several lakes. It is also green like jade, and the scenery is pleasant, sunny in the east and rain in the west. It is difficult to see such a fresh and peaceful scenery outside.

Su Yi looked a little surprised, "It's really a good place, even more beautiful than Guigu Mountain."

"indeed so."

Zhou Shu also nodded his head, only his spiritual consciousness spread out, and he immediately found that this grassland was densely covered with countless large and small magical arrays, dividing the grassland into many areas of different sizes, almost every area has one or two mushrooms. Like a big tree with a faint brilliance, some mushroom trees are even as high as tens of feet, quite strange.

It's probably a kind of facility unique to Yaozu.

Mu Lin was still thinking about it, and said perfunctorily, "Compared with Xuanhuang Realm, it's just a little quieter."

"Master Mu Lin!"

Not far away, a monster race ran over quickly and bowed to Mu Lin.

This monster clan is not very human-like. The whole body is green with a lot of wrinkles, but it looks very young.

Mu Lin settled down, "It's a wooden egg, what's the matter?"

"These two are..."

The wooden egg looked at Zhou Shu and Su Yi dumbly, "Human cultivators?"

Mu Lin said faintly, "It's a fellow Taoist who came to see me. Just talk about it if you have any problems."

Mudan retracted his gaze, and said quickly, "Master Mudan invites you to come over and said that I have found a way to merge the blood of the little kunfish and golden eagle."


Mu Lin exclaimed and said loudly, "Quickly, take the old man!"

Mu Dan didn't say much, and ran forward first, "Master, come, Master Wood Pulp can't wait, he will try it himself if he says you don't come again."

"Fool, isn't this old man rushing?"

Mu Lin scolded, walking away, halfway through, as if thinking of something, turning around and saying, "The two Taoist friends are waiting here, don't go far, the old man will be back soon."

After speaking, he walked away, leaving Zhou Shu aside.

Su Yi was startled, "This Master Mu Lin is really... eclectic."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "Masters like them can't wait to discover anything. They don't care about anything else. I have no choice but to wait. I don't know how long to wait."


Su Yi nodded, and stood there waiting with Zhou Shu, talking while looking at the surrounding scenery.

From time to time, the demon race passed by, glanced at them and hurried away. Few people came up to greet them. Not surprisingly, the relationship between the demon race and humans can only be said to be average, and there has been little exchange in the past ten thousand years.

This is two days and two nights.

Su Yi was a little anxious, "It's a good deal soon, did the master forget us, should we look for it?"

Zhou Shu seemed to think, "It shouldn't be forgotten. If you are busy, you will forget the time. You don't need to find it. After all, this is the powerhouse of the monster race. There are too many and too dense formations, and it is easy to bump into it. The conflict has caused trouble and is not easy to handle."

He was also a little anxious in his heart. If it was before, he wouldn't mind waiting. What if he waited for a year or a half, just as cultivation.

It's just that the time is too tight now, and there are alien races in the outside world. It will be clear within a month at most. If the monster race is not good, you will have to think of other ways. You can't delay here for too long.

Su Yi nodded and promised, "Wait then."

However, when waiting for anxious emotions, it is difficult to wait any longer. Most mortals are like this, and so are guys with natural nature like Su Yi.

"Brother Zhou, I'll go look around."

He stretched out his arms pretendingly, and started walking, "It's rare to come to the place of the Demon Race. I want to increase my knowledge everywhere. I wonder if Brother Zhou has the same idea?"

Zhou Shu nodded gently, "Go, I'll wait for you here, don't go far."

He didn't need to increase his knowledge. In the past few days, Divine Sense had seen Qinghai all the time, and most of the situation had been understood, but there were also many places that involved secrets, such as those surrounded by several formations, he did not look at it.

Although his spiritual knowledge has been regarded as the first in the world of cultivating immortals, he maintains a cautious attitude. The Yaozu is a very mysterious race with many secret methods. He does not want to be discovered by the Yaozu because of random detection and anger the Yaozu. .

"Of course, I have points, I won't go far, and I won't run into formations."

Waving his hand, Su Yi smiled and nodded, looked at Qinghai with a longing look, thought about it, and walked east.

Zhou Shu stood quietly, thinking about the rat-lizard clan, while deducing the tricks, calm and calm.

Only half an hour.

There were a few exclamations, followed by a slight fluctuation of power.

Zhou Shu secretly shook his head, put away his mind, and walked quickly to the east.

In a phantom array.

Su Yi couldn't help but arched her hand, her face apologized, "Sorry, I didn't break in on purpose."

"Obviously on purpose, you clearly saw this field and wanted to steal our things!"

"That's it!"

"Grandpa said this is our most precious thing and must not be stolen!"

"The cultivators are the worst. If it weren't for them, where would our Mu family hide here, where would there be only so few people!"


Several children surrounded him, shouting loudly while casting spells to prevent Su Yi from leaving.

These children are all newborn monsters~www.ltnovel.com~ The magic power is not big, they are all small spells such as vines, thorn woods, etc., but Su Yi can't do anything with them, and can't leave the magic circle quickly, so she can only go everywhere. There is no way to move around.

In desperation, Su Yi stood still.

Suddenly a majestic face appeared in the green grass ahead. As the grass shook, that face quickly stood up, but it was an old man.

The old man stared at Su Yi with a bad face, his skinny hands slowly lifted up, and his wrinkled body gradually became bright and green.

Su Yi's expression was slightly stagnant, the old man appeared without warning, and he couldn't feel too much aura. He was obviously a strong monster of the monster race. He was afraid that he was not under him, and he seemed to want to do something, and immediately raised his spirit. .

The children around cried out happily.

"Grandpa Muhao, here you are, it's him, it's him!"

"I just saw him, he sneaked in, trying to pick the grass in our field!"

"Yeah yeah!"

"woo woo woo woo!"

Seeing the children of the demon race who were vying to file a lawsuit, they were chattering endlessly, and some children even cried and complained. Su Yi's head was 10,000 grass horses running by, and she wanted to laugh and was helpless, so she had to bow her hands. , I am not a thief, but..."

"Entering Qinghai without permission, breaking into Mu Family's most precious farmland, still want to leave?"

The old man didn't listen to him to distinguish, green light flashed in his eyes, and with a wave of his long sleeves, thousands of blue lights flew towards Su Yi.

The strength of the wood spirit in the azure light is extremely rich, and it actually brings a lot of power in it, fast and ruthless.

Su Yi's complexion was slightly condensed, and she didn't say any more, and she took a few steps back, which could hardly avoid the blow.

Only the cyan light that flew out did not dissipate, turning his head and chasing Su Yi, reluctantly.

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