Fairy Winner

Chapter 1826: ask

Seeing that the Dijiang clan didn’t do anything, Zhou Shu struck the iron while it was hot, “I think it won’t be long for the brand behind you to disappear. That is to say, you don’t have much time to think about it. Hurry up and make a decision. Need, think clearly."

Wanting to talk to the Dijiang Clan was the decision Zhou Shu made at the moment the Dijiang Clan revealed his true identity.

This is a rare opportunity.

He could see clearly that there is no brand on the Dijiang clan now. He guessed that when the power is unsealed, the brand will no longer exist, and when the power is sealed again, the brand will come back. In other words, This period of unblocking power is the only time he can communicate with other races without being monitored by the person behind it, and he must use it.

It's not that Zhou Shu didn't want to fight. It was a rare experience to fight against the descendants of the sacred beast, but when he really fought, he missed the opportunity.

What's more, the Dijiang clan in front of them looks very wise, not the kind of guy who is willing to die, and is willing to be obliterated by the characters behind them, there is a possibility of success, and it is also very big.

The Dijiang Clan's figure was shocked, and he also thought of this.

He has two hundred breaths of time, so he can't be affected by adults, and once the two hundred breaths pass, his fate is beyond his control.

The immortal cultivator in front of him is very reasonable. He can use the two hundred breaths of time to escape the catastrophe. There is no need to worry about being known by the adults. There is no imprint around here, and the immortal condemned by the Shu was killed. He was the only one who could do whatever he wanted.

As for other alien races, it is not worth mentioning.

Thinking of this, the Dijiang Clan calmed down and looked at Zhou Shu condescendingly, "What do you want to talk about?"

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, and he was relieved, finally seizing the opportunity.

Without thinking about it, he immediately asked, "Are you withdrawing and admitting defeat?"

The Dijiang Clan was stunned for a moment, "Human, I thought you were very clever, how could you ask such a naive question? Withdrawal, how could it be possible that Lingyu City must be captured by us, and the immortal cultivators who blocked us must also die. As for you, If it falls into my hands, I can consider letting you live."

"Hehe, that's not necessary."

It's not a big deal to ask. Zhou Shu is more thoughtful than anyone in preparing for war. He smiled faintly, "This time you are attacking Lingyu City, besides the army that is besieged on the surface, do you have any other hidden means? "

The Dijiang Clan stared at Zhou Shu, only shook his head, "No."

Zhou Shu glanced at him seriously, and said seriously, "Your Excellency, don't tell lies. Although I don't have the skills of the person behind you, if you tell lies, I can make your death miserable. "

In the face of the threat, the Dijiang Clan stagnated, and said stiffly, "No, there is no. There is no need for any other means to deal with you humans. You are determined to lose."

Zhou Shu nodded his head seemingly, "How many strong people like yours are there?"

The Dijiang Clan paused for a while, then slowly said, "Three."

Zhou Shu asked, "Are all the Dijiang clan?"

The Dijiang Clan just nodded, "Yes."

It seems that the Dijiang Clan is still relatively submissive, and Zhou Shu also showed a hint of satisfaction, "You three are the leaders of this alien attack on Lingyu City? Use the Guishen Cave to gather the alien races, and wait until they are assembled before attacking Lingyu City together. , This is your idea?"

The Dijiang Clan said proudly, "Nature."

Zhou Shu lightly nodded, "I have heard that the Dijiang Clan is extremely intelligent, and it is really well-deserved. This plan has caused me a lot of trouble. By the way, those strong foreigners with the brand also listen to it. Did you command it?"

The Dijiang Clan said coldly, "Nonsense."

Zhou Shu thought for a while and said, "Then how do you command them, and how do you control other aliens? As far as I know, aliens are by no means obedient, but why are they so docile now."

In the past, the best way to deal with the invading alien races was to let them kill each other, but this time the aliens attacked Lingyu City, and there was no killing each other. All alien races obeyed the order, which made Zhou Shu very puzzled.

The Dijiang Clan thought for a while, and slowly said, "If you and your clan have that, you will be obedient."

"Is it branded?"

Zhou Shu seemed to understand, "That is to say, the foreign races who participated in the invasion have important people who have taken hostages, or they are hostages, so that they will completely obey orders and stop being scattered. This is a good way. Then, the problem is coming. "

Looking at the Dijiang Clan, Zhou Shu's expression was condensed, "So, who did it and who made you and many other races participate in this alien invasion?"

The Dijiang Clan's expression was shocked, and a look of horror suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he shook his head several times without saying a word.

As if he had noticed something, Zhou Shu said slowly, "It seems that this name can't be exported, otherwise it will still die, even if it is not branded, right? Then, let me say a few names, if it is this alien invasion. Lord messenger, just nod your head, how about?"

The Dijiang Clan looked at Zhou Shu without saying a word.

Zhou Shu ignored him, only slowly said, "Pulao?"

The Dijiang Clan's expression was slightly stagnant, and he seemed to relax a little. He glanced at Zhou Shu without nodding or shaking his head.

"It doesn't seem to be anymore, it's also ~www.ltnovel.com~ in the end, it's the way of heaven, no matter how you can't directly participate, but it can't get rid of so many aliens."

As if he laughed at himself, Zhou Shu slowly said, "So, which of the ancient witches, Zhu Rong, Xiang Miao, Xiang Liang, Xuan Ming? Or a certain dragon king from the dragon family..."

Zhou Shu didn't know much about the ancient gods, and there were some that would definitely not be. After saying many names, the Dijiang clan just shook his head.

After a pause, Zhou Shuslow said his least wanted guess, "So, is it a certain person or several immortals in the fairy world?"

The Dijiang Clan's complexion tightened, without shaking his head or nodding, just looked at Zhou Shu and said, "You have asked enough."

"Yes, let's go on, I'm afraid it's not enough time."

Zhou Shu smiled and raised his hand, "Thank you for your reminder, then I will say the last few words."

Although the Dijiang clan did not answer, the answer seems clear. This alien invasion must be supported by immortals from the immortal realm. Who is it that wants to let the Xuanhuang Realm be buried in the flames of war and be occupied by a foreign race? What is his purpose? What is it?

It is impossible to know the answers to these questions in front of the Dijiang Clan, neither in the Xuanhuang Realm, and may only be known later.

But Zhou Shu can be sure that after knowing who it is, he will never let it go, no matter who it is.

The Dijiang Clan looked at him coldly, disdainfully said, "Just say what you want to say, I can't help you if I don't answer."

Zhou Shu returned with cold eyes, "There is no need to show your arrogance. This is worthless in front of today's cultivators. Your Excellency, the war has already begun. If you don't want to die so fast, order your army to slow down. For the last two days, this is my advice, please remember it clearly."

The Dijiang Clan was startled, not knowing what to say.

While he was still thinking, his body had already begun to change, a rainbow of light suddenly appeared, and his brand was about to appear.

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