Fairy Winner

Chapter 1856: mutation

"Just ask, how is the battle going now?"

"Very good, if we insist on one hour, our disciple will be able to come back...Ah, Master Shu, how are you!"

Hao Ruoyan exclaimed, and looked up and down Zhou Shu who had fallen by his side for a while, and suddenly grabbed him, with tears, so excited that he couldn't speak.

"I said, I'm fine."

Zhou Shu smiled faintly, holding Hao Ruoyan's hand, seemingly thoughtful, "Is it an hour..."


Hao Ruoyan leaned forward unconsciously and nodded vigorously, "Master Shu, now everyone is full of energy, and the alien races are getting less and less. One hour shouldn't be a problem. When our disciples come back, they will use the cover of the talisman block, even You can counterattack past!"

After persisting for so long, finally seeing the chance of victory, calm as she could not restrain her excitement, her face was full of red tides.

Zhou Shu said solemnly, "Let the disciples prepare to come back."


Hao Ruoyan was startled, staring at Zhou Shu, "Master Shu, isn't the recovery time yet?"

Zhou Shu shook his head and said warmly, "There is no time. The immortal cultivators on the city wall can't hold on for an hour. They have recovered, but they are far from recovering to their best condition. Now they are fighting against foreign races with morale. It will be very difficult to continue, anyway, there are no enemies on the wall, so it’s fine for the disciples to do something earlier."

There is a lot of vitality in the world of demon refining, which comes from the accumulation of years of refining demon pots, but there are millions of immortal cultivators in the city, so how much of the multiple qi is distributed to each immortal cultivator? It is good to be able to recover some temporarily, but it is impossible to recover to fullness.


Hao Ruoyan thought for a while, and said straightly, "Ruoyan will give the order, Master Shu."

Zhou Shu looked calm, "Well, don't worry, there are not many other races left. I will go to rush to kill them and get rid of their two leaders, then I will definitely be able to hold on."

Hao Ruoyan said worriedly, "It's okay to capture the thief and capture the king, but Master Shu...you, have you recovered?"

"It's ok."

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "Pay attention to the city wall, and leave the rest to me."


Hao Ruoyan stared at Zhou Shu, and he stopped talking. Others who had gained vitality did not recover well, and how could Zhou Shu who gave vitality recover? But now, only Zhou Shu in the city can stand up. She also knows that Zhou Shu has to go, but in this situation, Zhou Shu has to face two foreign races equivalent to the nine heavens. She is really Worried too much.

I want to stop but I can't say, tangled.

"Look at it!"

Hao Siyun suddenly pointed to the distance, "Over there, did something happen over there?"

A few people stared at it, and they were all slightly stagnant.

Hundreds of miles away, the originally neat alien army was in chaos, shouting and fighting constantly.

It was as if civil strife had occurred.

Zhao Zishan stroked his beard, "Hehe, it seems that the foreign race has infighted and started fighting. This is great news for us. The old man said, after so long, the foreign race has actually been fighting. If there is no problem, take a look, there really is an internal disorder, right?"

I mentioned several times before that in the past alien invasions, the aliens did not let anyone else. In order to **** the resources of the Xuanhuang Realm, it was easy to cause civil strife. This can be regarded as a great weakness of the aliens. Once it appears, it is the human immortal cultivator who wins. opportunity.

"Haha, now we are really set to win!"

Hao Siyun clapped her hands and smiled happily.

Hao Ruoyan nodded lightly, with some doubts in her eyes, "This is a great opportunity, but... why is there a civil strife?"

She has not considered this, nor does she think it should be considered.

Because this alien invasion is completely different from the past. The strong and the leader have special marks. All aliens have the same mission. Those who come with a mission will die immediately if they don’t obey the order. In this case, in order to fight The possibility of infighting due to resources is extremely small, almost nothing.

Zhou Shu appeared a little dignified, and shook his head, "You are mistaken, it is not civil strife."


Hao Siyun was stunned.

Zhou Shu suddenly laughed and continued, "But it may be better than civil strife."

Hao Siyun stunned again, staring at Zhou Shu and said, "Really, I can't say it completely, Brother Po!"

Hao Ruoyan was a little puzzled, "Could it be... Shu Shi, is it a reinforcement?"

"Not bad."

Zhou Shu nodded, with a lot of joy on his face, "It's reinforcements, very important reinforcements."

Hao Siyun was startled, and said, "Reinforcement army? Which sect is from? How do they know that we have something to do? Isn't all the information not available, even Wushuang City?"

Zhao Zishan also doubted, "You can't read it wrong, right? It is reasonable to say that even if Tianjian Cihang knew it, it would not have come so fast."

Hao Ruoyan shouted immediately, "Don't worry about this for now, pass the news on immediately, saying that reinforcements are coming!"

Zhou Shu looked at her and nodded in satisfaction, "Well, you can do it, I will go down."

With reinforcements, this kind of thing is another booster for the immortal cultivators who defend the city. When they know the news, there is no doubt that their morale will be even higher and more exciting, and they will exert a great deal in a short time. Combat effectiveness.

"We have reinforcements!"

"Really? Great!"

"After playing for so long~www.ltnovel.com~ finally someone came to help us!"

"Is it Tianjianmen or Cihangzong? They came so quickly?"

"I don't know, no matter which one, having reinforcements is the most important thing. Let the aliens know that Dongsheng Prefecture is the most united!"

"Yes, we are the most united!"

The news spread quickly, and the immortal cultivators became more and more excited, and the magic arts and magic weapons seemed to be used better. The alien races could hardly resist the front and gradually retreated.

The end of the alien army.

The sudden appearance of the enemy left the aliens at a loss, the formation was quickly broken, and several teams were in chaos.

"How could Lingyucheng still have reinforcements, **** it!"

"Yeah, we came so fast, and we deliberately cut off all the connections between Lingyu City and the surroundings. There are people who can cultivate immortals know that Lingyu City is in trouble? It has only been surrounded for more than three days, and there will be reinforcements, which is incredible. Cultivator..."

"Don't worry about it, send someone to stop it, and let them rush down, they will rush to the wall!"

"The whole team, the whole team!"

"Don't run around there, kill me!"

"How many enemies are there, your big phalanx has been disrupted?"


"What, there are only two, making such a big noise?"

In the chaotic army.

The two monks were advancing fast, and foreign races kept coming to surround them, but they couldn't stop them at all. They couldn't even delay their pace.

Even if several powerful aliens went up, it didn't work.

The monk who walked in front regarded all the attacks of the strong as nothing, just striding forward.

"A surprise attack on Lingyu City, do you all want to die!"

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