Fairy Winner

Chapter 1889: Cause and effect

Zhou Shu said slowly, "The younger generation understands these, and the younger generation is willing to compensate."

"make up?"

Yu Yixian smiled faintly, "Is there anything that can be compared with the immortal? If you get immortal, you may become an immortal body, or you may absorb the spiritual energy of the immortal world. Even a person with poor aptitude has a great possibility of becoming immortal. In the world, what can be compared with it?"

Zhou Shu nodded gently, "Maybe there are no spiritual objects, but the juniors have others."

"Nothing else."

Yu Yixian looked at Zhou Shu and said slowly, “I’m a little surprised. Since fellow Taoist met Xian Ye and learned so many things, why didn’t he **** that Xian Ye? With the Taoist’s cultivation base, this is not What's the problem, I don't think anything can stop you."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "The juniors didn't mean this."

"It's not that I didn't mean it, I can't do it, right?"

Yu Yixian smiled sarcastically, "Since Xianyi has become a monster race, they must agree to restore their original form. If they refuse, you can't take them, right? But, you have something else. The way..." He looked at Zhou Shu and said word by word, "You deliberately promised them to help them find their mothers to gain their trust, and then use their mothers to threaten them and force them to return to their original forms for you to become immortals. ,is not it?"

Aggressive momentum rushed toward his face.

Zhou Shu looked calm and shook his head, "The juniors have never thought of this, and there is no need to use them to promote immortals."

Yu Yixian snorted, "If you don't have one, then I have it?"

"I believe seniors did not."

Zhou Shu still shook his head, "Senior might have been looking for the whereabouts of Xianya if he thought this way, but as far as the younger generation knows, Senior has been living in seclusion in the Chongyang Palace, and he doesn't care about anything. If it wasn't for the Chongyang Palace in danger, He wouldn't come out at all, and..." He pointed to a woman not far away, and said slowly, "From her, you can see that the senior treated her very well, he has never tortured her, and he is very careful. Help her."

Yu Yixian said coldly, "A demon clan woman, how could I..."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "Senior, don’t excuse me. Her cultivation level is about to reach the big demon. A natural wood demon without any demon clan’s teachings can reach this level. It’s completely impossible, unless someone has been there. Teach her, and let her practice the demon clan tactics, don't you think, friend Zi Dao?"

The woman nodded unconsciously, "Senior treats me very well and teaches me many tricks."

The corner of Yu Yixian's mouth twitched, "That's just being okay, and I still want to get the whereabouts of Xianya from her, so I have to treat her a little bit better, just to win people's hearts."

"Senior cares about immortals, but they don't actually care too much."

Zhou Shu shook his head and said slowly, "When the younger generation spoke out, the senior was calm and calm. It was not deliberately pretended. The younger generation can see that the senior's mind does not fluctuate too much."

Yu Yixian's expression was slightly condensed, but he didn't argue again.

Zhou Shu slowly said, "Senior is an expert who is transparent about predestined condition and cause and effect. Since Ziyuli is born with spiritual wisdom and knows to escape, he has complied with predestined condition and cause and effect. The predecessor’s vision and insight is good."

"Ha ha."

Yu Yixian laughed unconsciously, "Let you boast to the sky, but the cause and effect are always there, it is impossible to avoid, the old man admits that in order to conform to the natural way of nature, the old man will not do anything to the magical creature that has become a monster. But this does not mean that the old do not want to get them."

He said solemnly, "The old man is unlikely to get news of Xianyi from you, but it is impossible if you want to take Xiaozi away. Yu's tens of thousands of years of hard work will never be wasted. If you want to take it away by force , Then do it."

"Junior understands."

Zhou Shu nodded gently, "If the younger generation took her away like this, it would be against reason. The younger generation would never do this until the senior agreed."

Yu Yixian said flatly, "I can't agree."

Zhou Shu said thoughtfully, "Isn't it possible for any conditions?"

Yu Yixian just shook his head, "Even if you are the emperor recognized by the Double Ninth Palace, there is nothing to discuss, let alone such a big cause and effect, I can't change it."


Zhou Shu nodded helplessly, walked a few steps towards Yu Yixian, and whispered a few words.

"What? What did you say?"

Yu Yixian's figure shook, and he was no longer calm, his eyes were bigger than Tongling, and he couldn't believe Zhou Shu's words.

Zhou Shu repeated it again, very sure.

Yu Yixian took a deep breath, "Are you sure you can do it, this is something Xuanyuan Emperor never did."

Zhou Shu shook his head, "It's not that the Emperor Xuanyuan can't do it, but the timing is wrong, I think...If the Emperor Xuanyuan is still in the Xuanhuang Realm today, this is the first thing he will do."

Yu Yixian said slowly, "Do you know that if you really take this step, you might become a sinner in the entire world of immortality?"

"I have already stepped out."

Zhou Shu calmly said, "Crimes and slander are all things spoken by posterity and have nothing to do with my generation. My generation only does what we should do. This thing is the most important thing to do now~www.ltnovel.com ~ Twenty thousand years, our world of cultivating immortals has been silent for too long, foreign races have invaded wildly, heaven has never seen eyes, the mysterious yellow world is gradually withering, and the sect family is constantly annihilated. It is already in great danger. We must not continue this way. It is hell. , I have to take a trip too, if I am not going, who will go?"

"I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell..."

Yu Yixian stared at Zhou Shu and sighed unconsciously, "You have this kind of consciousness, what can the old man say? In fact, what you said is really the best thing to do. If you can Achieving this is a great benefit to the world of cultivating immortals, even if it involves huge risks."

Zhou Shu smiled and said, "It's very big, but the risk is borne by the juniors and the Heyin school."

Yu Yixian shook his head slightly, and calmed down, "I can say such things, admire, the waves behind push the waves forward, the old man is really old, and I will never dare to make such a decision."

Zhou Shu said in a deep voice, "Chongyang Palace is such a foundation, it is indeed not worth the risk, seniors do not need to blame themselves."

Yu Yixian shook his head and sighed, "Oh, the older you are, the more useless you are."

Zhou Shu hurriedly said, "Where is the word, the senior is actually more wiser, changing someone else, will never say so much to the junior."

The woman not far away looked at them with a dazed expression.

She didn't know what the two of them were talking about, as if she didn't understand a single sentence, but there was a faint feeling that things might have turned for the better, and perhaps, after three hundred years of waiting, there will be a result.

Although she always felt that she would never see her daughter again.

Yu Yixian is very good to her, staying by her side and treating her as a disciple, teaching her tactics, but it is absolutely impossible for her to leave the cave.

(Ps: Thank you book friends 20171203143032046 for your continuous support, thank you book friends who have subscribed and voted for collection~)

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