Fairy Winner

Chapter 1882: Don't believe it

There are many Chongyang Palace monks with the same mood, so most of them remain silent.

"Grandpa Grandpa, you are here!"

Seeing Yu Yixian who suddenly appeared, Yu Yurou felt relieved and hurriedly walked over.

Yu Yixian smiled and nodded, looked at Zhou Shu who was fighting in the distance, and said thoughtfully, "This young man is very powerful. Isn't he the Zhou Shu whom Su Xiaoyou talked about?"

Su Yi smiled and nodded, "Exactly, the younger generation did not expect that he would come to the Chongyang Palace too."

He kept looking at Zhou Shu, with a sense of excitement of reunion after a long absence, and wanted to go forward to the round, but limited by the formation, he had to obey the orders of the Chongyang Palace.

Yu Yi said in a slow voice, "It seems that you still have some truth in what you said. Although he only has the Seventh Stage of Crossing Tribulation Realm, his strength and anxiety are not far from each other. It is rare and rare. The sword in his hand is very strange, could it be..."

"This one……"

Uneasy hesitated for a while, and then took a step forward, "Housekeeper, actually...I am not his opponent."

Yu Yi questioned, "Uneasy, have you played against each other?"


Uneasy and slowly said, "Ten years ago, we handed over once. I set up a large flow of fire beforehand, but I still lost to him. He had his arm cut off, but he did not take advantage of the situation to pursue it, nor did I. What's the problem."

"The character looks good."

Yu Yixian paused slightly and said in a condensed voice, "But in the Liuhuo Array, you all lost?"

He sighed completely uneasy, "Yes, and he only had the Triple Tribulation Realm at the time."


Yu Yixian's expression was slightly condensed, "I defeated you when crossing the Tribulation Realm Triple Layer? Decades ago, Crossing Tribulation Realm Triple Layer, now is the seventh layer?"

Uneasy, he just nodded and didn't say anything. The fact was right in front of him. Zhou Shu had indeed crossed the Seventh Stage of Tribulation.

"This junior is really a talent against the sky."

Yu Yixian couldn’t hide his shock, his gaze at Zhou Shu also changed, with a lot of care and anticipation. He has always liked to support his younger generations. When he sees such talents, of course he can’t help but love talents. , But there are some doubts in his eyes. For Yu Judo, "Rou'er, why haven't you mentioned such a talent? He has been to the Chongyang Palace, right?"

Yu Yurou showed a little embarrassment and nodded, "I have been here, but there is nothing wrong with me, so I didn't tell my grandfather...At that time, he was not so interested."

"Being able to defeat anxiety is already a real Yicai."

Yu Yixian said quite solemnly, "For such people, we still need to pay more attention to them. Even if they are not the talents of the Chongyang Palace, we must pay more attention to them. If they can help, they will grow up, which is a good thing for our world of cultivation. We have not been promoted to immortals for many years, and we must seize every opportunity."

"I see, Grandpa Grandpa."

Yu Yurou looked around and said to him, "Grandpa Grandpa, do we want to open up the formation, and attack the alien race with him?"

Yu Yixian shook his head, "Don’t worry now, the Dijiang Clan has not yet appeared, he is the biggest threat. After he appears, I will stop him, and you will bring Zhou Shu in again. Remember , We must protect Zhou Shu."


Yu Yurou could only nod her head.

Before the words were over, a huge ball flew out of the alien army and rushed towards Zhou Shu.

It is the Dijiang Clan.

The disciples of the Chongyang Palace above and below the palace gate suddenly became nervous.

These days, they have seen the Dijiang clan and Yu Yixian fought many times, knowing his greatness, and when they saw him, they didn't consciously feel uneasy.

Yu Yixian's figure shook, and he was about to block.

"Senior Yixian, no need, juniors can take care of it."

A voice came over, clearly falling in everyone's ears.

For a while, everyone was shocked.

"What did he say, he actually wanted to deal with the Dijiang Clan, and he said he could cook?"

"I don't put other people in my eyes at all. I really don't know how high the earth is!"

"It's arrogant too, the Dijiang Clan, but even the idle layman of Jiuzhongtian can't help it."

Yu Yixian stopped and said slowly, "Little friend, be careful."

He just turned around and shook his head unconsciously, "Is it a young man, he is too angry, I don't know the depth, the realm of Nine Heavens and Eight Heavens is completely different, too much difference..."

"That guy is arrogant and disgusting."

Yu Yurou hurriedly followed, "Grandpa Grandpa, we don't care about him, let him ask for trouble."

"That won't work, I will pay attention at any time."

Yu Yixian shook his head, "It is understandable that the young man is arrogant, but we still have to protect him. He is a rare talent."

Yu Yurou could only be speechless.

Su Yi smiled slightly, "Senior, don't worry too much. Brother Zhou said it is okay, then it will be okay."

Yu Yixian showed a slight surprise, "Do you believe him so?"

Su Yi nodded seriously, "Yes, the younger generation thinks that Brother Zhou is omnipotent and much better than the younger generation."

Yu Yixian looked at Su Yi, then at Zhou Shu, and seemed to understand, "If he has your humility, it is more worthy of our immortal cultivation world to be happy, ha ha."

Su Yi smiled without saying a word.

"Huh, flashed past?"

"How to do it, it seems that the speed is about the same as the Dijiang Clan!"

"Where is the same, faster. Okay, the Dijiang Clan almost touched him, and when he flashed, the Dijiang Clan rushed to the air without seeing how he did it~www.mtlnovel. com~ Is there such a fast speed?"

"Some abilities."

Looking at Zhou Shu in the distance, the monks of the Chongyang Palace showed a lot of surprises.

Yu Yixian also watched very attentively. He suddenly felt that Zhou Shu could really block the Dijiang Clan? After all, the dodge was really fast to the extreme, and also to the peak. It can be seen that only by understanding the power of the law of space can it be done.

It's not easy to be able to use the power of law at this age, and he couldn't do it at the beginning.


The Dijiang Clan was already a little bit embarrassed when he missed a hit.

Zhou Shu looked at him with a smile, and said faintly, "Get back to your shape quickly, or you won't have a chance."

"you wanna die!"

With a roar of the Dijiang Clan, the six wings and four legs quickly stretched out, transforming into the appearance of Dijiang.

Zhou Shu nodded in satisfaction, "You have two hundred breaths to use this form, but unfortunately, you won't take that long this time."

"You... how do you know, **** it!"

The Dijiang Clan's figure was shocked, as if all his weaknesses had been seen through. There was a feeling that nothing could be hidden in front of Zhou Shu. It was shocked for a while, but it was even more angry. The human in front of him must die.

"What, two hundred breath time?"

Yu Yixian in the Chongyang Palace also shook his figure, and suddenly realized.

"It's no wonder that Dijiang Clan only fought with me for so long. It turns out that his state can only last for two hundred breaths! The old man should have thought that if he knew it, the Chongyang Palace would not have been surrounded for so long. Damn it, it's too closed. A lot has been lost for a long time, alas."

In addition to his resentment, he unconsciously gave birth to a lot of admiration and many doubts, "Zhou Shu, how could he know this?"

(Ps: Thank you nuli8888 for your continuous support, and thank you book friends who booked and subscribed to vote~~)

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