Fairy Winner

Chapter 1860: Counterattack

"No problem?"

"Don't worry, there won't be any problems. I built the Demon Refining World, and all the rules in it serve me, Dijiang Clan? It's no different from ordinary monsters."


"Zhou Shu, the realm of refining the demon is my realm, but it is grown because of you, and it is also yours."

"Haha, thank you very much."

Zhou Shu smiled slightly, showing a lot of satisfaction.

Having a realm in hand is indeed a great advantage, otherwise he can't think of any way to fight against the person who imprinted at that moment. The realm of that person is by no means Zhou Shu can reach, but it is different now.

However, he is only using it temporarily, and sooner or later, he will have his own realm.

The Demon Refining Pot seemed thoughtful, "What do I need to do now?"

"Don't do anything."

Looking at the slightly dazed Di Liu, Zhou Shu showed a trace of coldness, "Let him reflect on it for a while, and wait until the matter is over."

He accepted Emperor Six and was in the alien army, but the coercion of Emperor Six and his divine consciousness obscured all this, so that no alien could see it, no alien would know it, and the owner of the brand might not know it.

The leader was killed one after another, and reinforcements rushed to kill him, and the alien army was completely chaotic.

Chaos is messed up, but most of the alien races are still persistently attacking the city, because this idea has been deeply rooted in their hearts, but without the leader's command, the alien races have restored their nature, like a disc of loose sand.

There are a bunch of things in the east and a bunch of them in the west, and you can go wherever you want.

The immortal cultivators on the city wall quickly noticed this change.

"What happened to them?"

"Who knows, there are no rules at all, our pressure is much less!"

"I'm probably tired. I'm still wondering. I'm not tired after playing the alien for so long. It's finally different."

"It's a good opportunity to fight back... if I still have the strength..."

Hao Ruoyan stared at the alien army with a gleam in his eyes, as if he was expecting something. Soon, a familiar voice came from his ear, "Ruoyan, are all the disciples in place?"

Hao Ruoyan quickly said, "Master Shu, are you okay? The disciples are almost back to the bunker."


Zhou Shu said slowly, "Then, with the firepower of the Fuzhen Bunker, let others start to fight back and go out of the city."

"Out of town?"

Hao Ruoyan stagnated, looked around, worried, "But, I don't think everyone has any strength, it's fine to hold on."

Zhou Shu said solemnly, "What are you afraid of? There are only more than one million foreign races. Our people are not much less than them. Even if one fights one, it is enough. Besides, we still have helpers and rune formations. Hold on for a while and fight. As long as you show enough morale, the alien army will completely collapse. Also, tell them that all three leaders in the alien army are dead, and the alien has nothing to rely on."

Hao Ruoyan was startled, "Ah...Master Shu, did you kill them?"

Zhou Shu said seriously, "Well, just say that."

Hao Ruoyan nodded excitedly, "This will be fine, everyone knows this news, they will definitely cheer up!"

Zhou Shu said solemnly, "We can't always get beaten, we have the opportunity to counterattack, we can't back off or miss it."

In fact, it’s a safer way to keep on guarding, waiting for the alien race to gradually run out of firepower, but Zhou Shu doesn’t plan to do this. Didn’t the master of the brand keep watching? Let him take a good look, human immortal cultivator It is definitely not a bully, not only to defend the city, but also to fight out.

"What, all the alien leaders are dead?"

"It's true, Sect Master Zhou went out to kill just now, and none of them were left!"

"No wonder the foreign race army has become so messy, this is really the best opportunity!"

"Yes, let's kill it, and teach the alien a lesson!"

The news quickly spread throughout the city. Everyone was ignited. Flames flashed in everyone's eyes amid the sound of the long scoop drum. It was hatred and fighting spirit. These flames were destined to burn all the alien races in front of them. .

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The long-silent rune formation bunker roared again.

A series of solid and powerful beams of light constantly impacted the alien army, and the flesh and blood flew across, and the screams were endless.


"Chong, today is your end!"

"Always defend and defend, be aggrieved, now it is our humans' turn to counterattack!"

The immortal cultivator didn't hesitate anymore. Although he didn't have much strength, he still rushed out at the fastest speed. Teams flew out from the city, and under the cover of the Lianbow bunker, they thrust into the foreign army like a sharp knife.

Without a leader, the alien army in chaos, even the gunfire of the bunker doesn't know how to resist, how can it stop these violent cultivators?

It seems that the sun broke through the dark clouds, the dawn overwhelmed the darkness, and the long-deserved emotions, at this moment, completely erupted. With Lingyu City as the center, the immortal cultivators spread out in all directions, such as the flood is overflowing, and the foreign army can hardly do it. Any effective resistance will either fall or rout.

"The sign of victory came earlier than expected ~www.ltnovel.com~."

Among the fleeing alien army, Zhou Shu walked casually, reaping the lives around him lightly, with a satisfying smile.

Is it underestimating the explosive power of human cultivators, or overestimating the alien race? Even the seemingly powerful alien races, before the full sprint of the human immortal cultivators, seemed vulnerable.

Several powerful aliens fled hurriedly.

And those who chased them were actually a group of cultivators from the Divine Realm.

Their ending is also doomed. From the moment they turned and escaped, either the incarnation of the black fire disappeared, or they were annihilated by the gunfire of Liannu.

And those low-level alien races can't receive any orders and can only fight by instinct, but how can such alien races be opponents of well-trained cultivators? Their resistance is so weak and weak, like a sand wall at high tide, suddenly collapsed.

Defeated like a mountain, the scene before him perfectly interprets this sentence.

In an unknown space.

There are nine huge volcanoes, surrounded by nine squares.

The volcano in the middle is constantly gushing out black smoke, which is extremely active.

The turbulent flames and the flowing lava were all black. They formed vortices of varying sizes, which became thicker and thicker as they went down, and they were so thick that they were indescribably thick, as if they could swallow all black holes.

At the bottom of the volcano, a huge black shadow stood in the lava vortex and shook his head vigorously.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

On the battlefield of Lingyu City, dozens of black fires surged inexplicably.

The only remaining alien powerhouses turned into black fire in an instant. The black fire was completely uncontrolled and spread in all directions. The aliens and immortal cultivators evaded one after another, but there were still many black fires. , Turned into ashes in the wailing.

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