Fairy Winner

Chapter 1819: escape

Multi-tasking, easy.

While communicating with the demon refining pot in the demon refining world, while facing this group of foreign races, it was easy to do.

Just now, there was a black fire in that place Yasha, and the strong aliens were a little excited, but they soon understood that this had little effect on Zhou Shu.

"Or, accept the power of divine condemnation again and see if we can solve him?"

"Okay, you come!"

"Why me? Didn't you see that Yasha had been taken away by him after losing power just now? It fell into the hands of the cultivator and must be destroyed by the adults now. Alas, if no one is protecting, accept God The power of condemnation is a dead end."

"Then I go, will you protect me? Until I regain strength?"

Facing such questions, the other aliens were silent.

"He has Xuanyuan sword on him, we may not be able to protect you."

"Then wait until you die, if you lose this batch of siege equipment, how can you tell the adults?"

"I can't explain it, but if you want me to die now, you might as well go."

"If it must be effective, I don't mind, but you have also seen that the opponent is too strong, even if he accepts the power of divine condemnation, he cannot be defeated. I think the adults have seen this and will definitely forgive us. ."

"Yes, as long as we promise, we will do our best to attack the city in the future."

"That's for sure. I will definitely accept the power of God's condemnation by then and complete the task of an adult."

Each and every one promised swearly, but he had already lost his fighting spirit, facing Zhou Shu, he started to stop desperately.

If the opponent is not desperate, Zhou Shu in the battle can of course feel it, and understand it in his heart. Only this way, it is difficult for them to use the power of the brand again, and they will no longer be too entangled with them and concentrate on destroying the siege equipment.

Without the pressure of the black fire, Caiying can completely let go, and for a while, within tens of miles, it is enveloped by Liuxia.

Under the flow of clouds, the siege equipment fell to the ground one by one, the aliens rushed to the west, and the army collapsed.

And the strong aliens, after falling down three in a row, completely lost their fighting spirit.

Seeing that the siege equipment could not be kept, there was no point in pestering Zhou Shu, it was just sending him to death, "I can't do it, my lord is forgiving!" After an alien yelled, he fled in a panic and escaped into the army. Among.

Other strong aliens did not move, and waited and watched for the time being. The previous appearance of Yasha's death out of thin air was still in front of him, and there was a shadow in his heart.

After a while, the alien powerhouse who escaped did not die.

"My lord is really reasonable."

"My lord, we are not opponents at all, even if we use the power of divine condemnation, in this case, it is better to retain our strength and show it better when attacking the city. After all, the power of divine condemnation can only be used once. Don’t want to waste opportunities."

"Thank you, sir."

"We will gather the remnants and continue to march towards Lingyu City!"

After a few words seemingly defending himself, the remaining aliens disappeared.

The speed of fleeing was surprisingly fast, and he hid in the scattered alien army. It was difficult to chase after him, and it took a lot of effort.

Although he missed an opportunity, Zhou Shu didn’t care too much. After all, he would have to spend a lot of energy to kill these foreign powerhouses. He still has things to do. After solving this batch of siege equipment, he still Going to the next alien army.

There was Caiying destroying, Zhou Shu was on the side, and by the way, he used Xuanyuan Sword to kill the alien.

Speaking of it, if the scene in the Guishen Cave recurs, it will last longer, not to mention tens of thousands of alien races, no matter how many people there are, Zhou Shu doesn’t have to worry about it. After all, once the law of life and death comes out, no matter how large the number is. What is the meaning, life and death have been decided.

"When will you communicate with me?"

In Xuanyuanjian, Zhou Shu's divine thought was always resident, but no matter how he tried, the only response to him was silence.

"I am greedy. If I rely on you now and rely on the law, what future can I have in the future."

Zhou Shu shook his head, not disappointed, and continued to kill the alien with his sword.

Without the leader, the alien races were completely in chaos. He made one sword after another, effortlessly, and the effect was not small.

There was no interference from the strong, and even the lower aliens were much less. The destruction was naturally quick. After about half an hour, all these thousands of siege equipment fell, and the alien army completely collapsed, and the mountains and plains were full of remnants. .

"I'm exhausted!"

Caiyingfei turned around and landed on Zhou Shu, lazily motionless.

Almost all the siege equipment here, plus those round hammer tribes and the surrounding alien races, add up to seven or eighty thousand. Most of them are solved by her alone. It is impossible not to be tired, but it is also a kind of exercise. stop.

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "The Lord of the Palace is exhausted, but he can only rest for one day."

Caiying snorted, "I know, wow, by the way, my palace seems to have realized something."


Zhou Shu was quite pleased, it was rare for the sword spirit to realize something in the battle.

There was no response for a long time, and Caiying seemed to have completely fallen asleep.

Zhou Shu smiled, put Caiying into the Qiankun bag, and went to Li Aojian~www.ltnovel.com~ The scene was similar.

Looking at it, the foreign race army has completely collapsed. There are scattered foreign races everywhere. There are only two or three strong foreign races. They try to gather the remnants, but it is difficult to do so. The four wind dragons are still raging, as long as the foreign races gather more. Place, it will inevitably be rolled over and then defeated.

The wind dragon was already blood red, and the killing intent in it was hard to describe in words.

"How is it, Lao Li?"

Zhou Shu showed a trace of worry, and transmitted the voice to the spirit in Fenglong.

"Haha, it's completely under control, don't worry, Xiao Zhou."

Li Aojian knew what Zhou Shu was worried about. It was not that he was worried that he could not kill the foreign race, but that he was affected by the sword intent and killing intent of the foreign race.

"That's good."

Zhou Shu let go of his heart, "I plan to go to the other side, and there is a foreign army over there that needs to be delayed."

"Well, I can't go with you this time."

Li Aojian's voice sounded a little tired, "There are not many other races left in the Ten Thousand Sword Realm. I can only get rid of this side, too many are not enough, and the sword body has absorbed too much alien sword intent, although it quickly transformed and merged. It was released, but it was still affected. This was something I didn't expect. It may take a whole day for me to get rid of it, so I will return to Lingyu City."

"Okay, just be careful yourself. I mainly look at the situation."

Zhou Shu nodded, without saying anything, past Fenglong and galloping to the other side.

Li Aojian at least killed hundreds of thousands of alien races. It is impossible not to be tired or affected. It is already very good to be able to recover in one day. You can't ask too much. As for Zhou Shu, because the distribution of power is very reasonable, Because of Caiying's help, I didn't consume much, so I can do it again.

This time, another little guy will help him.

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