Fairy Winner

Chapter 1858: 1 sample

"Go, sixth!"

Emperor San shouted violently, and the ground trembled like a thunder.

Di Liu's complexion tightened, his body shook a few times, six wings and four legs stretched out at the same time, only looking at Di San, there was a lot of hesitation, "Three brothers, or let us be together, he..."

"Are you so scared? We are very noble..."

Emperor San was even more angry, but thinking about the scene of the death of Emperor Seven before, he felt a little panicked, and said coldly, "Since you have spoken, let's go together. You don't have to think about anything else. In short, Lingyu City must be broken today. This person must die too!"

Di Liu breathed a sigh of relief, and exclaimed, "Well, Brother Third, we will definitely do it together!"

Zhu Dashan looked at these two tall alien races, stagnating, "Be good, you still have this hand. It was not the original appearance before? It seems that you are a lot stronger now, but what about it? Can't it become stronger?"

He hammered his chest vigorously, and his figure began to grow bigger again.

It was Fumo King Kong, but I was afraid of it.

Only Zhou Shu stopped him and smiled faintly, "Lao Zhu, you said they will hand it over to me, you rush into the city, and kill as many foreign races as you can. The more you kill, the safer our city of Lingyu will be. Don't worry about it."

Zhu Dashan scratched his head, "But...they have two, and we are two too."

Mo Lianxing glanced at him bitterly, and said coldly, "Three!"

"Just listen to me."

Zhou Shu shook his head slightly and turned to Mo Lian Xing said, "Junior Sister Mo, thank you very much. I will take Lao Zhu inside for a while. Lao Zhu has a straight temper and a stupid mind. Watch him more and don’t let him run around. When the matter is over, I will thank you again."

"it is good……"

Mo Lianxing subconsciously nodded his head and said softly, "Senior Brother Zhou, I will do it, you have to be careful. These two people seem to be the Dijiang clan, they are real beasts, they must not..."

"OK OK."

Zhu Dashan dissatisfied, "I'm a fool of what you said, so? I just listen to you, see you in the city later, remember, if you lose a hair, I won't forgive you later! "

Zhou Shu smiled and nodded, "It's the same with you, Junior Sister Mo can't lose hair, just go."

Before the words were over, a black hole suddenly appeared in front of the two of them, and they sucked them in. In an instant, they were already dozens of miles away.

"What kind of trick is this... so weird?"

Zhu Dashan fell to the ground with a blank face, "Xiao Zhou is getting more and more weird."

Mo Lianxing stared at Zhou Shu and said in a faint, "cutting space, creating a channel that instantly transfers, like a magic formula from Kunlun, which is also in the Shushan Lingqiao, but I didn't get it. I didn't expect Senior Brother Zhou... He even learned this, I thought I was away from him..."

"Hehe, do you think you can really catch him?"

Zhu Dashan laughed, "Impossible, no one in the entire world of immortality can catch up with him, no, maybe none of them."

"Zhu Dashan, you..."

Mo Lian stared at Zhu Dashan, his willow brows were erected, and the strong cold air immediately enveloped Zhu Dashan, "You, eavesdropped on me?"

Zhu Dashan touched his head, "You are always talking to yourself in front of the Gate of All Miao, and you talk so loudly that everyone has heard it, so how am I eavesdropping?"


Mo Lianxing glared at him, wishing to lift the sword.

"Don't, don't come again, hurry up, there are too many alien races, we should kill more."

Zhu Dashan shook his head quickly, no longer looked at Mo Lianxing, and strode forward. Mo Lianxing glanced bitterly, but he could only follow behind him and rush all the way.

The two had a clear purpose, and no longer just rushed or killed, and soon countless aliens fell to the ground, and the alien army truly fell into chaos.

Zhou Shu here, staring at Di San and Di Liu, with a faint smile, "Don't be afraid of death, then come."

Di Liu's heart was shocked. He was really afraid of Zhou Shu. Before Zhou Shu killed Di Qi, he had an encounter with Zhou Shu. At that time, he saw Zhou Shu's supernatural power and didn't dare to make a move. Dare you?

But Di San was downhearted.

He knew very well that if he didn't kill Zhou Shu, he wouldn't be able to capture Lingyu City, his mission would fail, and he couldn't bear the result.

"Jie Hehe!"

With a strange cry, Di San flew up and disappeared.

And within dozens of miles, he was completely surrounded by **** mist, his consciousness and thoughts, etc. were all greatly restricted, and it was impossible to see anything.

This is a bit similar to the moves used by Di Qi, but it is more skillful and powerful, forcibly pulling everything within dozens of miles into another space, and he is the master of this space.

"Go together, you won't lose!"

Di San's voice came from Di Liu's ears, very determined.

He nodded, his body melted into the blood mist, but he still had no confidence.

For Zhou Shu, in this **** mist, he was bound all the time, and there were countless enemies hidden in it. He was in the light and the enemies were all in the dark, and there were two strongest enemies in it. The Nine Heavens in the Tribulation Realm can break through the Dijiang Clan for ten days at any time.

"Used, it's useless."

Zhou Shu is very calm and calm. He has seen such a move once, and has been trapped once, how could he still be hit?

Having an eighth sense that you can never go wrong~www.ltnovel.com~ is like having a coordinate system that will always exist. Even if you are in another space, you will not be at a loss. Soon, everyone's coordinate position will be identified. Come out, in Zhou Shu's sea of ​​knowledge, everything around is clearly visible.

There are many people rushing over, there are Emperor San, and many other alien races.

There is no Emperor Six, the Emperor Six cowers farther away, watching something.

"Very well, you are smart."

Zhou Shu was overjoyed. If Di Liu also rushed over, what he wanted to do would basically be impossible. Di Liu's flinching showed that he was afraid of death as always, which gave Zhou Shu a chance to succeed.

Xuanyuanjian slid down in his hand, and the golden light burst.

The sun's brilliance was also a bit more radiant. At this moment, Zhou Shu used all his strength, he did not reserve, nor did he need to reserve it.

The Emperor San, who was rushing towards Zhou Shu, seemed to perceive the danger, but he was still confused, "What is he going to do, can he still move, can he see us, can see me, how can this happen, this is impossible... …"

At this moment of confusion, Jian Guang passed through everything and fell in front of him.


With a stern long scream, full of unwillingness and disbelief, Xia stopped.

Di San, like his emperor Qi of the same clan, was immediately divided into two halves, and the flesh and blood splashed out. In this blood mist, it was like a flower of death, especially bright and thick.

With the death of Emperor San, the blood mist dissipated instantly, and everything returned to Qingming.

The foreign races were all startled, Di Liu was already, he was even more shocked and more frightened, because Zhou Shu was standing in front of him.

Less than three feet away from him.

ps: Thank you for your continued support for a poor life than death and a foodie is worse than a fool. Thanks to the book friends who have subscribed and voted for the collection~...

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