Fairy Winner

Chapter 1832: Chaos

The alien army.

"Hahaha! We are the closest to the city gate! It seems that this work is ours!"

A Di Yasha smiled wildly, "After a while the gate is broken, I will rush behind me. Whoever advances to the city will get the most reward!"

A group of Yasha Rakshasa behind him kept screaming, "Our head skills, our head skills!"

There are sluggish Rakshas, ​​"What reward is it?"

Some Yasha tribe looked disdainful, "Silly, don't you know why you came to Xuanhuang Realm?"

The Raksha tribe just said in a daze, "I don't know, I will come if I come, I will be driven out or even killed if I don't come."

"If you capture the Xuanhuang Realm, you won't be driven out."

Di Yasha snorted, "My lord has said that as long as we win this time, we will assign a suitable new world to our Yasha world. When we pass by, the original place will be left to your trash."

From the perspective of the Yasha tribe, the Yasha tribe has never appeared the king of Yasha, because the Yasha realm is already too barren, and it really needs a new world. Even if it does not, it is good to be able to get resources from the Xuanhuang realm. This is their participation this time. The root cause of the invasion.


The eyes of the Raksha tribe flashed red at once, "If I can't be driven or killed, I will win as hard as I can!"

Someone who is ignorant, whispered, "If the city is not broken, what should I do, ah..."

Before he finished speaking, he had a cross in his chest, and he fell directly to the ground, only to breathe out and not to inhale.

"Shake the military's mind, it's time to kill!"

Di Yacha coldly looked at the army behind, and shouted, the army trembled and no one dared to speak.

Diyasha turned his head in satisfaction, saw the front, and was immediately stunned, "Ah, why did you fight?"

The front siege phalanx was already in chaos.

I don’t know when, a cultivator appeared in the phalanx. One person was holding a long spear. The spear shot out like a wandering dragon, and the spear fell like a star. It smashed the surrounding foreign powers one after another, and a young monk in the middle couldn’t hold his hands. Waving, seems to be pulling something.

The round hammer clan around them seemed silly, one by one, leaning towards the immortal cultivator, actively protecting the immortal cultivator.

Zhao Zishan whispered, "Enough, you are enough to have these protections, hurry up and let them turn back!"


Lu Yuan nodded and commanded with his hand, the invisible threads flew out, leading the Round Hammer Clan to move the siege equipment.

But dozens of breaths, many siege equipment were transferred, and in turn aimed at the alien army.

"what's the situation?"

That place Yasha looked a little stunned, and didn't know what was going on. When he was puzzled, a huge boulder hit him straight ahead.

The sky seemed to be dark.

The boulder has a radius of tens of feet, and the material is black steel. There are many pre-painted patterns on it, so that the stone bullet can exert the strongest power.


Di Yasha recovered and ran away hurriedly, but he was still slow.

The wings that had not been fully expanded were rubbed to the side by the stone bullet, and blood flowed suddenly, falling from mid-air, shouting.

This is excellent.

Those Yasha Rakshas who had no time to run away were smashed into powder by stone bullets, and no traces were found.

With the full blow of the round hammer clan and the siege equipment, this time, the force of tens of millions of catties is not limited, which is no less than the top of the mountain.

Still a concentrated mountain.

Of course, more than just a moment. Soon, the stone bullets fell one after another, like raindrops. Following the stone bullets, there were blasting hammers and siege vehicles, like sharp knives, directly inserted into the alien army.

The army nearest to them was immediately stirred up and fell into chaos.

Such scenes are happening simultaneously on all sides of Lingyu City.

It was originally thought to be a big killer for attacking Lingyu City, but in an instant, with the combined use of the teleportation array and the puppet line art, it immediately became a killer for foreign races. This operation almost made the entire army Thousands of troops are all in chaos.

There are wailing voices everywhere. Even if the foreign powerhouses continue to kill and gain power, there is no good effect, but it spreads more and more.

The city wall.

The elders of the Heyin Sect disciples who didn't know beforehand, as well as the other people guarding the city, were stunned.


Elder Bai stood there with surprise on his face, speechless, different from the previous ones, this was a surprise under ecstasy.

The disciple shouted loudly, "Elder look, look, those siege vehicles, all of them have turned against the alien race, it's weird!"

The other disciple's complexion improved, and he jumped up and said, "Hahaha, hahahaha!"

He can't find any words to describe his feelings. From great sadness to great joy, there is indeed this process, especially for those who are not stable enough.

Elder Bai settled down and said with joy, "Yeah, take a closer look, isn't that the Sect Master Zhou?! Sect Master Zhou made a move, and sure enough, there is no problem. The old man knew that all the previous worries were unnecessary. With the ability of Sect Master Zhou, How could I not think of a way!"

"Really Sect Master Zhou!"

The disciples also screamed.

The Hammer Clan here was made by Zhou Shu himself, and the effect was naturally much better.

Zhou Shu landed alone in the siege formation. The moment he appeared, he used the Puppet Line Art ~www.ltnovel.com~ to completely control the surrounding tens of thousands of round hammer clan.

The speed was so fast that even the strong aliens did not react, the siege equipment had turned around and attacked the alien army.

Of course, even if they find it out, it is impossible to have any impact on Zhou Shu. This scene has been performed thousands of times in Zhou Shu’s Knowledge Sea, and it is absolutely impossible to make a mistake, and the strong aliens cannot be Zhou Shu’s opponent. .


Elder Bai stared at Zhou Shu, "The Sect Master was still in the hall before, so why did he suddenly arrive here?"

Of course he didn’t know the teleportation array. Most people didn’t know it. Except for those who used it, no one else had noticed it. But after this incident, the teleportation array would definitely not be able to hide. Will also know.

How to explain at that time is also a problem.

I just have to use it now.

There are not many immortal cultivators who practice the way of puppets, while there are even fewer immortal cultivators who practice puppet thread art. This kind of art can only remotely manipulate ordinary puppets, winning in quantity rather than quality. It is almost useless except for large-scale wars. Except for Zhou Shu and Lu Yuan in Lingyu City, the other cultivators have very low cultivation bases, and there are even three in the Golden Core Realm. If the teleportation formation is not used, who can protect them to reach the siege formation safely?

Unless Zhou Shu and Li Aojian make the shots, they all have their own tasks and it is impossible to take care of all sides.

Only Teleportation Array is the best answer to this question.

And not only here, the teleportation array will also play a huge role in other aspects of this war.

Zhou Shu also hoped in his heart that after this battle, the Teleportation Array would make the cultivators realize its value again and shine again.

(Ps: Thank you book friends 130706001514201 for your support, thank you book friends who have subscribed to vote~~)

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