Fairy Winner

Chapter 1789: basin

"makes sense."

Hao Siyun nodded his head, "But it seems that I haven't learned anything... but you, brother, you will do what you learn. You are the real talent."

"You use your brains less."

Zhou Shu knocked her once, "Stop talking about this, go in first."

They did not hide their breath anymore, but they acted more carefully. Foreign races may come all the time, and after the mushroom warnings, they seem to have become larger, and their ability to absorb divine consciousness has become stronger. Divine consciousness cannot be extended to several miles. Outside.

Can't be careful.

The cave is very long, winding and complicated, and there are many forks, like a maze.

As before, Zhou Shu still chose the nearest hole to go in without much consideration.

After walking for nearly an hour, I didn't see the end, but there was no alien.

Hao Siyun whispered, "How far have we gone?"

"According to our speed, it is almost seven or eight hundred miles away," Xuanhu was a little puzzled. "It is hard to imagine that there will be such a huge maze under the ground. The soil looks very new, and it should be built by those alien races. But after only a few months of invading, such a maze was actually built, which is unimaginable."

Hao Siyun was stunned, "So many? Aren't we the ones who keep going around?"

Zhou Shu shook his head, "It's only a little detour, in order to see clearly, it's really complicated here."

As he said, he took out the jade slip that he had been holding in his hand, "Look at it, this is the route we have traveled and the rough map, it's a maze for the time being."

Wherever he walked, he stayed in the sea of ​​knowledge. It was not difficult to draw a road map.

"Brother, have you drawn a map?"

Hao Siyun took it and took a look, suddenly a little startled, Xuanhu also looked at it, and his expression was similar, "It's really big. The underground for thousands of miles is covered by such underground caves, like spider webs. , What kind of alien caused this..."

"Can not be sure."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "Di Yasha, Ye Xiula, and several other races have this ability, but it is impossible to build such a large underground maze in a short time without a large number of alien races and without a leader's command. It's done."

Hao Siyun seemed thoughtful, "It seems that we have really discovered the nest of alien races, and we don't know how many alien races are there, just more."

Xuanhu nodded. Obviously, it was not a whim by the foreign race to build such an underground labyrinth. It must be a stronghold here.

"It should be considered a stronghold."

Zhou Shu looked at Hao Siyun with a solemn expression, and said slowly, "Are you afraid?"

"Afraid? I can't wait to do it right away!"

Hao Siyun shook his head vigorously, with a firm expression, "I came out to find them. I finally found a stronghold, how can I easily let it go."

"That's it."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded and pointed to the map, "According to the rules of walking in front, this is the end of the cave. Whether there are any foreign races gathered there, how many different races there are, and how many in total, you will know at that time, let's go. "

The two followed Zhou Shu, their faces serious, but they couldn't stop excited.

In the past, foreign races came to attack the city, this time it was their turn to fight the foreign stronghold, and it was inevitable to be excited.

The map Zhou Shu drew was very accurate. The three of them followed the map and walked for about a quarter of an hour. The front gradually opened up. The cave that was originally several meters high slowly expanded to nearly ten meters, and the front looked even wider.

It is hard to imagine that there is such a large space underground.

Zhou Shu stared at the front and quietly slowed down.

"What a strong alien atmosphere..."

Hao Siyun murmured in a low voice. In an open place, the sense of consciousness was less disturbed, and her perception became clear. Only the things she suddenly sensed made her secretly startled. Although she could not tell what kind of alien it was, she could What I want to see is that the total number of aliens is definitely unexpectedly large.

Xuanhu looked solemn, glanced at Zhou Shu, and stopped talking.

Zhou Shu was still very calm, slowed down, and walked towards the exit step by step. The two followed behind, not daring to leave.

Just half a mile, more than a hundred breaths.

The front suddenly opened up.


Hao Siyun let out a soft cry and couldn't help taking two steps back.

Although Xuanhu did not move, his expression was extremely gloomy, as if he could wring out the ink.

There is no need to perceive at all, everything can be seen clearly.

The exit was built on the mountainside, and in front of them was a vast basin with a radius of tens of miles. The number of alien races on the basin was hundreds of thousands.

It was densely packed and filled the entire basin.

Looking condescendingly, it looks like a group of ants, but this is not an ant, it is a terrible alien.

Some have seen, some have not seen, some are born strangely, some are indistinguishable from humans, some are as tall as a mountain, some are less than three inches tall, some are flying in the air, some are crawling on the ground ...

All these alien races have one thing in common, that is, they have all discovered three of them.

As he approached them, he danced and made strange noises, like laughing and mocking.

"There are so many..."

Hao Siyun stood still, but his body was trembling slightly, saying that he was not afraid, but when he really faced it, he was still a little frightened.

She thought that there would be many alien races, but she didn't expect that there would be hundreds of thousands of them. How could she not be shocked when she saw such an astonishing scene for the first time? Besides, there were only three people on their side.

"There will always be many people in the base."

Zhou Shu was as calm as before, as if he had seen it many times, "Xuanhu, what do you think?"

Xuanhu stroked the non-existent beard~www.ltnovel.com~ and his face gradually returned to calm, "How can I look at it? Come on, I can't just leave like this. The thousands of spiders over there are Voldy people, right? Too many but a lot of trouble, I will solve them first."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "Okay, but you have to beware of the Xuanhu tribe. With the help of the Xuanhu tribe, they are faster."


Xuanhu's stature was slightly stagnant, he came here after chasing the Yiqi clan. At that time, he couldn't catch up. If he is faster now...

Zhou Shu looked at the front and said, "Did you notice the smiling little people sitting on the scorpions? They are the Profound Fox tribe, from the Nine-Tailed Realm. Their talent is the talent to improve other alien races. The scorpion tribe is good at speed. , Plus the Xuanhu clan, the speed has increased a lot."

"There are such foreign races?"

Xuan Hu slowly said, "It seems that the first target is not the Voldi clan, but these Xuanhu clan."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Yes, they are very fragile, they can't withstand many blows, and they don't have any means of self-protection. If you solve them first, it will be much easier to fight."

Xuanhu nodded, feeling quite emotional, "If Brother Zhou hadn't known their weaknesses, this battle would have been lost at the beginning."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "Unfortunately, I learned a little late. After I return, I will write down the information I got from Guigu Mountain and Yaozu in detail, and try to pass it on to every cultivator."

Xuanhu nodded seriously. When facing an unknown alien race, knowledge is really power, which can determine the life and death of countless people.

Zhou Shu said slowly, "Xuanhu, go and deal with those Xuanhu tribes, Voldi tribes..."

"I go!"

Hao Siyun answered loudly, "I, I will solve them!"

(PS: Thank you zhainiuniu for your continued support, and thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~)

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