Fairy Winner

Chapter 1803: Try

"Much... Much... Thanks Zhou... Sect Master!"

Hit by immense joy, Shi Qiang couldn't say clearly, but kept saluting.

Zhou Shu said calmly, "Nothing. You can do things for the sect. Naturally, the sect will not treat you badly. The previous few sentences are indeed something that every disciple should think about carefully. If they are like you, I believe He The music school will be stronger, and Lingyucheng will be truly solid."

One million contribution is a lot, but it is nothing in Zhou Shu's eyes. It is also good to be able to inspire disciples.

"Yes, yes, the lord said yes."

Shi Qiang just nodded, and the young disciple beside him nodded, although he was still at a loss.

Zhou Shu is not at a loss.

Zhou Shu remembered the details of the alien siege, and he had already seen the problem.

Every time the alien races siege the city, their type and intensity are different, and the location and time are also different. Almost all the aliens who acted as the leader died by themselves. What does this show? It shows that the foreign races have attacked the city so many times for the purpose of testing. At the cost of flesh and blood, they tested the defense capabilities of Lingyu City, the power of various rune formations, the state of the immortal cultivators in the city, etc., once they waited until they all tested it out. , The real siege will also begin, that is the most dangerous moment in Lingyu City.

Lingyu City is definitely the target of the aliens' key attack. Perhaps most aliens in Dongshengzhou will gather here.

This day will not be far away.

Lingyu City is likely to face a truly dangerous battle, which is by no means as calm as it is now.

"Sect Master, Sect Master..."

As if thinking of something, Shi Qiang hesitated, "There was a monk who came before, and the disciple didn't know who he was, but his strength should be very strong. He may not have gone far yet. If the master can..."

"I know."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "He won't come now, so I'll watch it later."

The green shirt monk is naturally very strong, speaking of it as an old friend of Zhou Shu, a former opponent, but with his temperament, I am afraid that he will not shelter under Lingyu City, and Zhou Shu will not ask him.

"Brother Shu!"

Not far away, a petite figure rushed over, ignoring the onlookers of the surrounding disciples, and threw directly on Zhou Shu, crying, "Oh, you are back, are you okay, so many foreign races..."

Zhou Shu patted her on the back and smiled, "It's okay, you have worked hard too."

He looked carefully at Hao Siyun, still as innocent and self-willed as he used to be. He couldn't see the slightest vicissitudes and calmness at all, and he secretly sighed, she didn't have the style of a goddess before, is she really the same person? Could it be an illusion that I saw before?

Or perhaps, only with such a big difference, could it be possible to obtain the true meaning of Feitian Secret Art and transform into Feitian Goddess.

"Come on, go into town."

Lingyucheng's protective cover has not been put away. Although it is not a hindrance to Zhou Shu, he will not enter the city at will. He must lead by example and abide by the rules.

In times of war, following the rules is a must.

The city was still the same, filled with a faint panic, and there was some excitement in the middle, Zhou Shu had no time to pay more attention, and went to the Heyin School.

Not long after, many orders came out. Thousands of Heyin school disciples kept walking out of the city gate and flew away in all directions.

I went to find a foreign race.

Since the Guishen Cave in the ground cannot be found, let's make a fuss from the ground, find the cracks as soon as possible, see the movement of the aliens, and make the next step.

Zhou Shu finished handling the matter and came to Liuli Peak non-stop.

Today Liuli Peak is the top priority of the Heyin School. There is no other place to compare. The core of the defense of the entire Lingyu City is here, but there is only one person on this peak, that is, Yangmei.

The power of kindness is the foundation of many defenses. Now many formations in Lingyu City are based on the power of kindness, especially the most powerful ones. Only Yangmei who has enlightened Tao can do it. launch.

In a huge room, there are hundreds of photo frames, one by one showing all the places that Lingyu City needs to pay attention to, and there is no omission. Yang Mei sits in the middle and looks at Dan in front of her. Furnace, quite focused.

"Junior sister, you are still making alchemy."

Zhou Shu frowned and patted her head gently.


Yangmei held her head and shouted for pain, only to find Zhou Shu behind her, and immediately smiled, "Brother, you are here."

"When you are okay, rest more and don't waste your energy," Zhou Shu showed a little serious, "Now Lingyu City can be without me, but it can't be without you."

"I know, in fact, I just take a rest after practicing alchemy. I don't find something to do to waste my energy and think randomly."

Yangmei unconsciously leaned on Zhou Shu, and said warmly, "Brother, I heard that you were surrounded by hundreds of thousands of alien races, why did you come out?"

She was caring, but not worried, because she was extremely convinced that Zhou Shu would have nothing to do, let alone hundreds of thousands of foreign races, even if someone came from the immortal world, she would not worry, and always maintained absolute absoluteness with Zhou Shu. Confidence.

"Hundreds of thousands of alien races, nothing great..."

Being alone in front of her, Zhou Shu always has a kind of inexplicable peace of mind, never having to conceal and hide emotions, relaxed and natural, "...but it may be a lot harder later, this time the foreign race should be aimed at Lingyu City, we must double Be careful."

Yangmei smiled softly, "Well, I will be very careful, and everyone else is the same, and there are seniors, nothing is a problem."

"Haha, of course~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhou Shu nodded unconsciously, arrogantly, as if thinking of something, "By the way, I have some opinions about the way of compassion..."

"Coincidentally, I also want to talk to my brother."

Yangmei clapped her little hand and looked up at Zhou Shu, full of joy, "That righteous qi tactic, my senior can definitely understand, about the law of good and evil..."

The Tao of Compassion may be Zhou Shu's most concerned Tao outside of the Tao of Shu. There is a lot of space for the Sea of ​​Knowledge. On the one hand, the Tao of Compassion is indeed the best in assistance, as long as it is transparent. It is good for any Dao, and the Shuzhi Dao, which is compatible with other Dao, is surprisingly great. On the other hand, of course, it is for Yangmei, who is destined to go with him until the end.

No one wants to waste a rare talk time, and no one will bother.

After a long time, Yang Mei seemed to have realized, "...That's it, can it really be combined with the power of the sun? Brother, why don't we verify it?"

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, "I have this idea too."

The golden light and the white light suddenly lit up, sometimes staggered and sometimes blended, the whole room was surrounded by soft light.

The two were close together, and time passed quickly, until a soft sound disrupted their minds.

"Another race is coming."

Yang Mei looked at a picture frame not far away, and said warmly, "Brother, I have to pay attention to defense."

Zhou Shu nodded, "Yeah."

When the trial is strong, both of them have realized something and have made some progress in their respective roads, but there is no way, alien invasion is the most important thing now, and there are many opportunities to talk about the trial.

"I'm going out."

Around the vitality Haizhu, there were dozens of bottles full of soul fluid, but Zhou Shu still put down a few large bottles before leaving.

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