Fairy Winner

Chapter 1800: brand

"This is dead?"

Caiying was shocked, and she couldn't believe how the living alien suddenly died, right in front of her, without reason, without warning, too late to stop it.


Looking at the silent stone ghost clan, Zhou Shu gently shook his head, unconsciously sighing.

It seemed that he had a premonition, he had already asked quickly, how many god-returning holes he most wanted to know at the moment, but he still hadn't had time.

Caiying looked confused, "How did you die? Is it suicide?"

Zhou Shu could only shook his head, "I don't know, but it will never be suicide."

The stone ghost tribe is so afraid of death, absolutely not pretending, that racial nature is timid and afraid of death.

As for why the stone ghost clan died, Zhou Shu guessed that it is inseparable from a certain law. It is the same as the law of life and death. There is not much reason to say. For example, the law of cause and effect, the law of fate, etc., have such effects. , As long as you say something you shouldn’t say, you will die immediately, no matter how far apart, of course it is not necessarily the two rules, the guy who can master these two rules should have a more ambitious goal instead of Staring at Xuanhuangjie.

Thinking of this, Zhou Shu suddenly showed a trace of depression.

He wants to get answers to some questions from foreign races, I am afraid it is very difficult. From this stone ghost race, it can be seen that all the higher foreign races that invaded the mysterious yellow realm are subject to this restriction, and it is impossible to confide to the cultivators. the truth.

What exactly is this limitation, how is it realized, and who set it?

Zhou Shu seemed to realize something, and reached out his hand to lift the stone ghost clan.

Even if it is dead, the body of the stone ghost clan is extremely tough and heavy, afraid that it will not be thousands of kilograms, so the weight can have super fast speed, which is also strange.

I looked up and down for a while, but finally found something abnormal.

Between the wings behind the stone ghost tribe, there is a light red pattern, which does not appear to grow on the body of the stone ghost tribe, but is later carved on, similar to a family crest or brand. The pattern is a volcano. The sky was filled with smoke, and there was a deep eye floating in the smoke, and that eye was shining as if there was life.

Although there are only a few pens, they are quite charming and seem to have an inexplicable sense of fear.

Zhou Shu watched intently for a while, but couldn't see anything. Searching for memory, there should be no similar patterns in the Xuanhuang world.


Caiying also noticed and screamed.

"what happened?"

Zhou Shu looked at Caiying quite intently. Caiying is the soul of heaven and earth. With different eyes, you might be able to see different places.

"No... it's nothing, Zhou, my palace just feels that this eye is staring at my palace, as if it's about to eat me. I've never felt that way, it's terrible... but it doesn't matter, just a moment."

Caiying shook and shook her head gently, still with a lot of panic on her face.


Zhou Shu seemed to feel that Caiying was the soul of heaven and earth, and was part of the origin of the Xuanhuang Realm. She had this feeling, which probably meant that the owner behind the eyes was to engulf the Xuanhuang Realm. In this case, this pattern or imprint , Most of it was left by the main messenger of alien invasion.

The main envoy was by no means ordinary, the brand alone could make Caiying fear, at least he was also an alien like a demon king.

Perhaps some things can be learned from this imprint.

He can roughly be certain that there must be some law power attached to this brand, and the stone ghost clan also died because of this, but it is still uncertain whether it has other uses.


Caiying turned around unconsciously and whispered, "Zhou, I don't want to see it anymore."

Zhou Shu nodded gently, put the body into the Qiankun bag, and then looked around.

Caiying curiously asked, "What are you looking for, Zhou?"

Zhou Shuwen said, "Look for the same brand, and see if there are other foreign races that have such a brand. You don't need to follow it, just rest on the side. There is no danger here. We will go out in a while."


Caiying agreed, but still didn't want to leave, flying around Zhou Shu.

Although the imprint was terrible, but with Zhou Shu, she had nothing to worry about. Trust in Zhou Shu was better than any fear.

Zhou Shu didn't look at her, but gave a knowing smile.

They searched for a while, and almost turned the entire basin over. The blood became more intense, but no trace of the brand was found.

The brand was already deeply reflected in Zhou Shu's heart, even if it was incomplete or there was only a single stroke, Zhou Shu could recognize it, but nothing at all.

"It seems that only a very small number of foreign powerhouses will have such a brand. Only one such guy stayed, and the others were gone."

Zhou Shu secretly shook his head, decided not to look any further, looked at Caiying and said, "Caiying, let's go out."

"it is good!"

Caiying was very happy, she didn't want to stay in this **** place long ago.

There will be no trouble on the return journey, but Zhou Shu still spent a lot of time, he walked the whole Guishen Cave.

Even if there is no alien to tell him, some truth can be obtained by observing the traces.

What is certain is that this so-called Guishen Cave is temporarily used to gather foreign races, which is equivalent to a temporary stronghold. It was built about three months ago. It gathered more than a dozen foreign races, all of which were low-level foreign races~www.mtlnovel .com~ live in their respective caves, and there are four kinds of higher aliens, of which there are more than a dozen strong ones who are responsible for managing other lower aliens.

The status of these powerhouses is roughly the same, but Tianyacha should be higher. He has a separate residence, and although it is underground, it is spotless.

There are many exits in Guishen Cave, but they have all been sealed off. They were made by those aliens when they fled. Zhou Shu opened a few and checked them carefully. The passages extend upward. The aliens should have left through land, not directly. From underground.

This is also the only possibility. If the passages are all underground, then the amount of work is not generally large. The aliens cannot be completed in just one year. Of course, there are natural underground passages, but those passages are full of magma fire and can withstand it. There should not be many foreign races, and those low-level foreign races are not included, it is impossible to form the scale of Guishendong.

Explain that most of these alien races gather on land, and then enter the Guishen Cave to hide.

This is the only thing to know.

He did not know the purpose of these alien races gathering here, nor did he know how many such caves in Dongshengzhou, and where they were. What he can imagine is that there will never be less. The second batch of alien races invaded the Xuanhuang world. The number is extremely large, dozens of times more than the first batch.

These are the most important things. If they can be clear, the immortal cultivators in Dongshengzhou can take the initiative instead of being beaten passively.

However, the Guishen Cave appeared near Lingyu City, which shows that the foreign target here is Lingyu City. It can be found in advance, and it is a threat to help Lingyu City destroy it. It also shows that Lingyu City is likely to have other Guishen Caves, which may be brought. Come a bigger threat.

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